Exclusive interview with Shu Qi: drinking, acting, drinking, crazy, breaking up and not eating back grass

Introduction:Dressed in a meat pink dress that day, she jumped into the interview room and saw that the author was moving the chair, and the person wearing big high heels rushed over to help move it together in person, without the slightest bit of celebrity air. Then Shu Qi accepted an exclusive interview with [Movie Network], she often danced, just like a little girl who had not grown up. (Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Yang Yaru)

Exclusive interview with Liu Weiqiang: I want to move the audience and convey a spirit

Shu Qi drinks real wine and acts "Drunk Crazy" Hysteria, heart attack  

    In the movie, Shu Qi plays a Hong Kong girl who has a difficult fate and goes north to search for gold. She has changed her previous reserved and restrained performance mode to become a hysterical and yelling crazy woman. Shu Qi said that in order to perform realistically and naturally, she often drinks real wine and goes "crazy". This "crazy" performance style was once too much for her, and Shu Qi frowned and said that she almost had a heart attack because of it.

    Movie Network: Did you cooperate with the director again this time because he was moved by the script?

    Shu Qi:To be honest, I wasn’t moved by the script at the time, but when the director told me the story, I was moved. Because when I was in Liu Weiqiang’s movies, he came to me and told me stories, and then I was okay.

    Movie Network: In the past, we saw that Shu Qi’s performances were relatively subtle. This time, he often yelled hysterically. Why did he make such a change?

    Shu Qi:Liu Weiqiang asked for it (laughs)! Because he wants to achieve that outgoing mood, (my character) is also a Hong Kong woman. Hong Kong girls are relatively tough and strong, and they will not ask others for anything. They can arrange everything by themselves. But when she is drunk, she will lose her mind, so the whole person will "bang" vent, so she cries and makes trouble, and everything she does is to vent for her usual life.

    Movie Network: It is said that you often drank alcohol while filming this drama. Is it because you can’t rely solely on acting to achieve the effect?

    Shu Qi:No. Because drinkers have a drunken state, they have a drunken form, which is different from when we are sober. Like when I wear high heels when I am sober, I will be very careful and try not to limp myself, but when I am drunk, I don’t know when I am limp. If I act when I am sober, I will know that I have to limp when I walk here. This is not real, so I will drink two glasses. Then all your body and emotions are combined to make a real drunk woman crazy.

     Movie Network: How does it feel to film hysterically?

    Shu Qi:Tired, really tired. I feel that being angry is a very tiring thing in itself. I had a scene where my face was red and my neck was thick. The radio said that he could hear my heartbeat. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack at that time.

    Movie Network: The characters in the movie are all relatively dramatic. Do you have that feeling?

    Shu Qi:I don’t think this movie is dramatic. For example, you will have sick parents in your body, or you will be wandering around at work, or you will be cheated of money, or you have a younger brother who can’t work, and the whole family needs you to support it. In fact, this movie is taking a realistic route. I also asked the director before, how could it be possible for a girl’s parents to kick her out and live on their own, but the character was still kicked out after paying for the house. But the director said that there is such a thing in Hong Kong, and then someone raised his hand silently. The movie may sometimes reflect the reality of society or be dark, so that everyone can understand.

Never eat back grass in life Two people must have love in their hearts together

    "If I decide to leave this man in real life, I will definitely not come back!" Shu Qi said that unlike her role in the movie, her personality is even more stubborn, and once she breaks up, she will never go back. For love, Shu Qi has her own unique understanding. She feels that if two people want to be together, no matter what happens, they will keep that love in their hearts.

    Movie Network: You play the role of Peiru began to give up, but finally went back to find, real life will you eat back grass?

    Shu Qi:In real life, if I meet Fang Zhendong (Liu Ye), I probably won’t leave. I will definitely choose to be with him and live with him. But if I decide to leave this man in real life, I will definitely not come back.

    Movie Network: You have a monologue in the film, "People always want to have a lot of choices around them, and sometimes they get lost, and they are not sure which one is the right one…" Do you have this feeling in real life?

    Shu Qi:I think many people are like this, seeking direction in love.

    Movie Network: Do you yearn for the kind of love that never leaves in the movie?

    Shu Qi:We held a charity conference in Hong Kong two days ago. When I first saw the "father of optical fiber" Kao Kun (a brain degenerative patient) and his wife, I was very touched. His wife was very gentle, attentive and caring to him, and all her actions were full of love. So when the two of us are together, no matter what happens, we must keep love in our hearts.

    Movie Network: In real life, would you write love letters like a character in a play?

    Shu Qi:I don’t think it’s necessarily a love letter, but I will write a card on my good friend’s birthday. If you keep it, it will taste very good. Instead of opening the computer and seeing it, it feels cold. When I was a child, I often wrote letters, diaries, and cards. I also wrote cards to give.

Joking andPeng Yuyantie the knot The new film will challenge perverted women

    As one of them, Shu Qi’s relationship has not been settled. A few days ago, there were rumors that she was in love with Peng Yuyan, who was 6 years younger, and the two also successfully computed a sweet sibling love. In this regard, Shu Qi responded positively, denied the relationship, and admitted that the two were just friends.
Shu Qi, who has been very productive in film recently, revealed that she is currently filming a fashion film in which she once again "transforms" into a new image and challenges perverted women. Shu Qi said that the character is very ugly inside.

    Movie Network: Would you envy seeing your sister Tao Lin Xilei get married?

    Shu Qi:Of course. This is inevitable, especially when you see your good sister get married, you will definitely be envious.

    Movie Network: There have been rumors recently that you are with Peng Yuyan?

   Shu Qi:Yes, we also went to the Maldives to get married before, and we will probably release this news online later. Haha, I’m kidding! In fact, I helped him (Peng Yuyan) shoot a MV before, and we were very familiar at that time. He is a very hard-working actor and singer, and he is a good friend. In fact, there are many friends in that meal, but the media likes to pick (the two of us), so I can’t help it (Shu Qi shrugged).

    Movie Network: What kind of role is the new play currently being filmed?

    Shu Qi:I’m working on a very challenging film, a fashion film, and it’s my first time working with a director I don’t know. This film is very challenging for me, it’s a perverted character, there is something about the dark side of people’s hearts, and the character is still in the secrecy stage, but she’s ugly. Now I want to try something that I haven’t acted in before.

The appearance of the AITO M9 was officially announced, and the new factory of Cyrus Automobile was unveiled

  The high-profile AITO asked the world M9 recently officially announced the appearance design, and many car circle media people directly called out "the era of those foreign luxury car brands pricing how they want in China is gone forever!" Although this statement sounds more modest than Yu Chengdong’s "the best SUV within 10 million" statement, but just announcing the appearance can cause so much media attention and market discussion, which also fully shows that the market is positioned as a panoramic smart flagship SUV jointly created by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei. How high attention and expectations are there, and the industry is also looking forward to whether this car can bring new changes to China’s new energy vehicle industry and even the entire automotive industry. According to official announcements, this car will be officially launched at the end of the year, and will achieve the same level of leadership in terms of platform advancement, advanced intelligent driving capabilities, and technological content.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image001

  At the same time that the AITO M9 has attracted the attention of the whole industry, the Cyrus Auto Super Factory, which is about to "intelligently manufacture" this model, has also been unveiled. In the recent Chongqing news broadcast, we can also get a glimpse of its true face. It can be seen from the name that, compared with Tesla’s super factory, the local super factory built by Cyrus Auto has the ambition to lead the new transformation of China’s new energy vehicle industry. Ambition, if you have strength.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image002

  It is understood that the Sailis Automobile Super Factory is a cooperation project between Sailis Automobile and Chongqing Liangjiang New District. It is driven by digitalization and intelligence, combined with big data, Internet of Things and other technologies, and uses digital twin technology to build another intelligent production base. It not only adopts advanced production processes and technical equipment in the industry, but also guarantees vehicle quality through cutting-edge technologies such as digital total quality testing, and proactively applies environmentally friendly technologies to ensure energy conservation and emission reduction throughout the production process. At present, the factory is under accelerated construction. When fully completed, it will be one of the largest intelligent manufacturing bases for new energy vehicles in the world.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image003

  For a long time, as a leader in the high-end brand of new energy vehicles, Cyrus Automobile has been continuously expanding the extension of the industry model and technical level: the strong alliance with Huawei has become an industry model; the AITO series of models jointly designed and built has become the industry benchmark. The recent new M7 has only been listed for more than a month, and the big order has broken through 6W vehicles; the two smart factories built with digitalization, intelligence and the Internet of Things as the core represent the leading technical level of the current new energy vehicle industry; and the new Cyrus Automobile Super Factory that is about to be put into production is bound to lead the digital transformation of China’s new energy industry. (Photo: courtesy of Cyrus)