The premiere of "The Whole City Alert", Guo Fucheng is not afraid of death and has no guard against love

Zhang Jingchu was "shown love" by Wu Jing at the scene, saying that the audience should laugh

        In "The Whole City Alert", Zhang Jingchu and Wu Jing play a couple. In the play, the two call each other "old man" and "old lady". However, at the previous movie viewing, every line between Wu Jing and Zhang Jingchu will cause laughter from the audience. When questioned, Zhang Jingchu responded that the love drama between the two is easy, and the laughing scene may also be appropriate. Although Wu Jing said that he had not seen the whole film, he praised Zhang Jingchu, "Her role in the play is the image of the perfect wife in my mind, which is very good." But in life, Wu Jing said that Zhang Jingchu’s schedule was too full, and he didn’t have time to interact too much, and he looked regretful.

        At the premiere, Wu Jing also specially prepared a gift for Zhang Jingchu, "There are mosquitoes in summer, I will give you mosquito repellent water to prevent heatstroke, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, if you are thirsty, drink mineral water!" The packaging of these three kinds of water also had the words "I Love You" written on it, so "thoughtful" made Zhang Jingchu very embarrassed, and also gave him the dipping water he prepared. Wu Jing, who received the gift, was overjoyed, "I saw it, and this package also has’ILove You ‘on it, which makes my heart flutter." Saying that, Wu Jing also made a knee kneel, but was helpless to be interrupted. When interviewed by the media, Zhang Jingchu also "complained" about Wu Jing, "Why didn’t you kneel down just now, then I would really marry you!" Wu Jing asked in disbelief: "Really?" Zhang Jingchu refused to answer clearly.

The nine-chapter Yunji DataCanvas AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system was officially released, opening a new era of AI intelligent computing

  Zhonghong Network, April 19  On April 18, 2024, the new product launch conference of Nine Chapters Yunji DataCanvas intelligent computing operating system was grandly held in Beijing, and the new product DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system (hereinafter referred to as "AIDC OS") was officially announced. AIDC OS is based on excellent AI technical strength and AI basic software, with the innovative purpose of redefining and breaking through tradition, and with industry leadership and standard setting as the value starting point, it has become a new practical milestone for Nine Chapters Yunji DataCanvas on the strategic journey of "algorithm + computing power" integrated AI services.

  The theme of this conference is "DATACANVAS AIDC OS @FUTURE", focusing on the "nerve center" of the intelligent computing center – the intelligent computing operating system, in-depth discussion of a series of core topics in the intelligent computing industry, such as intelligent computing power, intelligent computing network, intelligent computing center solutions, and high-quality development of intelligent computing centers. Experts, domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and scholars from the political, industrial and academic circles output international forward-looking insights at this conference, and create new potential for the intelligent computing industry to accelerate global development.

  Refactoring computing, AIDC OS defines a new computing infrastructure

  At the press conference, Fang Lei, chairperson of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, deeply analyzed the new direction and new opportunities of the computing world under the influence of the big model, revealed the importance and complexity of the current underlying computing revolution, and looked forward to the mutual influence and innovation space of the co-evolution of software and hardware. He pointed out that the era of software-defined computing power is coming, and the AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system will play a key role in this transformation.

  "The underlying computing revolution brought by the big model has officially arrived, and the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system will be the core driver to lead the industrial restructuring under this revolution," said Fang Lei, chairperson of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas.

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  Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Chairperson Fang Lei

  At present, a new round of low-level computing revolution is triggered by the rise of the big model. Low-level computing has always been the result of the collaboration between software and hardware, and the close cooperation between software and hardware is particularly important, each ushering in new opportunities and challenges.

  Looking back at the evolution of the computing world, a common objective law is obvious: hardware has always evolved to meet the final computing needs, while software uses the form of an operating system as a bridge to seamlessly connect hardware and applications. In this revolution, with the continuous development of hardware technology and the intensification of the homogenization trend, the innovation space of software has become increasingly broad, and its role in the revolution has become increasingly important.

  In this context, the AIFS artificial intelligence basic software has given birth to huge development opportunities. The DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system, which is based on the AIFS artificial intelligence basic software, is leading the innovation of computing power infrastructure with its unique functions and positioning.

  Unlike traditional resource management drivers that serve hardware, AIDC OS is driven by AI usage capabilities. It not only focuses on the effective management and utilization of hardware resources, but also focuses on how to better meet the core computing power needs of end users: through intelligent scheduling and optimized configuration, AIDC OS will provide users with available, easy-to-use and economical computing power.

  Therefore, AIDC OS is not only a bridge between software and hardware, but also a key force in defining computing power infrastructure in the new computing world. Its appearance will promote a leap in computing power and provide a solid support for the wide application of AI technology and large models.

  Five core values, AIDC OS helps the smart computing industry take off

  Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Co-founder and CTO Shang Mingdong officially released the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system. He introduced that the AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system is in the middle of the intelligent computing center industry ecosystem, establishing an efficient link between the underlying hardware chip and the upper large model.

  AIDC OS can coordinate large-scale GPU computing power downward to ensure that hardware resources are effectively utilized and efficiently managed; in addition, we provide a complete large-scale model toolchain upward, providing a convenient and efficient development environment for large-scale model training and inference and large-scale model applications to meet the needs of complex AI tasks.

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  Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Founder and CTO Shang Mingdong

  Directly attacking the difficulties in the management of heterogeneous computing power resources, insufficient computing power scheduling capabilities and low utilization rates, insufficient AI acceleration and optimization capabilities, and high-threshold industries for AI large-scale model training and fine-tuning, AIDC OS built five value bases in the early stage of design: farewell to "bare metal", born for AI, global acceleration and optimization, heterogeneous computing power management and scheduling, and 1 degree of computing power, and designed product functions based on this. At the press conference, Mr. Shang Mingdong started from the core value and detailed the highlights and performance advantages of AIDC OS.

  Based on the five core values, DATACANVAS AIDC OS will provide the computing power center with an efficient computing power operating system, more valuable computing power services, and more, more convenient, and more efficient computing services, and will play an increasingly important role in the computing ecosystem with the computing center as the carrier.

  Focusing on the frontier, going to AI intelligent computing green waters and green mountains

  During the press conference, Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company signed four strategic cooperation agreements with core ecological partners at home and abroad, including Xinhua Publishing House, Shuguang Information Industry joint stock company, Huangshan Tourism Development joint stock company and Singapore technology company Krakatoa Tech. The cooperation covers empowering intelligent computing economy, vertical large-scale model construction, artificial intelligence industry basic services, intelligent computing center ecological construction, and artificial intelligence basic software ecological construction. The advantageous business scale of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, including vertical large-scale models and intelligent computing centers, will be further consolidated and expanded.

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  Nine chapters Yunji DataCanvas Company and Xinhua Publishing House, Shuguang Information Industry joint stock company, Huangshan Tourism Development joint stock company and Krakatoa Tech and other core ecological partners at home and abroad officially signed four strategic cooperation agreements

  Kuang Lecheng, chairman of Xinhua Publishing House Co., Ltd., Guan Hongming, senior vice president of Shuguang Information Industry joint stock company, Tang Shinan, party committee member and senior vice president of Huangshan Tourism Development joint stock company, Jumeidi Alexander, co-founder of Krakatoa Tech and CDO, and Fang Lei, chairman of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, attended the signing ceremony on behalf of all companies.

  During the same period of the conference, partner companies from the upstream and downstream of the intelligent computing industry will focus on the future development of the intelligent computing operating system and the intelligent computing industry, output the most cutting-edge innovation practices in their respective fields, and further accelerate the integration and innovation of the intelligent computing ecosystem.

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  Sun Shaoling, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Group Cloud Capability Center

  Pointing directly at the urgent need for intelligent computing power, Sun Shaoling, deputy general manager of China Mobile Group’s Cloud Competence Center, pointed out in the keynote speech "AI + Cloud Integration, Helping High-Quality Development of Computing Power", "At present, the rapid development of AI native applications has given birth to the model innovation of AI infrastructure and service platform, and the integration of cloud + AI has become the future development direction unanimously recognized by the industry. In this change, Mobile Cloud actively builds a new generation of intelligent computing cloud operating system for intelligent computing business. By integrating large-scale and diverse intelligent computing power resources, it creates an intelligent computing network scheduling system, provides more comprehensive and efficient AI native platform service support, accelerates the rise of new quality productivity, and jointly builds a new AI ecosystem to help the transformation of AI + in thousands of industries."

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  Ming Libo, Assistant to the President of Shuguang Zhishou Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  Ming Libo, assistant to the president of Shuguang Intelligent Computing Information Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on "From Hashrate to Hashrate Grid Connection", which deeply analyzed the development trend of computing power from the three aspects of chips, applications, and computing networks. He pointed out that the status of computing power as the core productivity will not change, and the future new era of computing power networks and inclusive and efficient computing power grid integration will effectively alleviate computing power anxiety and accelerate the amplification of computing power value. Facing the future, six major fields such as computing power demand, large models, computing power applications, computing power services, computing power integration, and computing power integration are still full of opportunities and development space.

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  Xiao Chunxi, Vice President of H3C Group and General Manager of Marketing Technology Department

  Xiao Chunxi, vice president of H3C Group and general manager of the Marketing Technology Department, mentioned in "Building a Solid Foundation and Exploring the Future, H3C’s Understanding and Practice of AI Intelligent Computing Industry" that "computing power is national strength, and intelligence is the future". Artificial intelligence technology and intelligent computing centers have become the key direction of national strategy. Intelligent computing power, as the cornerstone of the AIGC industry, is growing exponentially and has also become a new type of infrastructure for cities. As a leader in digital solutions, H3C has built intelligent computing centers with governments at all levels with the innovative model of "Turing Town" to empower industrial incubation. H3C will join hands with partners to give full play to the capabilities and advantages of both parties, and jointly support the construction of intelligent computing centers for governments and enterprises at all levels to empower intelligent business transformation.

  Zhou Xiaoling, Vice President of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, hosted a roundtable forum entitled "In the era of computing power economy, talk about the catalyst for the high-quality development of intelligent computing centers". Li Shihua, Governor of Huashan District, Ma’anshan City, Anhui Province, Guang Xiaoming, Deputy General Manager of Tianyi Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., Ari Sondang, General Manager of Telkomsel Network Department of Indonesian telecom operator, and Lu Yao, Assistant Professor of National University of Singapore, participated in the dialogue and contributed unique insights for the future development of the international intelligent computing industry.

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  Zhou Xiaoling, Vice President of Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas Company, chaired the roundtable forum

  As an AIFS artificial intelligence basic software provider, Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas will continue to play the technical advantages of AI basic software and seize the opportunity window of the intelligent computing era. The official release of the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system marks the company’s comprehensive upgrade in integrated AI services, and the new era of AI intelligent computing has officially opened.

Geely Galaxy E8 fired the first shot of the new energy vehicle "Galaxy Era"

  China Economic News Network (Liu Chenxi)On January 5, "China’s new generation of pure electric flagship" Galaxy E8 was officially launched and delivered simultaneously. The new car launched a total of 5 versions, priced from 175,800 yuan to 228,800 yuan. At the same time, Geely Galaxy E8 also launched a series of limited-time car purchase rights, covering the full dimension of car booking, car purchase and car use.

  At the same time, Geely also showcased innovative technologies and products in intelligent driving, Xingrui model, complementary ecology and the future of Geely Galaxy. In the next two years, Geely Galaxy will launch a number of new products, and the "Galaxy Era" of China’s new energy vehicles will officially arrive.

  The Galaxy E8 adopts the "Ripple Aesthetics" design and pioneers the "Ripple of Light" rhythmic grille, creating the world’s first mass-produced integrated luminous front face, showing the Chinese charm. Six body colors, all inspired by the "Ten Scenes of West Lake".

  In terms of interior design, suspended audio, fragrance, and ambient lights are integrated on the dashboard, just like the three pools of Yinyue in the "Ten Views of West Lake".

  SEAArchitecture fully empowers high-performance driving

  The SEA pure electric architecture allows the Galaxy E8 to accurately achieve a golden axle-to-load ratio of 50:50, resulting in more balanced and stable motion performance.

  At the same time, the SEA architecture’s excellent suspension steering design, with a maximum steering angle of 41.28 °, also allows the minimum turning radius of a 5-meter sedan to be 5.62 meters, which is comparable to a luxury car equipped with "rear wheel steering" technology.

  The Galaxy E8 uses the black technology of "heartbeat fitting technology" to achieve a vertical frequency of nearly 1.25hz on the undulating road that matches the human heartbeat and breathing, so as to achieve "the same frequency of people and vehicles" and drive without motion sickness. At the same time, it also comes standard with a GCS comfort braking system, which can suppress 76.3% of the brake nod and body pitch, effectively eliminating the vertigo caused by pure electric vehicles when braking.

  In order to meet the needs of different users, based on the excellent scalability of the SEA architecture, the Galaxy E8 has two models: 400V and 800V. The Galaxy E8 four-wheel drive performance version is the first 800V four-wheel drive pure electric car in the mainstream market. It adopts high-performance silicon carbide electric drive, dual motor power 475kW, zero-hundred acceleration only takes 3.49 seconds, and the mainstream car accelerates first. At the same time, this version also has 800V fast flash charging, which can last 180km in 5 minutes.

  Geely Galaxy’s exclusive "Aegis Battery Safety System" has created a complete set of four-layer "no blind spot" safety protection systems from battery to architecture, vehicle, intelligent control, and cloud.

  Galaxy Unbounded Smart CockpitAchieve true "intelligent interconnection"

  The Galaxy E8 has made all-round iterations from hardware, software to intelligent interconnection, creating a new generation of "Galaxy Unbounded Smart Cockpit".

  In terms of hardware, Geely joined hands with BOE to create the world’s first 45-inch 8K unbounded smart screen for the Galaxy E8. The world’s widest is 1.13 meters, the world’s thinnest is less than 10 mm, the world’s screen share is up to 98%, and the world’s highest resolution is 8K retina level. At the same time, the reflectivity is only 1.5%, the glare rate is only 4.5%, and with adaptive brightness adjustment, it will not be dazzling at night.

  Matching the large screen is the most powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, which uses a more advanced 5N · m process, which increases the computing power by 8 times compared with the 8155 chip. The Galaxy E8 is also equipped with an interesting soul – the Galaxy NOS Unbounded Edition car machine system, and is equipped with two super brains: Flyme Link mobile phone domain + Meizu mobile phone "super mobile phone brain", and the "super cloud brain" empowered by Geely Star Smart Computing Center.

  Galaxy E8 is a pure electric model empowered by smart technologies such as mobile phones, drones, and satellite Internet. It is also the first model in the world to support Flyme Link, and has launched a customized version of Meizu 21 Geely Galaxy. With just three fingers and one swipe, the mobile phone can be connected to the car without feeling. WeChat, navigation and other applications, as well as functions such as swiping Douyin, browsing Weibo, and playing games, can seamlessly flow with the car. Galaxy E8 is also equipped with an exclusive "escort drone", which can automatically accompany the flight with a throw of the hand, and the screen will be shared on the large screen in real time.

  At the same time, the Galaxy E8 is also a car that can "communicate with satellites". The satellite Internet unique to Geely’s global technology ecosystem will provide two-way satellite communication for the Galaxy E8. Even in the absence of mobile phone signals, information can be sent and received through satellites, so that safety will never be lost. In early February this year, the "Geely Future Travel Constellation" will launch 11 satellites in the second orbit.

  Only when the intelligent Internet is open enough can it satisfy users’ better experience and allow more mainstream users to enter the era of "Internet of Everything". On the Internet of Everything, Geely will also cooperate with excellent brands and products in various fields. On the Handheld Internet, Geely has opened up the ecology of all Android mobile phones; on the Smart Home Internet, it has opened up smart devices such as, Xiaodu, and Haier.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  On August 18th, Jinan Hi-tech wanda plaza was full of people. On this cool summer day, the launch conference of BYD Hanbei region Jinan stood here as scheduled. As the flagship model of BYD Dynasty series, Hanhan attracted attention from all walks of life at the beginning of its listing. This event is the first listing conference of Han in Shandong, and well-known local media have come to participate.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  This activity combines exquisite national tide culture and modern black technology from four different angles: people, cars, art and life, and successfully brings BYD Han to consumers.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  On the day of the press conference, Han’s appearance also caused many customers to stop and watch. The event was crowded with people to witness Han’s grand debut! A Guofeng dessert area and a bartending area were also set up at the event site, allowing guests to experience the beauty created by ingenuity.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Han can win thousands of eyes, which is inseparable from its bright appearance and intensive black technology. Han is a product of BYD Auto for ten years, a gift from BYD to the new energy vehicle market, and a shocking work from China Auto to the world. The birth of Han represents the beginning of the era of powerful China cars!

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Models wearing new Chinese costumes brought an elegant catwalk to everyone at the scene, attracting many customers to stop and enjoy. In front of the shining Han, countless people expressed their admiration, feeling the growing strength and vigorous development of domestic independent brand cars, and lamented the high-grade masterpieces presented by BYD brand in the process of exploring the integration of eastern and western design.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  In the product explanation session, many highlights of Han as BYD’s flagship model were displayed from four aspects: safety benchmark, luxury benchmark, performance benchmark and technology benchmark.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  This time, Han released three pure electric vehicle models Han EV and two dual-mode plug-in hybrid models Han DM. Among them, the price of the luxury version of Han EV is 229,800 yuan, the price of the distinguished version of Han EV is 255,800 yuan, and the price of the flagship version of Han EV four-wheel drive is 279,500 yuan. Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the premium price of 239,800 yuan, Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the luxury price of 219,800 yuan. It fully demonstrated BYD’s full sincerity.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  With the core selling points of black technology such as Longyan design language, ultra-safe blade battery and intelligent network connection system, Han attracted the attention of many car owners once it went public. On the day of the event, BYD presented exclusive delivery gifts to the first customer representatives. The grand delivery ceremony fully reflected BYD Auto’s care and attention to customers.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Han is a strength, and Han is an attitude. After the stage came to an end, on-site customers came to the car show to experience the charm of Han at close range!

  In today’s lively and extraordinary scene, it is inseparable from Han’s own strong product strength.

  Based on the development concept of "comprehensive, balanced and leading, life cycle safety", the new car has created 12 best products in the world and 9 best products in China, setting a benchmark for the safety, performance and luxury of new energy vehicles.

  Safety benchmark, as the world’s first car equipped with blade batteries, Han EV redefines the safety standard for new energy vehicles. The power battery carried by Han DM adopts a "seven-dimensional and four-layer" high-temperature stability and safety matrix, which has the safest battery safety protection system in the world.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Performance benchmark, as the world’s first car equipped with high-performance and high-integrated silicon carbide MOSFET motor control module, Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version of the flagship model takes only 3.9 seconds to accelerate, making it the fastest mass-produced new energy car in China. Han DM is equipped with super-performance DM-p technology, which is BYD’s dual-engine four-wheel drive DM model with the strongest acceleration performance. The fastest acceleration time is only 4.7 seconds. At the same time, it also achieved the best result of China Elk test for medium and large-sized cars with the shortest braking distance of 100 kilometers and 80 kilometers/hour of 32.8 meters for new energy cars of the same class in the world.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  As a luxury benchmark, Han’s overall design language is based on DragonFace, and its appearance is designed with double dragons and performance aesthetics. Dragon Face’s fierce front face, dragon flowing sideways into the sea, and penetrating dragon claw taillights are designed to highlight the luxury temperament of medium and large cars. The interior design takes luxury as the bone, tradition as the rhyme, and the symmetrical zigzag layout creates a harmonious and generous Chinese luxury connotation. It adopts the S-class embracing luxury intelligent flagship flight cabin design, showing the beauty of luxury.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  The listing of Han will inherit the accumulation of BYD dynasty family, break the old pattern of medium and large luxury cars and accelerate the pace of replacing fuel vehicles. Han, as a game-breaker, leads the Chinese luxury style and refreshes the pattern of China cars in the world. On the road of "a powerful China car is heading for the new", BYD has laid a new height and created a new pattern for China’s intellectual creation through continuous technological innovation.