You are reading: Xiao Ai, Custom Sound Tutorial [Detailed Explanation] Xiao Ai, Custom Sound Tutorial [Detailed Explanation]

Xiao Ai uses a female voice by default, but if you need it, you can also set Xiao Ai’s voice, change the tone, and add your own voice! The following editor brings you a tutorial on Xiao Ai’s customized voice. If you don’t know how to get it, let’s take a look together!

1. Activate the mobile phone Xiao Ai classmate said " Customized sound experience ", awaiting approval of the application;

2. Open the settings in the mobile phone after passing the application, and click Xiao Ai;

3. Click "on the Xiao Ai classmate interface. Xiao Ai Lab ";

4. Click " tone settings ";

5. Enter the tone settings interface and click " Add my voice ", just make the audio according to the prompts.

The above is the Xiao Ai brought by the editor. How to set your own voice? Customize the sound tutorial. For more related information tutorials, please pay attention to PConline.

Yang Chuantang: We will comprehensively deepen the reform of taxis and encourage new business models such as online car-hailing

  The Press Center of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress held a press conference at 10:00 on Monday, March 14 in the Multifunction Hall of the Media Center. Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, and Guo Jifu, Director of the Beijing Transportation Development Research Center, were invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on "deepening the reform and development of taxis."

(Two Sessions · Rui's Perspective) (1) Transportation Minister Yang Chuantang and others answered reporters' questions on "deepening the reform and development of taxis"

  On March 14, the Press Center of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress held a press conference and invited Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, and Guo Jifu, Director of the Beijing Transportation Development Research Center, to answer questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on "deepening the reform and development of taxis." This is Yang Chuantang’s briefing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

  The first financial reporter:The recent rise of ride-hailing has greatly changed the way people get around, but we have also heard a lot of complaints from the taxi and private car industries. May I ask Minister Yang, have you taken into account and taken into account the interests of all parties when formulating these two documents? Is there any deeper background for formulating these two documents?

  Yang Chuantang:Thank you for your question. The reform and development of taxis is related to the travel of the people and the overall situation of social stability. The Ministry of Transport has always attached great importance to this work. Since 2008, the Ministry of Transport has assumed the responsibility of guiding the taxi industry, and has been working hard to promote the reform of the taxi industry. It has successively issued a number of regulations and issued a number of documents. Especially in response to the new situation and new problems brought about by the rise of online car-hailing, in accordance with the overall deployment of the country’s comprehensive deepening reform, the Ministry of Transport carried out surveys and studies in July 2014, and in November 2014 officially expressed its attitude of encouraging and inclusive innovation in the development of online car-hailing.

  In January 2015, our ministry officially established a reform working group, and together with relevant departments, we began to study the policies for deepening the reform of the taxi industry and standardizing the development of online car-hailing. We embarked on a top-level design and fully launched the reform work of the industry. We conducted special surveys in 21 different types of cities and studied the laws, regulations and management policies of taxis in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore and other countries, as well as in Hong Kong and Taiwan. We also held more than 50 seminars, demonstrations and consultations of different scopes and levels. We widely listened to the opinions of all parties and repeatedly conducted research and demonstration.

  The relevant departments of the central government and the State Council have also participated in the drafting and revision of the taxi reform document throughout the process. In late June 2015, the Ministry of Transport held a special symposium on deepening the reform of the taxi industry. On July 20, a demonstration meeting on deepening the reform of the taxi industry was held, and the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were formed. The exposure draft of these two documents has been open to the public for one month since October 10 last year. The reason why this opportunity was chosen for reform is to take into account the interests of the people, that is, to adhere to the people-oriented, that is, to take the passenger as the center. This is the starting point and the end point of this reform.

  The direction of reform has two aspects: first, to improve the service level of traditional taxis and better meet the needs of the people to travel. In the 1990s, our country’s taxis experienced rapid development and played an extremely important and positive role in alleviating travel difficulties. The majority of business operators and taxi drivers have made positive contributions and become a business card of the city, which should be fully recognized. With the passage of time, there have also been many new situations and problems. In some cities, it is difficult to take a taxi, the quality of industry services is not high, and the people’s multi-level travel needs cannot be effectively met. At the same time, the problem of industry instability is sometimes more prominent. These all urgently need to reform the taxi management system and mechanism to improve and improve the service level.

  The second is to encourage the innovation and standardized development of new business forms of online car-hailing, which is also to better meet the needs of the people. In recent years, the rise of new business forms such as online car-hailing has indeed brought new experiences to passengers, but also led to the intertwining of old and new contradictions, the collision of interests, and even caused a series of industry problems. In the process of development, outstanding problems in the safety protection of passengers and fair competition in the market need to be solved urgently. While encouraging innovation, we must seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and standardize its development. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader pointed out that the people’s yearning for a better life is our goal. The people’s expectations and voices for improving travel needs are the direction of our work. We must make this the focus of our work and step up the reform of the taxi industry to better serve the people’s transportation.

  The comprehensive deepening of taxi reform this time involves a wide range of areas and the public is very concerned about it. In the process of promoting reform, we have earnestly implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, taking innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing as the development concept, and taking the "Internet +" action plan as an opportunity, adhering to the reform principles of people-oriented, encouraging innovation, overall consideration, and legal norms, and have studied and formulated relevant specific content around this principle. At the same time, we also promote the idea of stock reform and market segmentation to improve transportation services by increments, especially through "taxi + Internet" to promote the improvement and improvement of traditional taxi services and achieve transformation and upgrading; through "Internet + taxi" to build a diverse and differentiated taxi service system, promote the classification management and dislocation of new and old business formats, and gradually integrate development.

  The main content of this reform is reflected in the two documents exposure draft. For the entire taxi industry, there are mainly six aspects: First, it is necessary to clarify the positioning. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system and a supplement to urban public transportation. It provides personalized transportation services for the public. Priority should be given to the development of public transportation and the appropriate development of taxis. Second, it is necessary to establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the scale of transportation capacity, adjust the scale of transportation capacity in a timely manner, and solve the contradiction between supply and demand. Third, it is necessary to reform the management of operating rights, implement restrictions on the period of operation rights and free use, and shall not speculate and transfer without authorization. Fourth, it is necessary to build a diversified service system including cruise taxis and booking taxis to meet the travel needs of the people at different levels. Fifth, reform the system of molecular money, from the past government regulation to equal consultation between enterprises or industry associations and drivers or trade unions, and encourage and use the technology of the Internet to build a reasonable distribution mechanism for the interests of enterprises and drivers. Sixth, we must improve the price formation mechanism and give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in regulating market supply and demand.

  In response to the management of online car-hailing, the Interim Measures mainly clarify the core content of four aspects: First, clarify the positioning of development. In accordance with the high-quality and differentiated business principles, develop online car-hailing in an orderly manner. Second, under the current legal framework, license management is implemented for online car-hailing operators, drivers and vehicles. Third, standardize the business behavior of online car-hailing. Fourth, establish a multi-departmental joint supervision mechanism to strengthen supervision during and after the event.

Xu Jiayin was taken compulsory measures according to law, Hengda workout progress or affected

Rumors about Xu Jiayin finally settled. On the evening of September 28, China Evergrande issued an announcement saying that the company had received a notice from relevant departments that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law for suspected illegal crimes.

On the morning of the same day, China Evergrande, Hengda Automobile, and Hengda Property, three Hengda companies, announced that the company’s shares had temporarily stopped trading at 9 a.m., and the three Hengda companies had resumed trading shortly thereafter.

The three companies collectively suspended their trading, which made the market speculate that something big might happen to Evergrande. Unexpectedly, the relevant rumors about Xu Jiayin’s situation came true.

Many industry insiders believe that, as the head of Evergrande, Xu Jiayin was forced to take measures, which will affect the progress of the workout.

China Evergrande announced that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, has been taken compulsory measures according to law on suspicion of illegal crimes. Photo/IC photo

Lawyers say this could be just the beginning

Since September 23, news of Xu Jiayin’s situation has been circulating in the public. On September 28, China Evergrande, Evergrande Automobile and Evergrande Property suspended trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which caused many discussions.

Hengda did not respond to the reason why Xu Jiayin was taken coercive measures for suspected crimes.

Wang Yushen, director of Beijing Jinsheng Law Firm, analyzed that from the announcement, Xu Jiayin’s suspected crime has been "real" and coercive measures have been taken. This shows that the public security organs have relatively sufficient evidence of Xu Jiayin’s suspected crime, otherwise they will not take coercive measures against him.

Wang Yuchen further said that in the past, Hengda executives were investigated and now Xu Jiayin has been taken coercive measures, which all shows that Hengda has now entered a period of great crisis. Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures are probably just the beginning, and there may be a series of big moves in the future.

On the evening of September 16, the Nanshan Branch of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau announced that recently, the public security organs have taken criminal compulsory measures against Du and other suspected criminals of Evergrande Financial Wealth Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. If investors need to report the case, they can register the case.

It is understood that on August 31 this year, Hengda Wealth official Weibo announced that because the company’s asset disposal progress was less than expected and no asset disposal funds were obtained, the company was unable to carry out this month’s redemption, and subsequent redemption arrangements will be announced separately.

For the Xu Jiayin incident, in the opinion of Yan Yuejin, Chief Research Officer of E-House Research Institute, the announcement issued by Evergrande this time confirms the fact that Evergrande’s debt problem is not a simple financial and economic dispute, but involves a large financial default and illegal operation. From this perspective alone, the anti-corruption work of real estate enterprises began with the incident of Hengda’s accountability, and other real estate enterprises have no chance of getting lucky.

Evergrande workout or face variables

Xu Jiayin was forced to take measures, the ongoing Hengda workout, or face variables.

Zhang Hongwei, founder of Mirror Consulting, said that without a decision-maker, Evergrande’s workout is expected to be interrupted for a period of time, and things will be delayed. Relevant departments are expected to take measures soon, such as a large enterprise hosting Evergrande.

Wang Yuchen believes that Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures may affect Evergrande’s workout. After all, Xu Jiayin, as the chairperson of Evergrande’s board of directors, has a significant impact on Evergrande’s future direction and the future development of Evergrande.

In fact, before this, Hengda workout has seen bad news.

On September 24, China Evergrande issued an update on overseas workout information, saying that in view of the investigation of Evergrande Real Estate, the current situation cannot meet the eligibility for the issuance of new notes. This means that Evergrande’s workout may face variables.

The announcement shows that all new bills to be issued under the proposed restructuring must comply with the "Trial Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance of Securities and Listing of Domestic Enterprises" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the "Measures for the Administration of the Examination and Registration of Medium and Long-term Foreign Debt of Enterprises" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission according to their applicable circumstances. China Evergrande must prove that it meets the relevant requirements. In view of the above reasons, China Evergrande’s current situation cannot meet the eligibility for the issuance of new bills.

Previously on August 16, Hengda Real Estate announced in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange that it had received the "Notice of Filing" issued by the China Securities Supervision Commission, because the company was suspected of information disclosure violations, according to the "Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China" and the "Administrative Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, the China Securities Supervision Commission decided to file a case against Hengda Real Estate.

The issuance of new notes is an important part of China Evergrande’s workout plan. In the March workout plan this year, Evergrande Agreement Arrangement Plan 1 stated that the agreement arrangement creditors can obtain new notes at a conversion ratio of 1:1 of their recoverable amount. The new notes have a term of 10-12 years and will be repaid over time. Under Option 2, the agreement arrangement creditors can choose to convert their recoverable amount into: 5-9 years New Notes to be issued by the company.

In addition, under the Jingcheng Arrangement, creditors will receive five new notes issued by Jingcheng with a term of 4-8 years for a total principal amount of $6.50 billion. Under the Space-based Arrangement, creditors will receive four new notes issued by Space-based with a term of 5-8 years for a total principal amount of $800 million.

In addition to the blockage of new note issuance, China Evergrande’s overseas workout-related meetings have also been postponed again. According to China Evergrande’s announcement released on September 22, China Evergrande’s sales since March 22 this year have not been as expected. Based on the current situation of China Evergrande and its consultations with its advisors and creditors, China Evergrande believes that it is necessary to re-examine the terms of the proposed restructuring to match its objective situation and creditors’ demands. Therefore, the relevant agreement and arrangement meetings on the proposed restructuring originally scheduled for September 25 and September 26 will not be held. This is the third postponement.

The market is also concerned about whether Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures will affect "Baojiaolou"? Wang Yuchen said that Evergrande has many subsidiaries all over the country, and each company is relatively independent. Therefore, for buyers who bought Hengda houses but encountered unfinished business, as well as investors who invested in Evergrande, they need to pay close attention to the next direction of Evergrande, but do not worry too much. Now that the state has taken action, and the "Baojiaolou" involving so many ordinary people, there should eventually be a corresponding solution.

Duan Wenping, reporter of Beijing News

Editor, Yang Juanjuan, Proofreader, Yang Xuli

Xiaodu’s new products continue, and a variety of products rank first in the industry

  On August 22, Beijing time, Baidu released its unaudited financial report for the second quarter ended June 30, 2023. In the second quarter of 2023, Baidu achieved revenue of 34.10 billion yuan, an increase of 15% year-on-year; net profit attributable to Baidu (Non-GAAP) reached 8 billion yuan, a significant increase of 44% year-on-year, exceeding market expectations.

  Among them, the smart technology brand Xiaodu, as an important business segment of Baidu’s "AI Life", continues to maintain a strong growth trend. According to data released by IDC and Canalys, Xiaodu ranked first in China’s smart screen and smart speaker shipments in Quarter 1 of 2023. In the second quarter, Xiaodu’s smart screen/smart speaker sales and sales also achieved double growth, up 31.58% and 10.19% year-on-year respectively.

  In addition, Xiaodu launched a number of new products in the first half of the year, continuously strengthening the brand’s innovation DNA.

  New species Plant grass on the whole network, and add girlfriend machines to develop "new categories"

  In March this year, Xiaodu dug deep into the pain points of users’ home scenes and launched a "walking" 27-inch all-round oversized tablet aimed at people who pursue quality life. The product integrates flat-screen, TV, fitness mirror, learning machine, and oversized speakers, which can move freely. It also has multiple functions such as Xiaodu AI voice interaction, watching movies and chasing dramas, AI fitness, Karaoke, and office online classes. Once released, it quickly "came out of the circle", triggering a large number of grass planting. On Douyin and Xiaohongshu, the content about adding a girlfriend machine once formed a trend of screen swiping, and the topic of Douyin alone was played more than 700 million times. It is understood that the Tiantian girlfriend machine has been on sale for only two months, and sales have exceeded 100 million.

  New products face "most volume" 618, Xiaodu smart screen X9 topsHot SaleGolden List

  This year’s 618 was recognized as the "most volume in history" 618. Major e-commerce platforms and brands invested the most and strived to hand over high scores. Xiaodu smart screen X9 was officially launched on June 1. It participated in the battle on the eve of the battle. Just three weeks after its listing, it topped the gold list of TikTok portable speakers as a dark horse.

  In addition to fully inheriting the core functions of Xiaodu smart screen, Xiaodu smart screen X9 adopts a horizontal rotating camera gimbal in the hardware configuration, which can realize 360 ° panoramic horizontal field of view and 120 ° ultra-wide-angle field of view, and supports infrared night vision function. In terms of software, Xiaodu smart screen X9 fully upgrades the core functions of "go home and see", "care assistant", "video call" and other core functions that users value most. The software and hardware integrate to achieve 24-hour all-round and convenient home care.

  United Gaosi Intensive Farming FamilyStudy CounselingXiaodu continues to promote educational inclusion

  In July this year, Xiaodu officially announced a deep cooperation with Gaosi Education, a well-known educational institution, and jointly launched a new educational hardware product, the Z20 Plus Gaosi Deluxe Edition of Xiaodu Optical Eye Protection Learning. The product integrates Gaosi’s strong teaching staff, refined layered teaching system, and high-quality courses covering all aspects from preschool enlightenment to senior high school entrance examination sprints. It complements Xiaodu’s innovative AI teaching methods, eye protection, habit formation, and parental control based on the Baidu ERNIE Bot model. It can provide children with more comprehensive learning coaching solutions, so that primary school students across the country can learn Gaosi lessons. According to official data, the product has been online for only one month, and the sales of the Douyin platform have exceeded 100 million.

  In addition, Xiaodu also invited Gao Siai Learning Vice President, Peking University Psychology Professor, and experts in early childhood education to jointly develop the "1234 Effective Counseling Method" for parents. By "identifying the first responsible person", "determining 2 learning directions", "cultivating 3 major abilities", and "adopting a 4-step plan", combined with Xiaodu Learning’s tablet Gaosi version of teaching content and functions, it provides practical help for family learning counseling, and at the same time cooperates with parents to cultivate children’s good learning habits.

  Whether it is in the field of home infotainment or youth education, Xiaodu always insists on providing consumers with more convenient and warmer services through its own AI technology capabilities and innovative product concepts. With the arrival of the big model era, Xiaodu will continue to accelerate the brand vision of "creating a ubiquitous artificial intelligence assistant", using technology to make life more convenient and better.

Why are young people willing to pay for the concert turning into a large KTV?

    Interactive singing may become more and more audience-led in the future, but true singing remains the prerequisite for interactive singing.

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  The performance market in 2023 is exploding, and many city weekends are "contracted" by concerts. Concerts bloom, and fans don’t play according to the routine, creating many new "ways to play".

  For example, "You don’t need to sing in person to hold a concert, fans sing for idols". Recently, singer Wu Bai has frequently been on the hot search for fans "singing on his behalf", and has been made numerous "terriers" by netizens. Even if he responds "This is not true, I have sung", it seems that no one cares except him – after all, after the concert, the audience’s singing is still enduring. It seems that Wu Bai himself does not need to appear. As long as the venue is packed and the performance date is announced, fans can successfully hold a "Wu Bai concert without Wu Bai".

  Expressing love and support for singers through enthusiastic chorus has become more and more violent. In Miriam Yeung’s MY TREE OF LIVE world tour this year, whether it is the main songs such as "It’s a pity that I am an Aquarius" and "Small Town Events", or non-main songs such as "Kappa" and "Fireworks", can trigger a chorus; in the national tour of Mao Buyi’s "Guide to Young Birds", old songs and new songs such as "Ordinary Day", "Midsummer" and "City Evening" have all won the audience’s chorus.

  From singing to singing, the audience and the performers have a stronger and stronger sense of interaction. In addition, writing what you want to say to the singer on the hand banner, creating a "sea of stars", and performing a song with the singer have also become highly accepted "concert rituals".

  In 2023, people will not just "watch the concert", but "participate in the concert" at a deeper level and with more interactive fun.

  From listening to songs to chorus, the key words are "expression" and "resonance"

  Li Meng, a post-90s girl who works in the operation of an internet company, has been listening to concerts since she was a third-year-old. At first, she liked to sit quietly and listen. "The first time I listened to a concert was also the first time I saw my favorite singer in person, so I didn’t want the singer’s voice to be disturbed, even my own." Now she prefers to participate in the chorus, "which gives me a sense of participation, and I feel happy between singing and jumping."

  Zhou Zhou, a bank clerk, went to a concert with friends during November 11. "My seat was next to the free ticket area, where most of the audience were not enthusiastic and sat quietly without a chorus." She said the whole concert was cold, which made the impression not good. But Zhou Zhou understood the behavior: "Everyone feels and expresses differently, and whether to sing or not is a personal choice."

  For the chorus, Liu Jiayue expressed his disapproval. At one concert, the audience next to her sang for a night, and her voice was loud and out of tune. Liu Jiayue sighed: "I didn’t hear the singer’s voice at all, and I felt that the tickets were bought for nothing."

  Ding Zigao, producer of Miriam Yeung’s MY TREE OF LIVE world tour and founder of Zhengxiang Culture and Entertainment Co., Ltd., believes that in the atmosphere of pop music culture, it is a common phenomenon for listeners to interact with singing. "Many pop music creations come from life, and it is easy to resonate, resulting in the phenomenon of chorus and follow-up." Ding Zigao said that Miriam Yeung’s songs connect the youth and memories of listeners. When the music that accompanied her growth plays again, scene after scene of memories will come flooding in.

  Li Sirui, CEO of Elephant Music Group and producer of Wang Sulong’s 2023 "Party of the Century" tour, believes that the popularity of social media has made the audience’s perspective an integral part of the concert, with strong interactivity and more follow-up singing.

  "Only after the audience has really listened to the song many times can they be able to sing along; only when the audience really resonates will they come to the concert site to sing along." Xin Zhiyu, the general manager of the Wohahaowa Music Business Center, the producer of Mao Buyi’s concert, analyzed that both ability and choice are achieved, and the audience can sing along. "For some young people, chorus is actually a kind of emotional relief." Xin Zhiyu believes that many of Mao Buyi’s songs are the emotional observation of ordinary people, which has an advantage in this regard.

  In many concerts, the audience chorus usually only exists during a few songs, while in Wubai concerts, the chorus lasts almost the whole time. Li Shan, an associate professor at the School of Music of Capital Normal University, believes that this is special and is the result of a combination of factors: Wubai is a creative pop singer with a wide audience and a large fan base, which provides a population base for the chorus; pop music itself is closer to the public, and it is easier for the audience to sing; and in the era when Wubai became famous, the Internet was not developed, and the number of singers that the public could reach was limited, so the popular singers had a greater influence. Now that young people have more diverse entertainment methods, it is difficult for the audience to like a singer to achieve the effect of analogy with Wubai.

  Hand banners, posters, sea of stars… make the concert full of ritual

  From singing to singing, the audience and the performers had a stronger and stronger sense of interaction. In terms of interaction methods, some people also made hand banners and wrote the words they wanted to express to the singer; some people wore specific costumes and accessories to interact with the singer… The communication modes between the two sides were also more diverse.

  Shan Xiaotao, a girl from Northeast China, has attended two concerts this year. Before each performance, she will specially buy clothes and glow sticks of matching colors, think about her hairstyle in advance, and make an appointment with old friends to meet. Before entering, create a sense of ceremony.

  Liu Jiayue will also make posters in advance, writing the songs she wants to listen to, hoping to interact with the singers during the song ordering process. She specifically mentioned that there is a tacit agreement between her favorite singers and fans: stand up to listen to fast songs, sit down to enjoy slow songs, and when it comes to a specific song, turn on the phone light and swing it. "Everyone uses the lights to create a sea of stars together, and just seeing this scene makes me feel healed."

  Li Yi, a Mao Buyi fan, said that every time she listens to Mao Buyi’s concert, she seeks a sense of "hard empathy for migrant workers", "healing by his music", and a sense of "understanding". She loves the chat sessions between Mao Buyi’s concerts and the atmosphere of his conversations with fans. Before each concert, Li Yi will carefully "review" his "time nodes and moods" that he has liked Mao Buyi over the years, and then look forward to "marking a new scale."

  Ding Zigao believes that today’s audiences have a stronger desire to get up close and personal with the performers. "In fact, this was the case in the past, but because the technology is more mature now, the effect is more obvious." For example, the audience will make their own hand banners or raise the title of the song they want to hear to attract the attention of the performers. At the same time, the audience’s requirements for the overall appearance of the concert have also increased. "In addition to feeling the performance of the singer, they will also appreciate the stage art, clothing styling, video, sound effects, etc."

  According to Xin Zhiyu’s observation, the current audience’s requirements for viewing experience and viewing experience are getting higher and higher, and the tolerance of organizers is decreasing. Xin Zhiyu admitted that the audience experience is the first priority in the ranking of concert value. Before the performance, his team will conduct a comprehensive investigation of the venue, such as whether the temperature of the air conditioner is suitable and whether the field of vision is blocked.

  "Listening to music, feeling the atmosphere and releasing pressure are the main needs of the audience to watch concerts." In Li Shan’s opinion, compared with more than a decade ago, young people today are more courageous and more willing to express themselves, so there will be phenomena such as chorus and wearing specific clothes to watch concerts. "This sense of ritual does not only exist in concerts, but also appears in various activities such as football games. This is a respect for the event."

  True singing is the prerequisite for interactive singing, and music is still the foundation of performance

  As the audience’s demand for concert experiences increases and the desire for interaction becomes stronger, performers and organizers are exploring new performance models.

  Mr. Xin said that "national character" and "warm emotions" were two of Mao’s characteristics. "We hope this is a pure concert that can bring a good listening experience to the audience." Based on this concept, the team designed the performance. For example, in the interactive song ordering process, Mao is not easy to choose songs to sing according to the color ratio of the live glow stick; on the day of the 520 performance, a limited playlist is used.

  Li Sirui said that Wang Sulong’s concert held this year has set up more interactive parts: preparing Easter eggs at the clock in and outside the venue; calling on the audience to bring their own dolls to the scene; when singing "Good Times", Wang Sulong will stop to perform a sitcom, and the plot of each scene is different.

  Li Sirui believes that the essence of a concert is to sing live and listen to live, on this basis to meet the emotional needs of fans to see the singer in person, while allowing the stage to more fully display the music and satisfy the audience’s freshness. With the diversification of entertainment forms, how to make the visual effect more shocking, the stage presentation more rich, and the interactive form more participatory, these are all added to the carrier of the concert.

  Li Shan said that although music is not easy to improvise, interactive singing may become more and more audience-led in the future. At the same time, true singing is still the premise of interactive singing, which puts higher requirements on the ability of singers.

  Ding Zigao believes that concerts are not just entertainment, but also the performers’ interpretation of music. Songs are the core, and at the same time, the coordination of stage art, styling and other aspects is required to present the whole music story to the audience. Miriam Yeung’s MY TREE OF LIVE world tour concert at Encore added chat and blind box selection to bring a different experience to the audience. After the performance, the team will also collect audience feedback through social platforms to modify and adjust the tour.

  (At the request of the interviewee, Li Meng, Zhou Zhou, Liu Jiayue, Li Yi and Shan Xiaotao are all pseudonyms)

What did Han Han want to do with the hodgepodge of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves"?


    1905 movie network news After the recent announcement of the Olympic beautiful woman reporter Xiong Li, the new generation of actresses and the son of the famous Chinese director Li An Li Chun to join the new work, director Han Han once again released a big move today: confirming Peng Yuyan’s participation in "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" – this blockbuster news instantly aroused a thousand waves of heated discussion among netizens, exclaiming that Han Han actually has such a "killer".

    From finding another way to announce the behind-the-scenes lineup first, to singing and songwriter Li Ronghao’s singing and excellent performance, and then to the grand debut of Golden Eagle Muse Zhao Liying, and then teaching Yi Xiaoxing and Xiong Li and other network celebrities to participate in the performance, and finally to the grand finale of the son of the director, Han Han’s process of announcing the actors this time can be described as ups and downs and step by step shocking, unexpected and surprising, itself is a good table of dinner, a good game of chess, a big play.

    With the 12 people announced so far, Han Han has become a chef and served a cross-border "hodgepodge" – a cast that includes movie actors, TV actors, singers, internet celebrities and sports journalists, plus his two pet dogs.

    Next, I will introduce each dish in order and guess the intention of Chef Han Han.

Deng Chao

    Deng Chao, who is now an actor, film director, variety show MC, and investment producer, has long been waiting for his works to prove his acting skills and plasticity, and has received corresponding awards and nominations.

Last year, Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and Guo Tao won the Golden Goblet Best Actor "Three Yellow Eggs" for their wonderful performances at the Shanghai Film Festival

    This time, Deng Chao will play the role of race car driver Xu Tailang, believing that this role will bring Han Han’s own shadow and growth experience, which is undoubtedly expected. As a popular appeal and acting role, he will bear the brunt of the "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" cast list.

Dong Zijian

    He Luhan, Wu Yifan, and Yang Yangtong were named "the four post-90s students" by Taiwan’s ETtoday website and Malaysia’s World News. This was enough to prove Dong Zijian’s high popularity. However, his debut was due to many awards and nominations. Last year, he was nominated by the Golden Horse Best Actor, and his acting skills were enough to get rid of the other three students. N streets.

Dong Zijian was much praised

    The appearance of Dong Zijian, who is popular and powerful, seems to have locked in the literary and artistic atmosphere of the movie in advance, and is likely to follow the model of setting Deng Chao and his double male protagonist. From the age analysis, it is also very likely that there will be a father and son confrontation in the movie.

Li Ronghao

    Since the album was nominated for five awards at the 25th Golden Melody Awards and won the Best Newcomer Award in one fell swoop, the mainland singer-songwriter who is reminiscent of Jay Chou from looks to talent to popularity has now been upgraded to a music producer.

Li Ronghao won the Best Newcomer Award at the 25th Golden Melody Awards

    Li Ronghao, who was electrocuted for the first time in "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves", will presumably attract the curious attention of fans and turn it into a real box office, and will also be able to arrange all the soundtrack creation and singing of the film.

Jin Shijie

    As the grandson of the former Kuomintang Central Committee, he is one of the important theater promoters and core creators in Taiwan, as well as a pioneer and a hall-level representative. He has excellent speaking skills and superb performance skills, and is known as the "Eternal Jiangbin Liu" by movie fans. Teacher Jin Shijie has cooperated with Yang Dechang, Wang Jiawei and other major directors many times, and his works are familiar to mainland audiences. He also won the Best Supporting Actor at the Beijing Film Festival this year for his outstanding performances.

In, Jin Shijie plays Zheng Shanao

    Even the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes on the poster can see the acting skills of the old actor Jin Shijie, who will undoubtedly be used as the "Sea God Needle" for the performance of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves", which is enough to make the audience look forward to the "drama" between the powerful actors in this movie.

Zhao Liying

    Zhao Liying, as a popular flower, has broken the definition of a beautiful and cute girl with the reverse role of Liuli in the movie that subverts the sweet image, and this year can be called its screen harvest year, a record-breaking "Flower Thousand Bones" and a super popular "Old Nine Doors" both won awards, and let it be crowned Golden Eagle Muse.

In, Zhao Liying plays the traitor Liuli

    As a popular and the first female cast to appear, Zhao Liying is almost certain to be the heroine of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves". In Han Han’s last work, Wang Luodan’s stunning glimpse, Yuan Quan’s free and easy, and Chen Qiaoen’s intellectual gentleness all left a deep impression on the audience. This time, the performance of the Golden Eagle Muse is undoubtedly expected.

Zhang Benyu, Professor Yi Xiaoxing

    Then came the "never expected" time – as one of the leading actors of Wanhe Tianyi, whether it is Liu Bei, the hero of the Three Kingdoms, or Duan Zhengchun, the giant of the Tianlong, Zhang Benyu can inject just the right "cute" element into his image through his own interpretation; and from the most popular original author on the Internet to the comedy director, Professor Yi Xiaoxing always seems to be able to grasp the laughs and pulse of the generation that has grown up on the Internet.

Han Han also starred as a white dragon horse in a big movie

    As the royal cameo of Han Han’s film, Bai Ke and Kong Lianshun appeared in "Future Meeting", and it is not uncommon for Zhang Benyu and Professor Yi Xiaoxing to appear in "Riding the Wind and Waves".

Madagascar, period

    It’s time for cute dogs! Madagascar became famous for starring in "Future Meeting Indefinite", contracting the biggest attraction of the entire movie, and became a "generation superstar" in the pet industry; the other Han Han’s dog who appeared with Mada happened to be Mada’s "love rival" for many years, and there were even rumors that said: "Han Han once wanted to play the role of Mada in" Future Meeting ", but he had no choice but to give up because his golden fur was too similar to the desert." And the relationship between the name of the period "period" and "Future Meeting Indefinite" seems to confirm this statement.

Chen Bolin and Madagascar in "The Future"

    The two dogs had previously conducted several rounds of act cute index contests on Weibo, and this time they met again in the movie. Who has more scenes, more popularity, and better acting skills? The answer can only be revealed when the movie is released.

Gao Huayang

    As Han Han’s racing teammate, a joke launched the acting career of the trophy-winning racer – Gao Huayang’s role as Hu Sheng in "Infinite Future", although the role is not large, its "inexplicable disappearance" in the film is very impressive. "Where has Hu Sheng gone" has also become one of the important plots that fans and friends have discussed and deciphered after watching the movie.

Gao Huayang, Feng Shaofeng and Chen Bolin in The Future

    In this "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves", Gao Huayang "came out of the mountain again". Whether to play the ticket or officially step into the road of interpretation is still unknown.

Xiong Li, Li Chunai

    The beautiful sister flower is on the scene! Xiong Li, a sports reporter, randomly interviewed a young handsome guy in the auditorium of this year’s Olympic Games, but unexpectedly it was Wu Minxia’s boyfriend. This sudden situation quickly made Xiong Li popular on the Internet and was called the most beautiful female reporter in China’s sports world. Another actress, Li Chunai, graduated from Nortel and starred in the convenience store girl who was kidnapped in 2015. She also played with Lin Gengxin in the hit TV series "Zhao Zilong" in the first half of this year.

At the Rio Olympics, Xiong Li accidentally interviewed the boyfriend of diver Wu Minxia

    Although Xiong Li’s participation in "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" as an Internet celebrity live streaming host has caused a lot of controversy, the saying goes that "three women have one play" makes us expect Zhao Liying, Xiong Li and Li Chunai to recreate or even surpass the beautiful memories brought to us by Chen Qiaoen, Wang Luodan and Yuan Quan in "The Future Will Be Indefinite".

Li Chun

    In recent years, Li Chun has mainly developed in Hollywood, and he has made guest appearances and also participated in the blockbuster film "Billy Lynn’s Halftime War" directed by Li Ang. Recently, Li Ang took his son to promote all over the world, and revealed that his personality is very similar to his own, and he has a hard-working and hard-working personality. Li Chun also received language and martial arts training in Beijing and Taiwan, and will tilt the focus of his future career entirely to the domestic. Every time he is discussed with his father Li Ang in the media, Li Chun accepts it calmly: "I can’t control this. So, I can only continue to act and accumulate works, hoping to find my identity." And since the age of two, he has been making cameo appearances, and after being honed in many works, he has also been admitted by his mother, "He is very talented, and after so many years of hard work, he has finally achieved something."

Li An and his son Li Chun

    Choosing Han Han’s "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" to cooperate with a group of excellent Chinese actors must be the result of Li Chun’s deliberate consideration. He hoped that he could absorb more acting experience and familiarize himself with the domestic film and television environment. Han Han, on the other hand, could use this opportunity to promote future cooperation with director Ang Lee while leveraging the novelty of the domestic audience towards Ang Lee’s son.

Peng Yuyan

    Peng Yuyan has a handsome appearance, a healthy image, and youthful vitality. He can be fresh before and after the moon, and he can also fight hard with his blood. Not long ago, the main melody blockbuster relied on perfect word-of-mouth to counterattack all the way in the National Day file, and finally received 1.10 billion high box office, breaking the box office record of Chinese police and gangster films. As the lead actor, Peng Yuyan successfully created Fang Xinwu, a iron-blooded tough man, in "Mekong Action", which won praise and screams from countless fans. From Ashin, who challenged gymnastics in 2011, to Lin Siqi, who was determined and unbreakable in 2013, to the inspirational driver Qiu Ming in mid-2015, and Li Jiajun, the "fallen police officer" in this summer, Peng Yuyan relies on these characters to break everyone’s stereotypical impression of him, and has become a strong acting school that strives to create a plump three-dimensional and memorable character.

Peng Yuyan in "Operation Mekong"

    Peng Yuyan’s joining not only adds to the appearance of the entire cast, but also symbolizes the determination of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" to impress the audience with strength. And with Peng Yuyan’s thriving development momentum and explosive popularity, it obviously increases the confidence and guarantee for the box office of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves".

    Okay, the above is the latest dish of Chef Han Han carefully interpreted by Xiao Dianjun for everyone – "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" is stewed in a mess. I wonder if the guest officials are still satisfied?

Wang Jianlin: There is an L-shaped inflection point in real estate, and it will be difficult for eight to ten years

        Speaker:Wang Jianlin (Founder and Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd.)

        Subject:Transformers: Creating New Commercial Value and Wanda’s Road to Transformation

        Time:April 21, 2015

        Host:China Entrepreneur Club

        [Editor’s note]

        At the "2015 China Green Company Annual Conference", Wang Jianlin said that the current trend of the real estate industry has changed. The industry has reached an inflection point. This inflection point is not V-shaped, but L-shaped. It takes a long time to balance supply and demand. Real estate will be difficult within ten or eight years.

        Wang Jianlin said that Wanda is trying O2O and Internet finance because Wanda needs to transform. One of the reasons for this is to use its own transformation method to smooth the cycle of the industry.

        The following is an excerpt from Wang Jianlin’s speech by The Paper (

 Increase user experience with O2O model

        How will physical enterprises go in the future? Will they also learn from the Internet? I told the company not to be afraid, but to embrace the Internet bravely. In fact, like our industry, how to do the Internet is a new topic. We mentioned the concept of O2O, which has only been done for a year now.

        First, increase the experience and stickiness of offline consumers. What does it mean to increase the experience? For example, there are now four Wanda Plaza in Shenyang, and more may be added in the future. Some consumers find that the parking spaces in the square are full after going there. Before, consumers only found that the parking spaces were full when they arrived at Wanda Plaza, and then they had to spend a lot of time queuing up. The O2O model means searching for relevant information at home, you can check if there are parking spaces, and you can even book parking spaces in advance.

        However, there is a problem. This type of project that increases the experience is a money-burning project. Where is the company’s profit direction? After more than a year of exploration, we have now found a new direction, which is to move in the direction of Internet finance.

        Utilize big data for internet finance

        Now Wanda Commercial is changing from heavy to light. In the past, we held our own assets or paid all the rent. Now we have a lot of investors, including our internal and external investors, who are willing to invest in us, and let us be responsible for the design, construction, investment promotion, operation, and management. We will share a part of the funds.

        From here, we remember that we are currently experimenting with a new wealth management product issued by one of our own Internet companies. This wealth management product is invested in Wanda Plaza, and the share of Wanda Plaza is transferred to the annual profit and rent dividend. The Internet company leaves a small part of the profit and then distributes it to investors.

        In the process of studying O2O, we found that Wanda has a huge advantage, the flow of people is very large. There were 1.60 billion passengers last year, and it is expected to exceed 2 billion this year. In 2020, according to the most conservative estimate, more than 6 billion people will enter Wanda’s plazas, hotels and resorts. This is just the most conservative estimate.

        According to a person once a month, there are at least 500 million active users. There may be more in the future. These resources are our customers who will issue Internet financial loans in the future. Because his consumption data may not be completely recorded in first- and second-tier cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, but for third- and fourth-tier cities, his consumption data is very complete.

Wanda wants to become the largest card issuer in China

        At present, our O2O is going in these two directions. One is to spend money to increase the experience and increase the stickiness. Second, through Internet finance, to obtain profits and increase the further expansion and development of O2O.

        There is a third thing in the future. If there are enough members, two or three hundred million, or even three or five hundred million, we will issue a Wanda’s own innovation card. The name has not been decided yet.

        As long as all members come to my store to spend, there is no annual fee for this innovation card, and there will be subsidies and points for using this innovation card.

        This kind of innovative card costs billions of dollars a year. As for the expenses related to the use of the card, where does the money come from? We have generally signed an agreement with the pilot merchants to spend one yuan on this card. At present, all the pilot merchants have agreed, so we use a large crowdfunding method to digest it.

        So in the future, our goal may be to become the largest card-issuing bank in China within five to six years. This will further stimulate support for offline O2O.

        I believe that because of Wanda’s offline opening of fifty or sixty stores every year, 500 million to 1 billion increased offline data support every year, our O2O, this "Internet +", will definitely create a new model in the business.

        Moreover, this "Internet +" stimulates and strengthens not the excess capacity, but the commercial consumption, cultural consumption, tourism consumption, and sports consumption that China needs to further contribute to China’s economy and explore. There is no new model of O2O "Internet +" in the world.

 "Touching the Net" is for transformation

        Why should we try O2O, why should we try Internet finance? Because Wanda needs to transform. Transformation is an eternal topic, and it is impossible for any enterprise’s business model to remain unchanged. If it remains unchanged, it will disappear from the list. We see that the companies that appeared on the list 30 years ago are now less than 20%. Maybe in another 20 years, or even 50 years, there may be only ten companies left in the top 500. This change is very large and must be adapted.

        In addition, Wanda needs to gain a greater competitive advantage. In the real estate field, although there are no national competitors, there are still regional competitors. Nationally speaking, in our industry, there is a saying that there is only one, no two. Through this transformation, we have gained more room for development. In several industries where we have comparative advantages, such as real estate, cultural industry, tourism industry, sports industry, etc., our goal is not only to have a certain competitive advantage, but also to exclude competitors, so that competitors cannot enter.

        I also hope that Wanda’s transformation can achieve the purpose of not being affected by the economic cycle. China’s economic downturn began in 2013. Although the RRR and interest rates were cut, the economic improvement was still not particularly obvious, indicating that China’s economy is in a downward channel, and the decline has not stopped. This is the economic cycle.

The real estate industry has reached an inflection point

        What will the cycle bring? It may bring a fatal blow to the cyclical industry. This industry is real estate and bulk materials, which are typical cyclical industries. For example, when real estate is selling well, it goes up when it is not easy to sell, and it enters the economic downturn cycle. No matter what, it is difficult to sell.

        What is particularly uncomfortable is that the real estate industry has been in the real estate industry for so many years, in 1993, 1994, and in 2007 and 2008. At that time, it was very difficult. No matter how much the price was reduced, we did not buy it. The reason why we transformed was that we had our own ideas and used our own transformation methods to iron out the cycle of this industry.

        For example, we invest in light assets, investment funds or wealth management products. Our purpose is not to be affected by the economic cycle. Whether house prices rise or fall has nothing to do with us. We don’t have to consider house prices.

        The current trend of the real estate industry has changed, and the industry has reached an inflection point. This inflection point is not V-shaped, but L-shaped. It takes a long time for supply and demand to balance, and real estate will be difficult within ten or eight years.

        The real estate industry can never return to the "buy is earn" situation, and the "make money while lying down" situation is over. The industry has changed, and we have made a judgment on the long-term trend. We feel that we can no longer take the path of sales to earn cash flow, and we have decisively adjusted from 2004.

 Transformation is in line with national strategic adjustment

        Wanda’s transformation is also in line with the country’s strategic requirements. The whole of China is transforming and restructuring, and it is better to pay the price for the country to transform. Our country will shift to a domestic demand-based economic development model. More than 60% of the products we produce are now sold to foreign countries, and our consumption rate is 40%. Products worth 100 *******st be sold to foreigners for 60 yuan to support our development. The current consumption rate in the United States may be 85% to 90%, and in developed countries, it is basically 70% to 80%.

        In the future, our production will be domestic independent consumption, and this economy will not be so dangerous. This has the voice over, and there will be no anti-dumping. If our market is large enough, all markets will be in China.

        Another point is that Wanda’s transformation is accelerating investment, not in excess capacity, not in cement and steel, or even in automobiles. What we are investing in now is the service industry, which increases employment and expands domestic demand, and it is what the country needs. Investment in e-commerce is high-tech, and investment in tourism is encouraged and supported by the state.

        Corporate culture determines Wanda’s transformation

        Wanda’s transformation is determined by Wanda’s corporate culture. Wanda is a company that keeps tossing and turning. We are constantly changing ourselves and seeking changes, because only by constantly seeking changes, constantly looking for newer models, and longer-term cash flow can this company be safe and meet the eight words mentioned to the company more than 20 years ago, "International Wanda, a century-old enterprise".

        We have worked hard to continuously find in practice. Now we believe that Wanda has been balanced with four industries, relying on and supporting each other to form a good ecosystem and ecosystem. I estimate that this company will have no problem for a while, regardless of whether I am there or not.

        I hope that my greatest contribution in life will be to create a great organization, and this organization is still there.


The premiere of "The Whole City Alert", Guo Fucheng is not afraid of death and has no guard against love

Zhang Jingchu was "shown love" by Wu Jing at the scene, saying that the audience should laugh

        In "The Whole City Alert", Zhang Jingchu and Wu Jing play a couple. In the play, the two call each other "old man" and "old lady". However, at the previous movie viewing, every line between Wu Jing and Zhang Jingchu will cause laughter from the audience. When questioned, Zhang Jingchu responded that the love drama between the two is easy, and the laughing scene may also be appropriate. Although Wu Jing said that he had not seen the whole film, he praised Zhang Jingchu, "Her role in the play is the image of the perfect wife in my mind, which is very good." But in life, Wu Jing said that Zhang Jingchu’s schedule was too full, and he didn’t have time to interact too much, and he looked regretful.

        At the premiere, Wu Jing also specially prepared a gift for Zhang Jingchu, "There are mosquitoes in summer, I will give you mosquito repellent water to prevent heatstroke, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, if you are thirsty, drink mineral water!" The packaging of these three kinds of water also had the words "I Love You" written on it, so "thoughtful" made Zhang Jingchu very embarrassed, and also gave him the dipping water he prepared. Wu Jing, who received the gift, was overjoyed, "I saw it, and this package also has’ILove You ‘on it, which makes my heart flutter." Saying that, Wu Jing also made a knee kneel, but was helpless to be interrupted. When interviewed by the media, Zhang Jingchu also "complained" about Wu Jing, "Why didn’t you kneel down just now, then I would really marry you!" Wu Jing asked in disbelief: "Really?" Zhang Jingchu refused to answer clearly.

The Hangzhou drag racing perpetrator was asked to be arrested, and the charges involved were decided by the court

  Yesterday morning, the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau held a press conference on the "May 7" traffic accident case. Zheng Xiansheng, spokesperson and executive deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, answered questions of general public concern and apologized to the public for the "70 yards" (ie 70 km/h) statement.

  Zheng Xiansheng said that the alleged offender Hu Bin has been the same day by the public security organ traffic accident to the prosecution for approval.

  The perpetrator, Hu Bin, takes full responsibility

  Zheng Xiansheng first reported the investigation of the "May 7" traffic accident. He introduced that at about 20:08 on May 7, the perpetrator Hu Bin (male, 20 years old, a student of the Department of Physical Education of Hangzhou Normal University) drove a small car (license plate number is Zhejiang A608Z0), Kong Weiwei, and Yuan ****** respectively drove to Xicheng Square to watch a movie. While passing through the section of Nandu Dejia West District of Wener West Road, the vehicle driven by Hu Bin hit Tan Zhuo (male, 25 years old, registered at Building 9-2, No. 1 Chuangye Road, Puyan Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, an employee of Hangzhou Yisai Communication Company), killing Tan Zhuo. After the accident, the traffic police department of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau found out that Hu Bin had a traffic violation of speeding, and failed to stop or slow down the pedestrians when driving through the crosswalk, which was suspected of constituting a traffic accident. On May 8, the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau executed criminal detention of Hu Bin.

  Zheng Xiansheng said that the public security traffic police department has determined that Hu Bin took full responsibility for the accident, and the victim Tan Zhuo was not responsible.

  Zheng Xiansheng said that on May 15, the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau asked the procuratorial organs for approval of the arrest of the alleged offender Hu Bin on suspicion of traffic accident.

  The term "70 yards" is not rigorous and inappropriate

  "It is not rigorous and appropriate for the police department to quote the perpetrator and his companions about 70 yards," Zheng Xiansheng said of the traffic police’s initial determination that Hu Bin’s speed was "70 yards", which caused widespread public skepticism. We apologize for the misunderstanding caused. "

  On the question of whether Hu Bin was "drag racing", Zheng Xiansheng said that according to witness testimony, suspect confessions, video materials and identification conclusions, Hu Bin committed serious illegal speeding behavior. "For traffic violations such as drag racing and illegally modified cars on urban roads that seriously endanger people’s lives and safety, we will always insist on strict supervision and heavy punishment according to law," Zheng Xiansheng said.

  The local police also released surveillance video of the vehicle’s trajectory. It was also revealed that the alleged offender Hu Bin clearly expressed no objection to the appraisal report of the "May 7" traffic accident case, and the family members of the victims have not yet expressed their position.

  Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee:

  I am responsible for the death of Tan Zhuo

  Will be strictly investigated and dealt with with an "iron fist"

  Yesterday, Wang Guoping, a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, responded to netizens’ concerns about the "May 7" traffic accident in an online interview jointly held by and Zhejiang Online.

  "As party secretary, I also have an unshirkable responsibility for Tan Zhuo’s tragic death," Mr. Wang said. "The party committee and municipal government will investigate and deal with this matter strictly and quickly according to the law with iron determination and iron skills, and strictly prevent such tragedies from happening again in Hangzhou."

  Wang Guoping said that the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have clearly requested the law enforcement departments to immediately start special project rectification actions, resolutely investigate and punish serious traffic violations such as drag racing and speeding, and severely punish the unauthorized modification and change of motor vehicle engines, exhaust pipes and other devices. (Zeng Xiangrong)

  The police explained:

  Whether it constitutes a crime against public safety

  It’s up to the court to decide

  Asked why Mr. Hu had been arrested on "suspicion of causing a traffic accident", Mr. Zheng explained: "This is mainly based on the relevant facts and evidence obtained at this stage. What kind of crime Hu Bin constitutes ultimately depends on the court’s judgment."

  Some lawyers analyzed to reporters that whether the procuratorial organs prosecute for the crime of endangering public safety depends on whether the case meets the constituent elements of the crime. If the constituent elements of the crime of endangering public safety are met, even if the procuratorate does not prosecute the alleged offender for the crime of endangering public safety, the court will do so. (Zeng Xiangrong)

  The sentencing of the two crimes is very different

  Crimes against public security: sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or the death penalty.

  Traffic accident crime: sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 3 years or criminal detention; those who escape after a traffic accident or have other particularly bad circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 3 years but not more than 7 years; those who cause death due to escape shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 7 years.

  Chengdu case:

  One killed and five injured in drag racing

  Car owner charged with "endangering public safety"

  On the evening of April 26, Jiang Jiajun, a son of a wealthy family, was drunk and drove an unlicensed "Humvee" in a serial crash, causing one death and five injuries. The local police asked the prosecutor to approve the arrest on the grounds that Jiang Jiajun was suspected of "traffic accident", but the Chengdu High-tech District Procuratorate decided to approve the arrest of Jiang Jiajun on suspicion of "endangering public safety by dangerous methods".

  The prosecutor described four reasons for the change: driving while intoxicated; speeding, with the speed limit of 60 kilometers per hour on the Second Ring Road, when the suspect was driving at a speed of 80 to 100 kilometers per hour; driving in a series of collisions, which caused serious consequences; and the suspect’s "crazy" behavior, which meets the criminal constitution of "endangering public safety."

  Some legal sources say that the Chengdu drag racing case can be regarded as a model version of the Hangzhou drag racing case.

  Event playback:

  On May 7, Tan Zhuo, a 25-year-old graduate of Zhejiang University, was hit by a speeding Mitsubishi sports car while crossing the road in downtown Hangzhou and died due to ineffective rescue.

  In the early morning of May 8, the incident was exposed on the Internet, and netizens went viral, conducting "human flesh searches" for the perpetrators and their parents.

  On May 8, Cai Qi, mayor of Hangzhou, said: "This is an appalling tragedy. The city’s traffic police detachment should analyze it well and take further measures to strictly prohibit illegal speeding. The perpetrators should be severely punished according to law. Make up your mind to completely solve the problem of illegal speeding."

  On the afternoon of May 8, the Hangzhou police, based on the confession of the perpetrator, said that the speed of the car was 70 yards, which aroused doubts among netizens.

  On the evening of May 8, thousands of people spontaneously gathered at the scene to pay tribute to Tan Zhuo.

  On May 9, the perpetrator, Hu Bin, was detained by the police on suspicion of causing a traffic accident.

  On May 10, the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau said that it would handle the case fairly based on the law to ensure that the facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive.

  On May 12, the person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau introduced that in order to objectively, fairly and scientifically determine the speeding and vehicle modification problems involved in the accident, the public security organ has commissioned the Zhejiang Blue Arrow Product Quality Judicial Appraisal Office to conduct the appraisal.

  On May 14, the accident appraisal report was released, and the conclusion that the speed of the vehicle was 70 yards was overturned. The speed of the accident vehicle on the road section was in the range of 84.1 km/h to 101.2 km/h, and the engine intake and exhaust system, headlights, suspension, tires and rims, and interior of the vehicle had been modified or partially modified on the basis of the original model.

  On May 15, the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau asked the procuratorate to arrest the perpetrators and apologized for the previous 70-yard claim.

  Related links:

  • Hangzhou police identified Hu Bin, the perpetrator of the "drag racing case", as fully responsible for the accident 2009-05-15

  • Hangzhou police for traffic accident to approve the arrest of Hu Bin 2009-05-15

  • Hangzhou police to traffic accident request the arrest of drag racing 2009-05-15

Editor in charge: Peng Wei

September Movie Viewing Guide | Before the National Day, Guo Fucheng Gong Li Nolan’s new film is coming

1905 movie network feature August was the first full month of screenings since the theater resumed work, generating many outstanding achievements.The cumulative box office of "Qixi Festival" reached 520 million, becoming a new single-day box office high since the resumption of work; the box office of cinema chains in 2020 exceeded 5 billion; the theater resumption rate was about 88%… The Chinese mainland film market is accelerating its recovery.


The domestic cinema chain in September continued the popularity of August, and there are currently 29 movies confirmed to be set. Start and finish, and it will also ignite the box office battle of the National Day in October one day earlier."Winning the Championship" "Everything is ready, only the east wind", and domestic films can also focus on, and.

Nolan’s previous works have warmed up the market for "Creed", and the introduction films in September are piled up. Except for "Creed", most of them are small and medium-sized works.


The Japanese film "Missy Kumiya Wants Me to Confess," a biopic starring Tom Hanks, the French action film "Cold Storm" starring Jean Reno, and the Italian suspense film "Dead Men Tell No Tales" are all ready to join the fray.


In addition, the live-action version starring Liu Yifei and the classic directed by Takeshi Kitano have not officially announced the specific schedule, but they have basically aimed at September. As the mainland film market continues to improve, there will be more new films airborne in September.



Director: Chen Kexin

Starring: Gong Li, Huang Bo, Wu Gang, Peng Yuchang, Bai Lang

Release date: September 30

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After more than 200 days of waiting, the Chinese women’s volleyball team is about to return to the throne."Winning the Championship" also fired the first shot of the National Day movie ahead of schedule, and is currently scheduled to be released on October 1Wait for 6 domestic new films to compete for the National Day box office.

The film will lead the audience into the ups and downs of the Chinese women’s volleyball team for more than 30 years, from the Chinese women’s volleyball team’s first World Cup championship to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and then to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games to return to the top of the world, experiencing the fighting spirit of several generations of volleyball women.


In addition to the history of the struggle of the Chinese women’s volleyball team, the drama is also full of points: Gong Li’s "God Restoration" women’s volleyball coach Lang Ping, Lang Ping’s daughter Bai Lang plays the young Lang Ping, active women’s volleyball player Zhu Ting and others really participate, Gong Li and Huang Bo have two powerful moves, interpreting the friendship between enemies and friends.

"Winning the Championship" has long been poised to attract generations of Chinese audiences to cinemas, further contributing to the recovery and warming of the Chinese film market.

The Creed.

Director: Christopher Nolan

Starring: John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Derbitsky

Release date: September 4

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

From August to September, "Interstellar" + "Inception" + "Creed", Nolan’s three commercial masterpieces were screened continuously in the Chinese mainland film market, and such a historic scene must not be repeated in the future.


With the word-of-mouth ban on "Creed" lifted, it is clear that this movie will be very "brain-burning"!If Nolan’s suspense is a math problem, and you love solving puzzles, "Creed" will be even more exciting and challenging than "Inception."

The title of the film is the high concept of "time reversal", and the story style also incorporates old-fashioned spy movies. Most media comments say that they can’t understand it after watching it, but is it really that difficult?Maybe "Creed" will set off a crazy "brush wave". 


"Mai Passerby"

Director: Huang Qingxun

Starring: Guo Fucheng, Miriam Yeung, Wan Ziliang, Zhang Daming

Release date: September 17

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★ ★

What is "Mai Passerby"?They are a group of people who spend the night at a 24-hour fast food restaurant. The movie focuses on this group of homeless bottom-level marginalized groups, and is played by a group of familiar Hong Kong stars such as Guo Fucheng and Miriam Yeung.

"Mai Passerby" is based on real-life events in society, telling the story of a group of homeless people who warm each other and help each other, similar to this kind of warm "living beings" movie.


The film won 10 nominations at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards, and its lead actor Zhang Daming also won the Best Supporting Actor Award. If you like warmth, tearjerker, Hong Kong flavor, and acting, "Mai Passerby" will be a good choice.


"The Mask Hotel."

Director: Masayuki Suzuki

Starring: Takuya Kimura, Masami Nagasawa, Yuki Hamada

Release date: September 4

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★ ☆

"Mask Hotel" is the third installment of the 25-year anniversary of Higashino’s writing, and the novel has sold well in Japan.The movie version features Takuya Kimura as a talented police officer, Kosuke Nitta. When Keigo Higashino conceived of this new hero, he was based on Takuya Kimura.

This is also Kimura Takuya’s first time playing the role of a police officer on the big screen. The film tells the story of Nitta Kosuke posing as a waiter to infiltrate the hotel and track down serial murders with Naomi Yamagishi, the hotel receptionist played by Yami Nagasawa.


Higashino Keigo’s mystery novel, Kimura Takuya and Nagasawa Masami’s partnership to solve the case, just looking at these two points, is enough to attract a lot of fans to the theater.


"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"

Director: Mariel Heller

Starring: Tom Hanks, Matthew Reese

Release date: September 18

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★

"Tom Hanks."An old friend of the Chinese audience, one person can be the propaganda for an entire movie.Tom Hanks was shortlisted for several Best Supporting Actor awards in the North American awards season at the beginning of the year with "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood", and was eventually nominated for an Oscar, and his acting was recognized again.


The film is based on true events. Hanks plays the famous TV host Rogers, a reporter who originally wanted to expose his dark side. During the interview, he is gradually influenced by his sincerity and kindness, and a friendship story gradually unfolds.Fans of Tom Hanks and biopics should not miss it.

 "Dead Men Tell No Tales."

Directed by Stefano Mortini.

Starring: Ricardo Camacho, Liam Leone.

Release date: September 18

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★

Compared to the title of "Dead Men Tell No Tales", which would be confused with a bunch of Hollywood lousy batches, "Italian Edition" will make everyone more familiar.


The original Spanish film "Invisible Guest" once landed in domestic theaters in 2017, harvesting 172 million yuan at the box office. Douban scored as high as 8.8 points and squeezed into the top 250 list of Douban movies. It is a widely recognized suspense masterpiece, and the Chinese version of "Invisible Guest" is also in preparation.


Faced with this subsequent global suspense big IP, the Italian version copied the original movie almost exactly. If you want to follow the suspense plot to reverse, reverse, and reverse, you can go to the theater to experience it again.


"My girlfriend is a robot."

 Director: Wang Weicheng

Starring: Bao Bell, Xin Zhilei

Release date: September 11

Recommended index: ★ ★ ★


The film is based on the 2008 Japanese version of "My Robot Girlfriend," in which Ayase Haruka and Koike become Shin Chi-lei and Baobel in the Chinese version, with a stronger comedy element.Xin Zhilei plays the first day of the robot, who is tasked with saving the human Fang Yuan played by Bao Bell. The two live together in the interaction mode of "my savage girlfriend", from constantly making jokes to finally showing love.

Science fiction + love, this film is also known as "the first comedy released in China in 2020". Also, it’s been a long time since we laughed in the theater last time.Then, the comedies "My Hometown and Me" and "Home at One" will make their happy debut on National Day, presumably making us continue to laugh!