Dcar released the latest list of new energy vehicle weekly sales: Q Jie M7 is a stone’s throw away from the ideal L8

Recently, the one-stop car information, trading and service platform Dcar released the latest weekly sales list of China’s new energy market (10.16-10.22). The data shows that the much-watched Wenjie M7 sold a total of 2,461 units last week, only 12 units short of the weekly sales of the ideal L8, which makes the new car-making force "First Brother" feel pressure. However, the ideal under pressure did not drop the chain. Last week’s sales were still "far ahead", reaching a weekly sales volume of 9,100 units, which is exactly the sum of Xiaopeng and NIO. There is little suspense that the sales volume in October broke 40,000.

On September 12, the new Wenjie M7 jointly launched by Huawei and Sailis was officially released. After the car was launched, it set a record of "50,000 units in 25 days and 7,000 units in a single day". The weekly sales data of new energy vehicles released by Dcar also confirmed the popularity of this model. The data shows that the sales of Wenjie M7 reached 2,461 units last week, and the gap between the ideal L8, which is the main model of the large SUV market in the 250,000 yuan to 350,000 yuan, is only 12 units. With the current popularity of Wenjie M7, next week’s sales will exceed the ideal L8 or be a high probability event.

The explosion of the new Wenjie M7 has brought some pressure to the ideal. An ideal salesperson said that "many consumers will compare us with the Wenjie". However, as the "first brother" of the current new car-making force, the ideal sales are still "far ahead". Sales data from Dcar shows that last week’s ideal weekly sales were 9,100 units, which is exactly the sum of Xiaopeng and NIO’s weekly sales. In terms of models, last week’s ideal L7 sales were 3,400 units, L9 3,200 units, and L8 2,500 units, all ranking among the top ten weekly sales of new energy SUVs.

It is understood that Li Auto delivered a total of 36,000 vehicles in September. On the evening of October 8, Li Xiang, the founder of Li Auto, said on Weibo that the company will break through the monthly delivery volume of 40,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter. Judging from the performance of the first three weeks of October, the ideal October sales broke 40,000 basic board DingTalk.

In addition, from last week’s brand sales list of new energy vehicles, Xiaopeng replaced Geely and entered the top ten. At the same time, Xiaopeng G6 also ranked among the top ten weekly sales of new energy SUVs by relying on smart driving attributes, showing a good recovery momentum.

It is worth mentioning that from the data released by Dcar, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in our country has reached 41.55% last week, and the month-on-month (39.16%) continues to increase. In terms of months, the domestic retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles in September was 36.9%.

Upstream news, Ma Liang

Zhang Ziyi scolded him angrily. Wu Jing Hu Ge was furious on the spot. Why did "shooting on behalf of" black products continue to be banned?

Author | Sandy

"Do not advocate, do not advocate, do not encourage."

On August 30, Ni Ni’s studio used "three nos" when explaining the incident of "being hit by a substitute". This also represents the attitude of most stars that "substitute" is inconvenient but helpless.

Afterwards, Zhang Ziyi sent a Weibo to angrily denounce the surrogate auction, and "surrogate auction" was once again on the hot search. Many celebrities who had suffered from surrogate auction also expressed their disgust with the act of surrogate auction.

"Daipai" is a person who makes money by selling celebrity photos to fans or by rubbing celebrity traffic. It is a complete black product derived from the fan economy.


Nowadays, professional "surrogate photography" was becoming more and more arrogant. Long guns and short cannons surrounded the stars to shoot randomly, and some even wanted to put the camera on the stars’ faces, which caused great trouble to the stars. Moreover, surrogate photography venues were no longer limited to airports, but also large red carpets, film festivals, concerts, hotels, program recording sites, and other places where celebrities frequented.

Celebrities are annoying, but "shooting on behalf of" is unscrupulous

Unlike fans, when taking photos, they often don’t care whether the star cares, whether the public order allows it, whether it will affect passers-by, etc., but only press the shutter frantically towards the star’s face.

In addition to Ni Ni, there are many more celebrities who are deeply troubled by airport photography.

From October to December 2019, Xiao Zhan’s boarding was blocked many times due to the interference of "shooting on behalf of", and even caused flight delays. Xiao Zhan Studio stated its position, "does not support or advocate any form of pick-up and drop-off behavior". Xiao Zhan Global Support Association also responded positively, but the number of people "surrounding" Xiao Zhan at the airport has not decreased.

In December last year, Wu Jing was surrounded by many photographers and broadcasters at the airport. Because these people almost hit the child, he scolded in person: "Look at the child there, see? You are really not good, what should you do if you hit the child!"


Hu Ge also scolded the filming at the airport due to the same situation, "Say it again, don’t shoot, shoot again!"


Zheng Shuang was frantically chased by the surrogate, Angelababy fans were slapped on behalf of others, and Wang Chenyi’s Weibo reprimanded the surrogate "not because you want to take pictures, the whole world has to make way for you". Hu Yanbin also said, "Don’t do any surrogate photography, if you really like it, come by yourself."

According to CCTV coverage, only the T3 terminal of the Capital Airport, there were 20 recorded fan police reports in 2017, and the number of fans was more than 50; from January to July 2018, there were 7 recorded fan police reports, and on April 20 this year, because more than a dozen stars passed through Shanghai, the glass of Hongqiao Airport was crushed by fans.

The fan economy has spawned too many new professions. Like illegitimate people, professional auction also has a relatively complete set of workflows and industrial chains.


Search for "shooting on behalf of" on Weibo, Taobao and other platforms, and you can find many people who provide such services, indicate the resident area, note the lens model, and the price can also be negotiated.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, airport photographers usually pass through security by purchasing air tickets, take photos, and then refund the tickets before leaving the airport. The pictures obtained by shooting will be priced at tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan according to the star’s coffee position and the quality of the pictures. The price of pictures with clear pictures and good content will naturally be higher.

The purpose of shooting on behalf of the buyer is also different. Some are "on the way" to shoot on behalf of the buyer, while others make money by selling photos to fans, picture websites, etc.


Where is the legal boundary of "surrogate auction"?

Wang, a lawyer at the National Consulting Law Firm, told Maoyingtv: "If a covered bridge is blocked for taking photos, airport management personnel should take measures to stop the photo-taking, eliminate the nuisance and maintain normal public order. If you do not obey or do this repeatedly, you are suspected of disturbing public order and violating the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Punishments for Public Security, which can be handed over to the public security organs. If the airport strengthens management of this behavior, flight delays can be avoided."


Without buying and selling, there is no surrogate auction. Surrogate auction itself is a natural market behavior. If it is not for the frequent hot searches that disrupt public order, it is difficult to say that it is illegal, because whether it is illegal requires the parties to protect their rights and collect evidence. Therefore, the core of curbing surrogate auction is the star himself.


In this regard, lawyer Wang of Guozi Law Firm replied: "If a star clearly refuses to shoot, but is still photographed and profits are made, the photographer may be involved in infringing the star’s portrait rights, reputation rights, etc. The star can sue for compensation or ask for a reasonable profit share."


An employee at a celebrity’s studio told maoyingtv: "Stars basically don’t sue for filming on their behalf, because the cost of rights protection is too high. Some people mind but no one is so serious."


As a public figure, you shoot me but I’m a scissor hand, which means I don’t mind you taking pictures. If you sell my beautiful photos for money, I don’t care if I’m in a good mood, but let me know that the price is too high, I may be jealous and ask you for money. Once you pick a photo of me that is particularly ugly and make a profit, it makes me very uncomfortable for others to joke, and I may sue you for infringing my portrait rights, reputation rights, etc., and you have to compensate me for the money you make from selling photos.


On the one hand, the cost of rights protection is high, and on the other hand, it is difficult to get ahead with guns, "Yama is good to see little ghosts and difficult to deal with." So we see that celebrities basically choose to issue Weibo condemnation or berate the surrogate when the shooting happens, and no one uses legal weapons to protect themselves, and the relevant departments will naturally not file a case.

Celebrities under the black production

Some people berate, some acquiesce, some cooperate


The prosperity of surrogate photography may be related to the ecosystem of the fan circle that has been formed for a long time. Except for a few official occasions, the number of times that celebrities and fans meet is not very large. If a star enters the group to shoot, the cycle of fans missing will be longer. Therefore, the front-line pictures released from time to time are very much needed in the fan circle.


The airport is an active front for the "station sisters" and "station brothers". They carry professional cameras, record the figure of Idol, and post refined pictures on social media to attract fans and support Idol.


The station sisters can’t guarantee all the airport shooting of Aidou, and the new profession of surrogate photography was born under this situation. The station sisters have materials to support the operation of the station, and the surrogate photographer can also get paid, "the supply and demand relationship is stable".


For celebrities, the airport is also a good place to "do business". The number of airport pickups is a direct reflection of a star’s popularity. When popular stars are struggling with fans to pick up the plane, there are also some stars who are not very popular who ask "professional fans" to pick up the plane, creating a false prosperity scene.


In addition, celebrity endorsement products need to be exposed, whether it is Yang Mi, the queen of airport delivery, or Ouyang Nana, the walking "Converse girl", airport delivery is also a reflection of star popularity in commercial value.


A senior Weibo entertainment company who did not want to be named toldCat Shadow Entertainment (ID: maoyingtv): "It is true that surrogate photography in public places does more harm than good. Some celebrities choose to speak out, and some choose to be silent and low-key, but there is also a trend that celebrities and surrogate photography cooperate with each other and get what they need. Some celebrity agents or assistants have the contact information of surrogate photography or are familiar with them, and they will also use these surrogate photography for other exposure purposes. For example: communicate with the surrogate in advance to find points, remind the star of the position, dress and posture, and ensure the beauty of the photo. It is definitely not as simple as imagined."

Sometimes, the staff around the star also need to have a good relationship with the photographer, so that the photos can be selected and then circulated, and the star can get positive publicity or sell goods for their respective brands. "Ugly photos" that are not related may be sold to illegitimate fans or even black fans for profit.

A new means of short video drainage and monetization?

What is unexpected is that the generation of celebrities has spread from the rice circle and become a means for some short video users to attract and monetize.

"Finance and Economics World Weekly" mentioned that in an article titled "Ten Thousands of Big Coffee Teach You How to Drainage and Monetization", the author said that the best way is to shoot on behalf of celebrities, one is low cost and high attention; the second is that celebrities are public figures, and they generally have hats and glasses when traveling, which reduces the probability of infringement; the third is that the video is original, easy to be recommended and popular.


The station sisters want to convey more timely and fresh materials, the stars need to operate normally, and the ordinary people want to drain and cash out, etc. These are the reasons why the airport shooting still thrives despite the ban of popular stars, studios, and fan official support associations.


Although as early as July 2018, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Fan Pick-up and Drop-off Phenomenon", it mentioned that phenomena such as "fan follow-up" and "fan pick-up and drop-off causing flight delays" should affect normal work and public security order, and strengthen management.


Regarding public order, some relevant departments can solve it by increasing the security of public places, but as long as the interests are still there, the problem of shooting chaos will not be eradicated. For bad shooting behavior, I hope that the injured stars can take the initiative to stand up and use legal means to protect their rights.



On May Day, the video of A Xin’s live jumping subject III was shocked and exposed, showing his love and passion for music.

Original title: On May Day, the video of A Xin’s live jumping subject III was shocked and exposed, showing his love and passion for music.

Hey, friends, have you paid attention to the New Year’s concert on May Day recently? At the "Back to that Day" concert in Taichung, lead singer A Xin performed a stunning video of dance subject III, which was really shocking! The difficulty coefficient of this dance is very high, which is beyond the control of ordinary dancers. When A Xin dances this dance, we can really feel his love for music and passionate attitude. His dance steps are smooth and natural, and every movement is full of strength and rhythm, which makes people excited. This performance once again proves Mayday’s strength and good stage charm. Let’s look forward to their wonderful performance in the future!

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Editor in charge:

Lonely Wuhan’s self-admiration: the national people’s smell of "Wu" turns pale vs Wuhan’s 40,000 family dinners.

On the morning of January 21st, according to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the National Health and Wellness Commission decided to include pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus in the Class B management of legal infectious diseases and take preventive and control measures for Class A infectious diseases. People’s governments at all levels, health administrative departments, other government departments and medical and health institutions can take a series of prevention and control measures according to law, such as patient isolation treatment and close contact isolation medical observation, to jointly prevent and control the spread of pneumonia infected in novel coronavirus.

This means that the prevention and control of novel coronavirus has entered the highest level.

As of 7: 30 on the 21st, 219 cases of novel coronavirus have been confirmed in China (198 cases in Wuhan, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong and 2 cases in Shanghai). Thailand, Japan and South Korea have also found one confirmed case of novel coronavirus’s pneumonia.

Except for Wuhan, the first confirmed patient found in other areas all had "Wuhan experience".

To be sure, Wuhan is the pathogen of pneumonia in novel coronavirus.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high-level expert group in National Health Commission, said in an interview with CCTV that "the pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus is definitely from person to person". When talking about how to prevent it, Zhong Nanshan said: "The key points are prevention. It is very important not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances."


▲ Academician Zhong Nanshan was interviewed by CCTV.

Ceng Guang, a member of National Health Commission’s high-level expert group, also made the same suggestion. In an interview with a CCTV reporter, he said: "We hope that … we can not go to Wuhan now, and Wuhan people can not come out. This is our contribution. This is not an official call, it is the suggestion of our expert group. "

The eyes of the whole world are focused on Wuhan, paying attention to the epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan. In the circle of friends, it has reached the point where the smell of "Wu" has changed color.


But in the early days of the epidemic, Wuhan people themselves did not realize the seriousness of the epidemic.

Li Gang, director and chief physician of Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with the media that, combined with the clinical manifestations of known patients, the medical observation reports of close contacts, and the results of previous epidemiological investigations, "the current comprehensive judgment is that the epidemic situation is not contagious in novel coronavirus, and the possibility of limited human-to-human transmission is not ruled out, but the risk of continuous human-to-human transmission is low."

Perhaps it is such optimistic remarks that have influenced the judgment of Wuhan people. The people of Wuhan should eat and drink, and buy new year’s dinner as usual. Novel coronavirus, as if it didn’t affect the mood of Chinese New Year.


The Wuhan community is still organizing large-scale dinner activities involving 40,000 families.

Wuhan Cultural Tourism Commission is still distributing 200,000 free scenic spot travel vouchers.


It can only be said that the people of Wuhan are really big-hearted!

As Academician Zhong Nanshan said, the virus is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is that you don’t take precautions against the virus at all, and you are proud of your attitude of not taking precautions.


However, with the severity of the epidemic situation and the popularization of relevant knowledge in novel coronavirus, we can see that people’s awareness of disease prevention is increasing, and the prevention and control measures of relevant departments are also improving.

On January 20th, Wuhan established the novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters to lead and direct the city’s epidemic prevention and control work. The list of 61 fever clinic medical institutions and 9 designated medical institutions was published; The activities of benefiting the people through tourism originally planned for the Spring Festival have also been postponed.


On the afternoon of January 21st, Wuhan upgraded its disease control measures again. The reporter learned from the Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Commission that in order to resolutely curb the spread of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection, Wuhan has strengthened control over people entering and leaving Wuhan.

The Wuhan tourism team does not go out in groups, and the public security traffic control department conducts spot checks on private vehicles entering and leaving Wuhan to check whether the trunk carries live birds and wild animals. Strengthen the temperature detection of passengers leaving Han; Register passengers with fever, distribute brochures and masks, go through the formalities of refund or change of visa free of charge, guide referral to medical institutions in the jurisdiction, and make registration reports.



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