Peng Yuyan: After filming "Emergency Rescue", I don’t want to swim anymore

  The film "Emergency Rescue" is the fourth collaboration between Lin Chaoxian and Peng Yuyan. In each previous collaboration, the two continued to challenge the limit with each other’s support. When the two first collaborated on "Guild Wars", Peng Yuyan received professional boxer training and spent three months learning Muay Thai, lock skills and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. During the shooting, he played against professional boxers in the hope of "convincing the audience". During the second collaboration "Breaking Wind", Peng Yuyan participated in the training for four months. During the training and shooting process, he cycled more than 110,000 kilometers and circled the earth almost three times. For the third time, Lin Chaoxian and Peng Yuyan’s challenge once again rose to a new height. During filming, Lin Chaoxian was even accidentally bitten by a six-inch centipede on his ankle. Peng Yuyan was in real combat, and every action command was close to the truth. This time in "Emergency Rescue", they will challenge the "water drama" that is recognized as difficult to shoot around the world. "Emergency Rescue" is the first maritime rescue film in a Chinese film. It is based on a real maritime rescue incident. Peng Yuyan said that the director has changed from "Devil Forest" and "Exploding Forest" to "Water Monster Forest".

  The director came to shoot as soon as he came to me

  Q: Why did you take on the role of "Emergency Rescue"? The filming conditions were very difficult. What were your mental preparations before taking on the role?

  Peng Yuyan: Director Lin Chaoxian came to me as soon as he found me. I know that filming a director’s play will be particularly interesting and enjoyable, and of course there will be certain challenges and difficulties. This is also the reason why I want to shoot a director’s play, so I have already prepared it, but I didn’t expect that the preparation this time was not enough. When I arrived at the scene (8 months of shooting), the difficulty level was upgraded every day, which was very challenging. Physical and mental surprises were unprecedented.

  Q: You are playing the captain of the maritime secret service. How much do you know about the real rescue team?

  Peng Yuyan: My name is Gao Qian in the play. He is the captain of the maritime secret service team. He is a person with great courage, experience, and a strong sense of responsibility. He has performed many tasks and saved many people.

  Before we started filming, the director showed us some information about the rescue team members, so we will understand their lives and train with them. We are like friends. They look like ordinary people, but when they receive the mission, they look completely different. Once they went on a mission, I followed them. You can’t imagine these ordinary people hanging from the helicopter, you will feel like they are in another world. As rescue team members, they need to be extra focused to save another life, because sometimes, you have to give up something to save other people’s lives. In the water, you only have three or five minutes, and you can only save two people, but there are twenty or thirty people around, so what should you do? This is what they have to face. They have to face human tragedies every day when they go to work, and when they return home, they have to be a normal person. If they don’t have faith, they will definitely not be able to do it. This is what the director wants to talk about in this play. We have also experienced it firsthand before realizing how amazing they are.

  The salvage team members gave the "hope of life" to others. They faced the tragedy of life. Without faith and a firm heart, they would not be able to meet and complete the task.

  Q. Did you find it challenging to play your father for the first time in Emergency Rescue?

  Peng Yuyan: I think it is very difficult for the director to give me this role. The director is very interesting. He knows that I am a single parent family, so playing a father, I have to spend a lot of time convincing myself that there is no father image in my life. Thank you very much to the director for giving me this role. The actor who plays my son is very smart and cute, and it is natural and great to act with him, because the child is very real, he will memorize the lines very well, and it is very natural when acting. When acting with him, I also hope to maintain this innocence and naturalness. The director and screenwriter did a lot of homework in advance to understand the lives of the rescue team members. Family is also very important to the rescue team members, which should be an important reason for them to be so brave and responsible to give. Maybe everyone thinks this is an action movie, but I think it’s actually a drama full of love.

  Been abused in various ways,

  Be mentally prepared every time you go into the water

  Q: What scenes did you remember most from this shoot?

  Peng Yuyan: There are many scenes that I have the deepest impression of, and usually the first time is the most unforgettable. Like the first time I was blown up by fire, I was blown up in a fire at 600 or 700 degrees Celsius, and I fried several times. I thought it was all right, but I was about to be blown up by water later. After the explosion, the director was very excited and said, "Eddie was finally blown up by me with water." I didn’t know that water could be used to blow people up before, but after the explosion, I was hoisted into the air for a day, and I was about to vomit. But it was also quite enjoyable, because the real shooting was hung from a helicopter at a very high altitude, so it was also very memorable. He thought that it would be fine, then he would use fire to flood, and then he would use water to flood, so this time it was a variety of experiences, basically all kinds of "abuse". This is the director’s style, he just likes to "abuse" artists. But in fact, actors can get a lot of nutrients in this process, which is also what makes us fall in love with the director, so that we can make a very unforgettable play.

  Q: Are the safety measures in place for Emergency Rescue this time?

  Peng Yuyan: Yes, of course, there is still a case. Although I have tried the thermal insulation clothes, the minimum fire is 300 degrees Celsius, and my whole fireproof clothes are on fire, but this is the feeling of shooting. Although I am fully armed, I am still afraid, and I can still feel my skin burning. If I shoot like this every day, I am still afraid of being suspended every day, and finally go into the water, the water temperature is 6 degrees Celsius. I didn’t think I could survive it. It’s really cold.

  I consider myself to be the kind of actor that I am not afraid of as long as I am given the conditions to do it, but for this drama, I really have to prepare myself every day before going into the water because the water is too cold and there are chemicals in the water. There are a lot of scenes in which I need to take off my equipment. Without goggles, the chemicals will get into my eyes and my eyes will not open. Those photographers wear goggles when they go into the water. Take off the goggles and the water will get into my eyes. I can’t stand it and wash them all the time. And I soak for more than ten hours a day, maybe 15 minutes each time, because it is too cold. I have to wash my eyes every day, and in the end my eyes will keep watering and my eyes will be red. The director also feels distressed, so he will also go down with me. After filming this drama, I still don’t want to swim, and I feel that the quota for touching water this year has been exhausted.

  Q: No serious injuries this time, right?

  Peng Yuyan: I have drowned a few times, and one particularly impressive one was being hooked by Weiya in Mexico and then pressed under the bottom of the pool. Everyone was scared, and I couldn’t get out. I found the Weiya card that tied me in the base of the truck, and the rescue team hadn’t come to rescue me yet. I thought I would save myself first, so I looked for any tools on my body to cut the rope, but I couldn’t cut it. Later, I found the hook point and untied the rope desperately, and then came out. The director kept saying "It’s alright, it’s alright". I said to take a break, because the rope was very tight and couldn’t be pulled, so I pulled it desperately. My nails were all lifted, and my hands were cracked. The director was scared. This was the most terrifying thing.

  Another time was also in the water. My oxygen cylinder was about to run out of air, and the spare gas cylinder could only take eight breaths. The deeper the water pressure, the more I sucked in. I had to save these eight breaths every time. Later, I took a very long shot. The rescue team had to retreat far away. When I was about to swim back, my oxygen cylinder was out of gas, and I couldn’t find a spare gas cylinder. I held my breath to find an exit. This situation often happens. I always think I can swim well, but when you are really more than ten meters underwater, it is completely different from you in the swimming pool, and we are carrying a lot of lead blocks, so I can’t float up. With the water temperature of 6 ° C, it feels like I am in the freezer.

  Now that I think back to filming the water scene, I will be afraid. I remember that after filming those scenes, we went to dinner, and the local Mexican staff would take the initiative to greet me and praise me. Friends of our rescue team told me that the local rescue workers felt that this was not something that ordinary people could bear. Many people couldn’t believe that we Chinese actors went to shoot by ourselves, and foreign films went to that scene, and they were all stuntmen.

  Q: Are the things you save yourself in the water the methods you learned before filming?

  Peng Yuyan: Yes, basically. All the training was used during filming. If we hadn’t trained well in advance, we might not have dared to shoot this scene. We followed the real rescue team to go outside to rescue. The rescue process was very hard. We really experienced the fragility of life, and there was no way to imagine the power of nature. It was really scary. After filming this movie, I feel that we must cherish life.

  Q: Apart from feeling the fragility of life, what other impact did the film have on you?

  Peng Yuyan: Now if I take a plane, I read the rescue manual, see where the escape pod is, see the people nearby, and if something really happens, who needs help. I didn’t before, but now it becomes instinctive, and then I imagine the situation of filming at that time. I count a few elderly people, and a few are in wheelchairs. These are all things I realized after filming the movie. I can’t help but feel exaggerated. When I talk about the escape pod, I think of the past 8 months of training and the horror of saving people in the plane. I keep telling myself that if something really happened today, I could save people.

  And director Lin Chaoxian are also teachers and friends

  Q: This is your fourth collaboration with director Lin Chaoxian. Do you feel that his films are getting more and more difficult?

  Peng Yuyan: If the difficulty hadn’t increased, I don’t think Lin Chaoxian would have been the director. Since I met the director, I think the most amazing thing about him is that he has not changed what he likes. He is persistent about what he likes, so when the director makes a movie with such enthusiasm, you will be infected, and then you will also think, why not do it?

  He is very good every time, and I believe he will only get better and better. This time there are many scenes that he wants to shoot, and there are also many action scenes and emotional scenes. He has to write the characters and then go to the scene to schedule. This is what he has always loved, so I think the director is very good. And the director is more and more challenging, because every time he shoots something new, just like this underwater shot, we have never experienced it before, many of them are unknown. Only when we go to the scene to shoot can we follow the camera to the scene. After training, we have to rehearse before shooting. It is conceivable that many live situations are actually difficult to execute. We are all learning, and the director will give me a lot of confidence.

  Q: Is there anything that makes director Lin Chaoxian different from other directors you have worked with?

  Peng Yuyan: I think it’s fate. He appreciates me very much, and I respect him very much. Very few actors can work with the same director four times, so it’s rare. And to some extent, there is also a problem of habit. Many times, you can omit some running-in things, which is a bit like "family". I have experienced four different lives in 7 years, and these four lives are not something that ordinary people can experience.

  Q. Do you agree with the saying "Peng Yuyan who is made of iron, Lin Chaoxian who is made of iron"?

  Peng Yuyan: I have heard it (one of the leading actors with the most cooperation times, second only to Zhang Jiahui). When I heard this sentence before, I felt that our emotions were underestimated, as if it were only tempering, but after "Emergency Rescue", I felt that it was too accurate.

  Because I think "Emergency Relief" is really like "grinding" and very dangerous, I have been in the mindset of giving it all up several times. If the director wasn’t Lin Chaoxian, I would definitely have doubts. In fact, when I finished filming "Operation Mekong", the director told me about this drama. At that time, I really wanted to shoot, but I felt that I needed to take a break. The director happened to have another drama at that time, so I took a break for a while.

  I didn’t take this play because it was dangerous, but because of the subject matter and the character. The director gave me this role this time. It was much more difficult than what I had played in the past, and it was quite different from my past image. (Difficulty) Mainly in terms of emotion, I played a father, and the other was the difficulty of this profession.

  The relationship between me and the director is more like a mentor-apprentice relationship. It is natural for the director to shoot a man’s drama and talk about the emotions between men. The director has a pretty good pattern in dealing with this very real human nature. He sees a lot of things and is very real, so I think acting in his play is an immersive experience to some extent. From MMA fighting to cycling to "Emergency Rescue", I don’t need to think about how I want to act, just experience it.

  So I think the director and I are also teachers and friends. He thinks I should shoot whatever I should shoot at my age, so he asks me to shoot. If I haven’t reached that stage, then maybe the drama at that stage is not suitable for me. He hopes that I can grow up slowly, and to some extent, I can understand what he wants to pursue. There is a tacit understanding (mutual admiration) between each other, and I will feel that there is such a person in the film industry, which is a kind of existence that will be infected by each other. Needless to say, from what he wants to do, you can see it, so he becomes very compatible. I quite admire the director.

  From the first time we worked together on "Guild Wars" to the present, the director and I have not changed. Luckily, I never thought that after filming "Guild Wars", I would be able to cooperate with the director so much in the future, and he may not have thought that Peng Yuyan, an actor, could still be used. The director also gives me a new thing every year or two, so I also think I am quite lucky. The director did a very good job in his field of work, and I also tried my best to play every role during my studies.

  We will cherish the opportunity to cooperate with each other

  Q: Have you ever had any conflicts or disagreements with the director?

  Peng Yuyan: There will definitely be some, maybe I have some ideas on some performances, and the director also knows that I must give the actor space. On this basis, I try my best to surprise him. He may feel that the role I created is more three-dimensional than he imagined in his mind, and the director will feel that it is worth it. I have also passed the addiction I want to play, so I must believe in each other.

  A person’s ideas are limited, and we may be infinite together. When you are willing to share your things, he will definitely share his things with you. My disagreement with the director is often that he may think enough is enough, and I want to give more. He will let me act and make me enjoy it. I think one of the advantages of filming with a director is that what he sees is always different from what others see me.

  Q: If there is a fifth opportunity to work with a director, do you have a subject that you would like to film?

  Peng Yuyan: In fact, we have talked about too many topics. Every time we run and chat, we will think of a theme. He will ask me what I like, and I will also ask him what he likes. Before we discussed a lot of things like racing, action, and gunfight. Usually, the director said he wanted to shoot, but I have no restrictions on his movies because I believe him.

  Q: Are you worried that directors will have more and more choices for actors in the future?

  Peng Yuyan: This is possible. The director has the right to choose the actors he thinks are suitable. It doesn’t mean that we must cooperate on the fifth film after cooperating on four films now, so this is very delicate. Also, I also have a choice whether to continue to cooperate with him. I think sometimes it is the magnetic field between each other. We can give each other what each other wants. We all know that this is not easy to come by. So when shooting every play, I try my best to make myself not regret it, because this is the only thing I can control. Do the best within the scope of our control, and I will gain experience and wisdom in the process, which is worth it.

  Text/Photo by Xiao You/Tian Tian

Notice of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on the Appointment and Removal of Deng Chao and Other Positions

Sichuan Provincial People’s Government

Notice on the Appointment and Removal of Deng Chao and Other Positions

Chuanfu Letter [2024] No. 103

Municipal (prefecture) people’s governments, provincial government departments, and agencies directly under them:

The Sichuan Provincial People’s Government has decided to:


Deng Chao is the director of the Sichuan Provincial Energy Bureau;

Huang Zhi is the full-time deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Railway and Airport Construction Office and the deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission.


Liang Wuhu’s position as director of the Sichuan Provincial Energy Bureau;

Deng Chao held the positions of full-time deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Railway and Airport Construction Office and deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission;

Huang Zhi is the full-time deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Implementation Western Development Office (Sichuan Panxi Regional Resource Development Office).

Hereby inform.

Sichuan Provincial People’s Government

April 7, 2024

M Viewing Group Recruitment | "Temporary Robbery" premieres, Guo Fucheng and Ren Xianqi gather together

1905 movie network news This time, the M viewing group and the 1905 film network brought you the movie premiere viewing activity. At the scene, we also invited the producer and director of the film, Mai Qiguang, actors,,,, and Zengbit (the specific personnel are subject to the actual attendance) to interact with the audience and share the behind-the-scenes shooting story.

"Temporary Robbery" tells the story of a decadent middle-aged fellow sufferers Ah Jun (Lin Jiadong, played) and Mu Ronghui (Ren Xianqi, played) who plan a robbery but are accidentally disrupted by the gangster Mei Lantian (Guo Fucheng, played). The three people who form a team accidentally get involved in a money-grabbing melee. The film focuses on the ordinary citizens and the little people at the bottom of the streets of Hong Kong, and depicts the "making a living" of ordinary people who work hard for money. Come and sign up for the movie and go to the cinema to be happy and crazy together.

[Registration Instructions] After the viewing of the movie, the selected fans need to send a topic to Weibo/Douban to share their viewing experience and complete the homework requirements.


[Registration method 1]

① Follow M Movie Viewing Group Weibo, bring #M Movie Viewing Group #topic, and comment on Weibo. Small partners will be randomly selected to participate in this event.

[Registration method 2]

① Enter the 1905 Movie Network APP [Movie Page] – [Movie Viewing Group]

② Select the movie viewing activity to enter the details page, remember to note [Weibo ID]


[Event Details]

January 14 (Sunday)

Check-in time: 16:00-16:30

Screening time: 16:30-18:07

Interactive time: 18:07-18:25

The main creator present (subject to actual attendance):

Producer: Er Dongsheng

Director: Mai Qiguang

Actors: Guo Fucheng, Ren Xianqi, Lin Jiadong, Zhang Keyi, Zengbit (specific personnel are subject to actual attendance)


Venue: Beijing Emperor Film City (Emperor Group Center Store)

Liu Yifei’s precocious photos were exposed, claiming to have a dual personality (Photos)

    Liu Yifei

    But in her early twenties, Liu Yifei has entered Hollywood and become one of the most high-profile new generations in the movie industry. Liu Yifei is both precocious and childish, she said, because I have a two-sided personality.

    Liu Yifei sat upright in front of the mirror, ready to freshen up. Yifei’s mother sat in the corner of the room, chatting with us casually. She didn’t ask us nervously, or keep staring at us with great enthusiasm, but she was able to detect Yifei’s needs at any time.

    I had forgotten that Yifei was far away from everyone’s topic and told a joke. All of a sudden, I saw Yifei’s mother and her manager smile at each other and say, "Don’t worry," and then turn to explain to us that when Sissi (Liu Yifei’s nickname) started to skin, it meant that she had relaxed.

    In fact, she is not as "cold" as everyone thinks, she is just slow to heat up.

    As a representative of the new generation, Liu Yifei’s journey has been a bit dramatic. Growing up in a single-parent family, her mother was Liu Xiaoli, a national first-class dancer. She went to the United States at the age of 10, and at the age of 14 or 5, with her mother’s encouragement, she went back to Beijing to apply for the film academy. She was admitted to the exam. The problem was that she couldn’t study in the first semester. First of all, she just came back not long ago, and before she even adjusted the time difference, she was asked to act in "Golden Dust Family". It was filmed for two months, and it was completed on August 25th, her birthday. Then "Tianlong Eight" also asked her to audition, and it was filmed for another half a year. Before she really understood what acting was all about, she had already become the heroine. Following that, although the works were not prolific, they all maintained a certain quality. The TV series "The Legend of Immortals and Swords", "The Condor Hero"… The movie "Love in May", "Like You Like Me", and even "King of Kung Fu", which was released some time ago and allowed her to officially enter Hollywood… At this time, Liu Yifei was only in her early twenties.

Lawyer interprets rap, B You circle war; Jay Chou loses case against NetEase

Text/Nuocheng Game Method, Zhu Junchao, Chen Jie


"Love and Deep Space" posted a reply.

Rap Circle and B You Circle Spark Controversies

On August 26, singer Peckert released a rap video, the content of which was taken from the game "Love and Deep Space". The lyrics "diss" the Otome game, which mentions "all edging and greasy, let children who are not adults play adult games". Peckert said in the release of the song that the song is only for minors who play the game and the age review system of some unscrupulous manufacturers.

That night, the official Weibo of the "Love and Deep Space" game issued a statement, claiming: "The forensic work has been completed, and the infringement and insulting behavior of Parker, whether it is the game itself, the game characters or the players, will not be tolerated or accepted, and will be pursued to the end. See you in court."

Nuocheng comments:

When insulting or defamatory content is published against a game, the game company may take the following measures to safeguard its reputation.

First of all, game companies can choose to protect their rights through litigation, or choose non-litigation channels such as complaining to the information release platform, reporting to the Cyberspace Administration of China, and sending a letter to the infringer.

Secondly, if the company wants to take litigation measures to protect its rights, it should promptly fix the account information of the infringer, the infringing content and its release time, broadcast volume, number of comments, number of forwards, etc., as well as the messages and feedback from netizens, in order to prove the existence, scope and severity of the infringement.

Furthermore, after the infringement is discovered, a statement should be issued as soon as possible to indicate the company’s position and attitude. This can not only stop the further spread of the infringement in a timely manner, but also convey the company’s determination to safeguard its own rights and interests to the infringers and players, reduce the adverse effects caused by the infringement, and appease the players’ emotions.

Finally, sort out the corresponding evidence and file a lawsuit with the court in a timely manner to safeguard their own rights and interests. In addition, by sending letters and other means, the information release platform can be required to disclose the real-name information corresponding to the infringer’s account, so that the game company can grasp the party information required for prosecution.


Jay Chou loses the lawsuit: game lottery to give away albums

Does not constitute unfair competition

Recently, Jay Chou and Jewell Music Co., Ltd. sued Guangzhou NetEase Computer Systems Co., Ltd. and other related entities (hereinafter referred to as "NetEase") in the case of 2nd-round Moderation, upholding the original judgment of the first instance.

The case originated because in July 2022, Jay Chou released his new album "The Greatest Work" after a lapse of six years, and NetEase’s "World 3" game gave Jay Chou digital albums and concert tickets in a lottery on Weibo. Jay Chou and Jewell Music Co., Ltd. sued NetEase for unfair competition.

In December 2023, the court ruled in favor of NetEase and rejected all claims including Jewell’s 2.05 million yuan claim.

The court of first instance held that:

1. "World 3" forwards the lottery to give Jay Chou’s digital album and other activities through Weibo, which is a conventional non-profit publicity method and will not mislead the public into thinking that Jay Chou has an endorsement relationship with him;

2. Making elements of Jay Chou’s new album as game props is essentially used as a redemption certificate and restricts the participation of old players. It does not have the nature of attracting new traffic and making profits, and does not constitute unfair competition.

3. The use of Jay Chou’s name in the lottery Weibo is a fair use to indicate the source of the prize, and there is no evidence to show that it caused harm to the plaintiff. The court held that the public had sufficient judgment to distinguish such interactive marketing activities from endorsement, so the behavior of "World 3" did not constitute unfair competition.

First of all, game companies can enhance the appeal of the event by mentioning giving away celebrity albums and extracting concert tickets in user feedback activities, but they need to ensure that the content of the prize promotion is clear and does not mislead the public.

For example, in this case, "World 3" made it clear that the prize was Jay Chou’s new album, rather than making the public mistake Jay Chou for its product spokesperson.

Secondly, when designing promotional activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the purpose and nature of the activities, especially when it comes to the use of third-party intellectual property or celebrity rights, and ensure that the activities are not designed to improperly use the goodwill or influence of others to attract new users and increase profits, but only as a welfare measure to reward existing users.

For example, the risk of unfair competition can be reduced by limiting the conditions for player participation, such as in this case limiting the participation of veteran players above level 20.


Sword Art Online: Swordsman in Black,

The game company was ordered to compensate players for their losses

Recently, the Beijing Internet Court has announced ten typical cases of service protection and new quality productivity, including an infringement dispute caused by the outage of online games.

The plaintiff, Cheng XX, a player of "Sword Art Online: Swordsman in Black", has two accounts for the game and has accumulated a recharge of nearly 430,000 yuan. In October 2019, the game operator issued a game outage announcement and said that it would transfer 5% of the total historical recharge of gamers to other games as compensation.

Subsequently, Cheng Moumou sued the operator to the court for economic losses and mental damages. The defendant argued that it was not at fault for suspending the game, and had compensated the players and was not liable for infringement.

After trial, the court held that virtual property such as currency and props in the game were protected by law. The defendant unilaterally stopped the game and disposed of the player’s virtual property without the consent of the player, resulting in the loss of the player’s property. He was subjectively at fault and should bear tort liability.

However, since the game virtual property involved in the case was not an item of special personal significance for the plaintiff, and the plaintiff did not suffer serious mental damage, the court rejected his claim for compensation for mental damage.

Finally, the court decided that the defendant should compensate the plaintiff about 36,000 yuan and interest according to the way to obtain the virtual property of the game and the remaining assets in the account when the game was suspended.

This case not only makes it clear that when there is no special provision in law, the tort liability of online virtual property should also apply the principle of fault liability; at the same time, it also further refines the compensation standard for infringement of online game virtual property, providing reference for the handling of similar cases.

Specifically, according to the method of acquisition and usage, online virtual property can be divided into two categories:

The first category is recharge virtual property, that is, the unused game currency and game items that the player directly obtains or exchanges after recharging through legal tender. For such virtual property, since the player has not yet enjoyed the rewards brought by the property when he suffered a loss, the game operator is obliged to return the RMB amount corresponding to the remaining virtual property.

The second category is non-recharge virtual property, that is, virtual property obtained by players during the game, such as task rewards, level drops, etc. For such virtual property, the compensation amount for the loss of virtual property should be determined as appropriate, taking into account factors such as the source and difficulty of obtaining the property, the fun generated by players in consumption, and the length of time they enjoy services.

Game grape recruitment content editor,

Jay Chou started singing, the audience was full, and the atmosphere was high, and he was visited by his mother Ye Huimei

    On May 24th in Beijing, Jay Chou met with fans in Beijing again with a new and upgraded version of the "Ferris Wheel" concert. This year’s Ferris Wheel concert has more gorgeous stage lighting and more perfect song arrangement. Jay Chou’s Beijing performance was full of people and the atmosphere was high, and his mother Ye Huimei’s charm was unstoppable. From Jay Chou’s first song to the works in his twelfth album, almost every song is a chorus. When Jay Chou sang "Nunchakus", a work more than ten years ago, tens of thousands of spectators in the workshop collectively sang "Hehe Hehe" in an invincible manner.

How did Peng Yuyan and Jiang Jinfu achieve such "beauty"?

  Recently, the basketball celebrity game sounded the gongs and drums, and Jiang Jinfu, a tough guy born in the 1990s, broke through with amazing speed and explosive power at the beginning, attracting the audience.

  During the game, Jiang Jinfu was praised by many netizens and fans as "Kobe possessed" with a beautiful back turn jumper.

  Jiang Jinfu, with his charming and handsome sunny appearance and muscles full of male hormones, became a true man and became a charming male god in the eyes of many people.

  In private, Jiang Jinfu is a fitness expert who lives a healthy life and loves skin care after work. He believes thatMen’s skin care needs to be simple and effective.

  Peng Yuyan, who is known as the "most handsome best man", shows quite good skin condition in both close-up and telescope.

  The 35-year-old Peng Yuyan is still a high-value fresh meat. The years have not left a mark on his face. Fine lines are ignored by him, and girls and boys are excited about him.

  It turns out that the male gods have been trying their best to keep their appearance online all the time, andThe little thing about applying the maskIs essential.

  Nowadays, face = appearance, gender equality,Skin care is no longer just for women,Men’s skin care is just as important.

  No matter when, it is necessary to nourish the skin with sufficient moisture.

  Therefore, facial masks are the skin care products that boys and girls stock up on the most throughout the year. AndWIS Invisible Hydrating MaskIt is a favorite of many people. Because it fried chicken hydrates, and also has the effect of even skin tone and conditioning skin.

  Invisible moisturizing mask

  Sensitive skin is a deeply torn patient. Because I am allergic to many skin care products and have no choice, the principle I follow has always been "what suits me is the best".

  It is reported that,Working in a closed officeIn 8 hours, the skin is sucked away by the air conditioner to more than 500ml of moisture.Therefore, moisturizing and moisturizing has become the top priority of my skin care. Even if I don’t eat all day, I should keep my skin hydrated. Applying a mask is the most concentrated, fast and effective way to replenish water.

  At first, I had only heard of WIS and had never used its products, so I had been taking a wait-and-see attitude. Later, I found that more and more people around me were using its products. Curious, I checked online and found that WIS is a professional cosmeceutical brand, compared to general cosmeceutical productsMore rigorous, more scientific, and safer. Production technology and product raw materials are derived fromSwiss importsYes, there is also a cooperation with a large Swiss company, RAHM Group.

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  Internet celebrity products:Tmall beauty hot mask one, monthly sales of more than 100,000. Hundreds of thousands of users of personal experience, Internet celebrity Aimeida people are using moisturizing mask, they all say fried chicken moisturizing.

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  This autumn and winter,WIS Invisible Hydrating MaskIt will give me the best skin experience!

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Fei Yuqing and Jay Chou’s "Thousands of Miles Away" are combined to recreate the classic golden songs of the year

Chinese New Song

  On the evening of the 21st, the second recording of "China’s New Song" "The Five Powerful Battle" took place, and Jay Chou’s "Strongest Team on the Surface" stood on the arena. The younger brother Fei Yuqing served as the mentor, which was also the first time that Jay Chou and Fei Yuqing had combined in a mainland variety show since their cooperation with "Thousand Miles Away" in 2006. The two will also recreate the classic golden songs of that year at the "New Song" recording site.

  "Internet celebrity" Fei Yuqing: Music is lubricant, jokes are MSG

  Fei Yuqing, wearing a khaki suit, appeared at the "New Songs" conference this afternoon as the mentor of Jay Chou’s "Strongest Team on the Surface". As soon as he appeared, he was good at lively atmosphere, and the conference was full of laughter. The mentor Jay praised again and again: "You are the Internet celebrity of that era!"

  Following their collaboration with 2006’s hit "A Thousand Miles Away", the two dedicated their debut on a mainland variety show to "New Songs of China". Fei Yuqing said: "For the first time, I will dedicate it to’New Songs’, I will give classic cooperation, and I will dedicate it to New Songs". And Jay said that he "looks forward to my brother telling a lot of classic jokes in the show". Regarding the reporter’s request for "a live chorus song" at the press conference, Fei Yuqing subtly "declined": "Now the chorus is too dry, there is no music substrate, and there is a little bit of lubrication." In the face of the reporters’ laughter, he said innocently: "Where did you think? If there is music, there will be lubrication."

  "The atmosphere of the fight between Wang Feng and his team was too serious, and it was all me telling jokes. When I went to my own team, I was afraid that I would be nervous, so I relied on my brother to tell a little’funny joke ‘to adjust the atmosphere." In this regard, Fei Yuqing said helplessly: "The joke is a little out of ammunition," "The joke can’t be too heavy, it can’t be too light; it’s too light, it’s boring, it’s too heavy… So there are really few jokes that can pass safely between these two boundaries and make everyone laugh happily." However, Fei Yuqing, the younger brother, is also "not stingy" about sharing his jokes: "I have set up a’radar ‘for everyone, and I often go to the website to search for jokes. As long as there is a suitable one, I will share it with everyone." "When I go to the bathroom later, I will think about it carefully.

  The little brother’s on-site "testimonials" made Jay couldn’t help but tease him: "Internet celebrities are very popular now, and you are the Internet celebrity of that era!" Fei Yuqing, who was labeled "Internet celebrity", said: "Jokes make everyone happy, artists, bring some joy, don’t be so serious."

  Jay "Daddy" is full of temperament and takes care of the students in every way

  After a period of teaching and singing, the "strongest team on the surface" will determine the top five. Jay’s mentor, who had just been promoted to Daddy, took care of and helped the students in almost all aspects during the preparation of the battle, bringing the style of "Daddy".

  As a creative talent, Jay added Super Mario to the arrangement of students last year to amaze many audiences. This year, Jay put his hand forward again and made adaptations of some classic old songs, especially Fei Yuqing’s classic songs, which made the little brother who had seen the rehearsal yesterday "a great blessing". Fei Yuqing said that "listening to some old songs may not feel the same as you young people listening to them", but Jay made some old songs "so new", and he "doesn’t sound conflicted at all". This is Jay’s "delicate place".

  In addition to musical help, Jay took great care of the students’ lives. Previously, during the blind selection stage, the sister was worried that the student Bao Shiyu would join the Jay team, and Jay Chou would take her to play games all night, but Bao Shiyu still joined the "strongest team on the surface". In fact, not only did Jay not forget his promise, saying that he "kept his word" and asked for the student’s game account the night before the battle, but also considering the student’s preparation status, "Because I usually play games until very late in the morning, I don’t want the game last night to affect her game today." "I got her game account in the middle of the night last night, and we can play together after the competition today."

  After the recording of this game, there will definitely be five students who will leave "New Song". Jay also thought a lot about them after being torn, "I don’t want them to feel eliminated and it’s over." During the rehearsal, Jay had already given each student a big gift bag including hats, clothes, etc. In today’s team battle, Jay carefully prepared another big gift for the students who are about to leave, including records and audio players. Jay smiled apologetically and said: "Because the students are going to be eliminated, I’m a little sorry, so I left a little thought for them to send gifts." When Fei Yuqing heard this, he said that he didn’t bring any gifts, "I’m really sorry". Mr. Jaylen said "the little brother can bring classic jokes".

Exclusive interview with Shu Qi: drinking, acting, drinking, crazy, breaking up and not eating back grass

Introduction:Dressed in a meat pink dress that day, she jumped into the interview room and saw that the author was moving the chair, and the person wearing big high heels rushed over to help move it together in person, without the slightest bit of celebrity air. Then Shu Qi accepted an exclusive interview with [Movie Network], she often danced, just like a little girl who had not grown up. (Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Yang Yaru)

Exclusive interview with Liu Weiqiang: I want to move the audience and convey a spirit

Shu Qi drinks real wine and acts "Drunk Crazy" Hysteria, heart attack  

    In the movie, Shu Qi plays a Hong Kong girl who has a difficult fate and goes north to search for gold. She has changed her previous reserved and restrained performance mode to become a hysterical and yelling crazy woman. Shu Qi said that in order to perform realistically and naturally, she often drinks real wine and goes "crazy". This "crazy" performance style was once too much for her, and Shu Qi frowned and said that she almost had a heart attack because of it.

    Movie Network: Did you cooperate with the director again this time because he was moved by the script?

    Shu Qi:To be honest, I wasn’t moved by the script at the time, but when the director told me the story, I was moved. Because when I was in Liu Weiqiang’s movies, he came to me and told me stories, and then I was okay.

    Movie Network: In the past, we saw that Shu Qi’s performances were relatively subtle. This time, he often yelled hysterically. Why did he make such a change?

    Shu Qi:Liu Weiqiang asked for it (laughs)! Because he wants to achieve that outgoing mood, (my character) is also a Hong Kong woman. Hong Kong girls are relatively tough and strong, and they will not ask others for anything. They can arrange everything by themselves. But when she is drunk, she will lose her mind, so the whole person will "bang" vent, so she cries and makes trouble, and everything she does is to vent for her usual life.

    Movie Network: It is said that you often drank alcohol while filming this drama. Is it because you can’t rely solely on acting to achieve the effect?

    Shu Qi:No. Because drinkers have a drunken state, they have a drunken form, which is different from when we are sober. Like when I wear high heels when I am sober, I will be very careful and try not to limp myself, but when I am drunk, I don’t know when I am limp. If I act when I am sober, I will know that I have to limp when I walk here. This is not real, so I will drink two glasses. Then all your body and emotions are combined to make a real drunk woman crazy.

     Movie Network: How does it feel to film hysterically?

    Shu Qi:Tired, really tired. I feel that being angry is a very tiring thing in itself. I had a scene where my face was red and my neck was thick. The radio said that he could hear my heartbeat. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack at that time.

    Movie Network: The characters in the movie are all relatively dramatic. Do you have that feeling?

    Shu Qi:I don’t think this movie is dramatic. For example, you will have sick parents in your body, or you will be wandering around at work, or you will be cheated of money, or you have a younger brother who can’t work, and the whole family needs you to support it. In fact, this movie is taking a realistic route. I also asked the director before, how could it be possible for a girl’s parents to kick her out and live on their own, but the character was still kicked out after paying for the house. But the director said that there is such a thing in Hong Kong, and then someone raised his hand silently. The movie may sometimes reflect the reality of society or be dark, so that everyone can understand.

Never eat back grass in life Two people must have love in their hearts together

    "If I decide to leave this man in real life, I will definitely not come back!" Shu Qi said that unlike her role in the movie, her personality is even more stubborn, and once she breaks up, she will never go back. For love, Shu Qi has her own unique understanding. She feels that if two people want to be together, no matter what happens, they will keep that love in their hearts.

    Movie Network: You play the role of Peiru began to give up, but finally went back to find, real life will you eat back grass?

    Shu Qi:In real life, if I meet Fang Zhendong (Liu Ye), I probably won’t leave. I will definitely choose to be with him and live with him. But if I decide to leave this man in real life, I will definitely not come back.

    Movie Network: You have a monologue in the film, "People always want to have a lot of choices around them, and sometimes they get lost, and they are not sure which one is the right one…" Do you have this feeling in real life?

    Shu Qi:I think many people are like this, seeking direction in love.

    Movie Network: Do you yearn for the kind of love that never leaves in the movie?

    Shu Qi:We held a charity conference in Hong Kong two days ago. When I first saw the "father of optical fiber" Kao Kun (a brain degenerative patient) and his wife, I was very touched. His wife was very gentle, attentive and caring to him, and all her actions were full of love. So when the two of us are together, no matter what happens, we must keep love in our hearts.

    Movie Network: In real life, would you write love letters like a character in a play?

    Shu Qi:I don’t think it’s necessarily a love letter, but I will write a card on my good friend’s birthday. If you keep it, it will taste very good. Instead of opening the computer and seeing it, it feels cold. When I was a child, I often wrote letters, diaries, and cards. I also wrote cards to give.

Joking andPeng Yuyantie the knot The new film will challenge perverted women

    As one of them, Shu Qi’s relationship has not been settled. A few days ago, there were rumors that she was in love with Peng Yuyan, who was 6 years younger, and the two also successfully computed a sweet sibling love. In this regard, Shu Qi responded positively, denied the relationship, and admitted that the two were just friends.
Shu Qi, who has been very productive in film recently, revealed that she is currently filming a fashion film in which she once again "transforms" into a new image and challenges perverted women. Shu Qi said that the character is very ugly inside.

    Movie Network: Would you envy seeing your sister Tao Lin Xilei get married?

    Shu Qi:Of course. This is inevitable, especially when you see your good sister get married, you will definitely be envious.

    Movie Network: There have been rumors recently that you are with Peng Yuyan?

   Shu Qi:Yes, we also went to the Maldives to get married before, and we will probably release this news online later. Haha, I’m kidding! In fact, I helped him (Peng Yuyan) shoot a MV before, and we were very familiar at that time. He is a very hard-working actor and singer, and he is a good friend. In fact, there are many friends in that meal, but the media likes to pick (the two of us), so I can’t help it (Shu Qi shrugged).

    Movie Network: What kind of role is the new play currently being filmed?

    Shu Qi:I’m working on a very challenging film, a fashion film, and it’s my first time working with a director I don’t know. This film is very challenging for me, it’s a perverted character, there is something about the dark side of people’s hearts, and the character is still in the secrecy stage, but she’s ugly. Now I want to try something that I haven’t acted in before.

Deng Chao’s family background was exposed. It turned out that Deng Chao’s biological father was him. No wonder Sun Li was determined to marry him

More netizens said bluntly:"Both of their original families are quite miserable. Before getting married, Sun Li even threatened to be an unmarried person. She married Deng Chao because of his father!"

What’s going on here?And who is Deng Chao’s father?

Sun Li: A rose watered by wind and rain

Before meeting Deng Chao, Sun Li had publicly stated more than once that she was aunmarriedAnd the reason why she is so resistant to marriage is all "thanks" to her indescribable family of origin.

In an interview program, Sun Li once generously mentioned her family. The story is also very cliché.It’s just that her father cheated on her when she was a teenager, and he wanted to divorce her mother and marry that "third party"The story was easy to tell, but it was a devastating blow to Sun Li at that time.

Although the mother and daughter were struggling to stay,Father still left ruthlessly,Only left 200 yuan for the mother and daughter who depend on each other for lifeFrom then on, Sun Li’s father really never cared about them again.

The mother was naturally sad in her heart, but she still loved her daughter after all. In order for Sun Li to still be able to study in school like other children,Sun Li’s mother often works several jobs at the same timeIn order to barely take care of the daily lives of the mother and daughter.

Looking at my mother’s face that is rapidly aging due to overworkSun Lian was determined to study hard and let her mother live a good life! Heaven did not live up to Sun Li’s efforts. In 1997, Sun Li relied on her superb dance skillsSuccessfully entered the Shanghai Art Troupe.

This also means that,Sun Li officially became a literary soldier, which was a good job that made countless people envious at the time. It was not only an "iron rice bowl" managed by the state, but also a series of subsidies, bonuses, etc. With such a job,The mother and daughter, who had suffered for most of their lives, could finally catch a breath.

Who would have thought that at this time, Sun Li’s father, who had ignored the mother and daughter for more than ten years, suddenly appeared again.Outside the army, as a relative, he eagerly insisted on seeing Sun Li.Sun Li was very clear about her father’s virtues. She only heard that her daughter was promising and came to ask for money!

"You’re dead! No matter what you say, I can’t give you a penny, and don’t come to me in the future!"Before her father could speak, Sun Li firmly rejected him.

After two years as a literary soldier,Sun Li, who was discharged from the army, chose to develop in BeijingAt first, with her beautiful face and slender figure,Got some graphic modeling jobsThese filming experiences also paved the way for her to become an actress, and slowly she became more and more famous

In 2000, Sun Li starred in her first work, "Deep Rain".Although the drama was indeed very popular at that time, Sun Li only played a small dancer behind the main character at that time, which did not attract much attention.

And she and Deng Chao also became attached during the filming of the TV drama. After the drama "Happiness is Like a Flower" ended, the two quickly announced the news of their love.Although the two perform well in the play, the audience is still not optimistic about their relationship.

Not to mention that Sun Li’s original family made her unable to trust marriage, even the situation in Deng Chao’s family was difficult to agree with, right?And what happened later also proved that netizens’ concerns were by no means groundless.

Deng Chao’s rebellious youth

Unlike Sun Li’s unreliable father, Deng Chao’s family was particularly concerned about Deng Chao’s growth.Probably because of this harmonious and warm family atmosphere, Deng Chao developed such a sunny, cheerful, kind and gentle personality.

According to Deng Chao himself, he actuallyGrowing up in a reorganized familyAndHis father was a clerk in the museum at the time,For the family at that time, the secretary was a great job to say it out loud. Therefore, his father also has a better face, and he hopes that Deng Chao can also grow up to be a good child.

My father’s educational philosophy is also very traditional.He always believed that "under the stick comes a filial son"Every time Deng Chao was mischievous, his father would teach him a lessonHis father’s series of actions actually aroused Deng Chao’s rebellious psychology

Dyed a head of yellow hair, pierced several ears, and spent day and night in the discotheque with a bunch of friendsSeeing that Deng Chao was about to become a gangster, Deng Chao’s father no longer dared to embarrass the childIt is better to encourage him to take the entrance exam to his favorite Beijing Film Academy.

What everyone didn’t expect was that Deng Chao really passed the exam!

Deng Chao’s parents thought their child would be on the right track, but they were surprisedThe teacher’s phone call shattered the illusionThe teacher said seriously on the phone:"Deng Chao often skipped class to go out to play, and some classmates also said that he often went to places like dance halls."

Deng Chao’s father was so angry that he immediately bought a ticket and went straight to Beijing to clean up this "bastard" himself. When he saw his son for the first time, the angry father did not say a word.He gave Deng Chao a slap when he came upAt that time, Deng Chao was still young, how could he endure such grievances?Finally chose to run away from home

This time, Deng Chao’s father couldn’t care less about being angryHe only wanted to confirm his son’s safety. He asked all Deng Chao’s friends.I just got the news that Deng Chao went to Huizhou, Guangdong.So the worried old father boarded the train to Guangdong without stopping.

In the unfamiliar Guangdong, no one knew what kind of difficulties the father had gone through.I just found Deng Chao hiding in a small hotelAnd he seemed to realize that the last time there was a problem with his attitude,This time he did not choose to quarrel or scold,Just a tired sigh:

"Go home with dad, I won’t hit you in the future."

Looking at his father’s gray hair and vicissitudes of life, Deng Chao finally grew up at that momentWhen he returned to school, he began to become very sensible, taking classes seriously and carefully studying his acting skillsAfter entering the entertainment industry, he really became a good actor.

This was Deng Chao’s entire life experience before he met Sun Li.

L To the happy Sun Li and Deng Chao

"Child, although uncle can understand your current thoughts due to your experiences since childhood, Deng Chao’s mother and I are also families that have undergone reorganization. Before we got married, we both had a child, but after Deng Chao was born, neither of us favored anyone. You can also see that our family can live a happy life. Marriage requires mutual understanding and understanding. You can choose to trust Deng Chao and try."

In fact, from the very beginning of our relationship, Deng Chao knew that Sun Li was an unmarried person.But he didn’t care about it. These wounds were caused by that irresponsible father, and had nothing to do with him.He was willing to accompany Sun Li and take care of her, even if he didn’t get married.

Deng Chao’s gentleness also made Sun Li slowly let down her guard.The hearts of the two gradually came together.

Later, Deng Chao’s father suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. Watching Deng Chao busy taking care of the elderly, Sun Li was also very distressed, so heOffer to bring something to visit the old manDeng Chaonatural readily agreedBy the way, he told his parents what he liked about Sun Li.

Deng Chao’s parents looked at the beautiful and sensible girl in front of them, how satisfied they were.Therefore, he advised the young couple to get married and start a family as soon as possible.

But Sun LiMake it clear that you don’t want to get married now, because I am afraid that my parents will misunderstand Sun Li,Deng Chao had no choice but to tell his parents the story of Sun Li’s original familyAfter learning about Sun Li’s experience, Deng Chao’s parents were silent for a long time and said the words at the beginning of this paragraph

The sincere enlightenment of the elders finally made Sun Li’sI was shaken.Her long-term relationship with Deng Chao also made her feel that…Deng Chao is indeed a responsible manMaybe try getting married and starting a family, it’s really not that bad?

In 2011, with the idea of giving it a try, Sun Li and Deng Chao entered the marriage hall.Now they’ve been married for 12 years.The family of four is still living a very happy life.The couple took turns taking care of the children and working, and occasionally got together to celebrate anniversaries.

Once Sun Li also wrote a post late at night about Deng Chao and her, and said thatIt is a blessing to have such a husbandMany netizens offered their blessings.

Nowadays, there are really not many real couples in the entertainment industry, and there are even fewer happy couples like Deng Chao and Sun Li.I really hope that their family of four can continue to live happily ever after.