The real feeling of driving BYD Han EV for one year.

I bought it last year. At first, it was quite controversial, that is, there were different voices at home, but after buying it, the family was harmonious, and everyone felt that this car was quite good every day.
Let’s talk about the appearance first, which is in line with the design of our people. The headlights have strong penetration at night, a good sense of vision, and the lines of the car body are particularly smooth, which has a sense of movement.
There is a big screen in the car, the one that can rotate, and the network speed, which I forgot, is very smooth and won’t get stuck, and the console also looks very classy. In terms of materials, you will know that the basic new car has no smell when you buy it. It will be OK after two or three days. My wife has a deep understanding of this, because she is a little allergic, which is one of the reasons why she supports me to buy this car.
Let’s talk about the internal space, because we are a family car, we usually take two babies and bring a lot of things, such as milk, cups, paper towels, diapers, and some changed clothes, which require more savings space. Han EV gives me the impression that there are so many savings compartments that we can always find some small places to put things. The space in the trunk is also OK, so push-pull carts and scooters that usually put children can be put down.
As for the power, my feeling is that stepping on the accelerator will not make me feel frustrated, and the gear shift will be smoother, and it will be smoother when I pass the speed bump, but the feeling of pushing my back is strong when I drive at high speed. In addition, it starts faster and overtakes, so sometimes it’s very cool to drive on the road and overtake others.
Let’s not talk about the endurance. Everyone knows that this car is open in the community, and it is quite OK. There is no endurance anxiety at all. Anyway, two words: reality.

The national industrial Internet platform empowers Deepin to launch in Nanjing, and Caos helps build a data space ecological chain

On May 10-11, supported by the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Deepin Bank (inaugural event · Nanjing) conference was held in Jiangning, sponsored by the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. The conference focused on the theme of "platform empower, work together for a win-win situation". Han Xia, chief engineer of MIIT, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Representatives of local industry and information technology authorities, subordinate institutions, industry experts, and leading enterprises attended the meeting.

CAOS COSMOPlat was invited to attend the conference as a key domestic industrial Internet platform. Xie Haiqin, deputy general manager of Haier CAOS IoT Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., attended the launch ceremony and congratulated the launch of the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partner plan. Hu Jin, deputy general manager of Haier Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech entitled "From the Integration of the Two Networks to Promote the High-Quality Development of Enterprises", and had in-depth dialogues with platform enterprises and industry users to explore the strategy of deeply empowering the Industrial Internet.

Work together for a win-win situation to build an industrial data space ecological chain

Data is the lifeblood of the Industrial Internet, and the industrial data space is the infrastructure for data to flow across organizations. MIIT also made it clear in the new three-year action plan that it supports enterprises, institutions, industrial organizations, etc. to establish industrial data spaces in key industries. By 2023, promote the Industrial Internet data sharing initiative and explore the establishment of industrial data spaces in no less than three key industries.

In this context, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology has joined forces with more than 30 enterprises and universities to jointly create industrial data trusted sharing technology architecture standards and solutions, and took this conference as an opportunity to officially release the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partner plan to build a solid foundation for enterprise digital transformation.

As a co-sponsor of the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partnership program, COSMOPlat will work with various partners to continuously improve the industrial data space technology solution and productization, cooperate to promote the application of industrial data space in more scenarios, and at the same time, also face practical work needs, explore a variety of industrial data space business models for sharing, trading, and equivalent exchange.

In fact, as early as in cooperation with the European Cloud and Data Association (Gaia-X), COSMOPlat complemented the implementation architecture and best practices of data sovereignty through mass customization models, and began to explore the establishment, formation, implementation and growth of digital ecosystems, to promote the cross-industry and cross-field transnational application of digital space, and further enhance the international voice over Chinese enterprises in the field of industrial Internet.

Deeply cultivating the Yangtze River Delta, deeply empowering across industries and regions

The construction of the data space ecological chain is an innovative exploration of production factors and business models in the Internet of Things era, especially in the face of differentiated user requests and experiences in different scenarios, enterprises need to change the traditional model, with the help of the Internet, big data, etc. to achieve from production to consumption to consumption to production.

As the relevant person in charge of COSMOPlat mentioned at the forum, the integration of consumer Internet and industrial Internet is the second half of the spiral integration of the Internet economy and the real economy, and it is also the inevitable development of the economy. Among them, the consumer Internet is the demand side, the industrial Internet is the supply side, and the mass customization model is the link between the two networks.

Based on the exploration of the mass customization model centered on user experience, COSMOPlat is based on the pain points of the industry and provides a full-process empower solution for the digital transformation of enterprises. It not only empowers across industries, but also builds 15 industry ecosystems such as molds and chemicals. Through cross-regional deep empower, it has realized the replication and promotion of empower results in 7 regions across the country and 20 countries around the world.

In the practice of empowering the Yangtze River Delta region, COSMOPlat has undertaken the national intelligent manufacturing strategy, from the Loki G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor to taking root in Shanghai and deepening the industry, from the implementation of regional layout of "one core and two wings" to the coordinated development of "three provinces and one city", and has always been steady and steady.

Today, COSMOPlat has provided innovative practices and empowered landing for many industries in the Yangtze River Delta region, such as medical and health care, automobile manufacturing, heavy industry machinery, etc., covering a number of key tasks such as logo analysis construction, advantageous platform construction, and industrial ecological cultivation in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, driving the rapid development of the "engine" of the Yangtze River Delta.

In the future, COSMOPlat will continue to deeply cultivate the practice of cross-industry and cross-regional empowering the industrial Internet platform, solidly promote the construction of industrial data space and the landing of scene applications, empower the depth of the platform, and help enterprises strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness based on the industrial Internet, thereby enhancing the level and strength of intelligent manufacturing in our country.

The full name of the "Xihe" solar satellite is revealed: What does Hα and "Double Super" mean?

Last night, our country successfully launched the first solar exploration science and technology test satellite "Xihe" at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, marking our country’s entry into the era of "sun exploration". The full name of "Xihe" is the solar H α spectral detection and double super platform science and technology test satellite. What is H α? What does "double super" mean? What mysteries can this satellite detect about the sun? Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter interviewed Shi Wei, director of the Shanghai Planetarium Network Science Department.

The radiation that jumps from the third floor to the second floor is Hα

Hα, pronounced the "hydrogen alpha coefficient," refers to a spectral line of a hydrogen atom with a wavelength of 656.281 nanometers, which lies in the red range of visible light. What is a hydrogen atomic spectral line? According to the Bohr model of the atom, electrons do not move around the nucleus in a specific orbit within the atom, Shi Wei explained, but in an "orbit" with a quantized distribution of energy.

The so-called quantum is the inseparable smallest unit of a physical quantity. A physical quantity is quantized if it cannot be changed continuously and can only take some discrete values. It is like taking a staircase, we can only climb one step, not half. Scientists have found that many physical quantities in the microscopic world are quantized. For example, the energy of electrons in hydrogen atoms can only take one basic value – 13.6 electron volts or its 1/4, 1/9, 1/16, 1/25, etc., but not 2 times or 1/2, 1/3.

There are countless energy levels outside the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, and each energy level can be regarded as an orbital, and the energy levels are discontinuous and uneven. Although a hydrogen atom has only one electron, it can appear at any energy level and can transition between energy levels. Electrons jump from energy level "n = 3" to "n = 2", releasing light of a specific energy, which is the Hα emission line.

Electrons jump from energy level n = 3 to n = 2, releasing light of a specific energy, which is the H alpha emission line. (Source: Wikipedia)

"You can think of the orbit of an electron outside the nucleus of a hydrogen atom as the various floors of a building. The ground is the nucleus, and each floor is an energy level. From the bottom to the top, it is marked with n = 1, n = 2, n = 3, and so on." Physicists refer to the spectral lines emitted by electrons that jump from the third floor and above to the second floor as the "Balmer system" (named after the physicist John Balmer), Shi Wei said. The radiation that jumps from the third floor to the second floor is called Hα, from the fourth floor to the second floor is called Hβ, from the fifth floor to the second floor is called Hγ, and so on.

Red light H α is the brightest hydrogen spectral line in the visible spectrum. By observing this band of light, astronomers can understand the atmospheric characteristics of the solar spherical and chromospheric layers, as well as atmospheric activities such as solar prominences, and analyze the changes in atmospheric temperature, speed and other physical quantities during solar outbursts, so as to deeply study the dynamic process and physical mechanism of solar outbursts.

Full-time faces in the Hα band (Photo by Alan Friedman)

Double super platform technology has broad application prospects

The "Xihe" satellite adopts a "dual super" satellite platform design with ultra-high pointing accuracy and ultra-high stability, which greatly improves the pointing accuracy and attitude stability of the load.

In this regard, Shi Wei explained that a satellite generally consists of a platform and a load. The satellite platform is responsible for the system service and guarantee of the entire satellite, including control, propulsion, thermal control and other systems. The load is the detector that performs scientific tasks, such as CCD cameras, particle detectors, magnetometers, etc. Traditional satellite designs directly connect the load to the platform, and the directivity and stability of the load are completely realized by the platform. However, the platform is "dynamic" and the load is "static" – when the satellite is in orbit, the micro-vibration of the platform cannot be avoided, and the load needs to be accurately pointed at the target at all times, so the pointing accuracy and stability of the load are always restricted by the vibration of the platform.

In order to solve this contradiction, the satellite development team made an innovation in design, dividing the satellite platform into two cabins – the platform cabin and the payload cabin. The platform cabin contains the structure subsystem, the integrated electronic subsystem, the measurement and control subsystem, the data transmission subsystem, the power subsystem, the attitude and orbit control subsystem, the electric flotation control subsystem and the cabin connection unlocking subsystem. The payload cabin contains the structure of the payload cabin, the integrated electronics of the payload cabin and the load. The effect of "dynamic and static isolation and leader/follower coordination" is achieved by using electric flotation control between the two cabins.

Dual Supersatellite Load Design (Source: School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Nanjing University)

Using this "airframe anti-shake" technology, the directivity and stability of the payload are improved by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared with traditional satellites, which will make the "Xihe" more accurate and stable when "taking pictures" in space, and obtain higher-quality images.

In the future, the dual super platform technology will be widely used in space missions such as high-resolution ground detailed investigation, large-scale three-dimensional mapping, and exoplanet discovery, which is expected to promote the leap-forward development of space science and technology implementation in our country.

The appearance of the AITO M9 was officially announced, and the new factory of Cyrus Automobile was unveiled

  The high-profile AITO asked the world M9 recently officially announced the appearance design, and many car circle media people directly called out "the era of those foreign luxury car brands pricing how they want in China is gone forever!" Although this statement sounds more modest than Yu Chengdong’s "the best SUV within 10 million" statement, but just announcing the appearance can cause so much media attention and market discussion, which also fully shows that the market is positioned as a panoramic smart flagship SUV jointly created by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei. How high attention and expectations are there, and the industry is also looking forward to whether this car can bring new changes to China’s new energy vehicle industry and even the entire automotive industry. According to official announcements, this car will be officially launched at the end of the year, and will achieve the same level of leadership in terms of platform advancement, advanced intelligent driving capabilities, and technological content.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image001

  At the same time that the AITO M9 has attracted the attention of the whole industry, the Cyrus Auto Super Factory, which is about to "intelligently manufacture" this model, has also been unveiled. In the recent Chongqing news broadcast, we can also get a glimpse of its true face. It can be seen from the name that, compared with Tesla’s super factory, the local super factory built by Cyrus Auto has the ambition to lead the new transformation of China’s new energy vehicle industry. Ambition, if you have strength.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image002

  It is understood that the Sailis Automobile Super Factory is a cooperation project between Sailis Automobile and Chongqing Liangjiang New District. It is driven by digitalization and intelligence, combined with big data, Internet of Things and other technologies, and uses digital twin technology to build another intelligent production base. It not only adopts advanced production processes and technical equipment in the industry, but also guarantees vehicle quality through cutting-edge technologies such as digital total quality testing, and proactively applies environmentally friendly technologies to ensure energy conservation and emission reduction throughout the production process. At present, the factory is under accelerated construction. When fully completed, it will be one of the largest intelligent manufacturing bases for new energy vehicles in the world.

AITO asked the world M9 appearance officially announced, Sailis car new factory unveiled the mystery _fororder_image003

  For a long time, as a leader in the high-end brand of new energy vehicles, Cyrus Automobile has been continuously expanding the extension of the industry model and technical level: the strong alliance with Huawei has become an industry model; the AITO series of models jointly designed and built has become the industry benchmark. The recent new M7 has only been listed for more than a month, and the big order has broken through 6W vehicles; the two smart factories built with digitalization, intelligence and the Internet of Things as the core represent the leading technical level of the current new energy vehicle industry; and the new Cyrus Automobile Super Factory that is about to be put into production is bound to lead the digital transformation of China’s new energy industry. (Photo: courtesy of Cyrus)

Taxi at the North Gate of the Forbidden City picks people "slaughter customers" and says "never use a meter"

  China Youth Network, Beijing, June 23(Reporter, Zhang Ruiyu) At about 5 pm on June 22, a taxi stopped at the entrance of the Palace Museum. The driver stood next to the car with an umbrella and looked in the direction of the Palace Museum from time to time. Nearly 30 minutes later, a reporter from China Youth Network asked the driver if he could go. When the driver learned that the reporter was going to a university near the South College Road, he thought for a while and said bluntly, "This place is too close, I never use a meter," and refused the reporter to ride.

  On the afternoon of the 22nd, Beijing was in heavy rainfall weather. The reporter came to the Palace Museum, and the rain caused some inconvenience to travel. At 17 o’clock, only a few tourists came out of the North Gate of the Palace Museum, which was much more empty than usual.

  A man in white short sleeves, holding an umbrella in his hand, stood next to his taxi parked at the north gate of the Palace Museum and looked in the direction of the Palace Museum. At first, China Youth Network thought that the driver was here to pick up people, but after nearly 30 minutes, the reporter of China Youth Network did not find that the driver had checked his mobile phone and contacted people. Still holding an umbrella and looking in the direction of the Palace Museum.

  A taxi parked at the north gate of the Palace Museum was partially blocked by a tricycle. Photo by Zhang Ruiyu, a reporter from China Youth Network

  The China Youth Network reporter called the driver and asked if he could go somewhere on the South Road of the Academy. The driver thought for a while and confirmed to the reporter whether it was near a certain university. After getting a positive answer, the driver bluntly said, "This place is too close, I never use a meter.", refused the reporter to ride, and looked in the direction of the Palace Museum again.

  Not long after, a black car came out of the Palace Museum. When it passed the white short-sleeved driver, the driver nodded and bent over, made a gesture to please the people in the car, and greeted them with a smile, saying, "I’m waiting for you, I’ll leave immediately."

  Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people at the north gate of the Palace Museum, the group of four foreign-accented women with a child attracted the attention of the white short-sleeved driver. He took the initiative to ask where he was going. One of the foreign-accented women said she was going to a hotel, and a tricycle master next to him said near Wangfujing, "behind the church". The foreign-accented woman asked, "Fifty yuan for one person… with children?" The white short-sleeved driver said "Count". The group left in a car.

  Soon, two more people came to Nanluoguxiang, and the tricycle master said 20 yuan each and took them away.

  Afterwards, a reporter from China Youth Network stopped another taxi. After learning where the reporter was going, the other party bluntly said that the location was too close to be cost-effective, and they were going to get off work. They asked the reporter to walk forward and take the subway.

  On the afternoon of the 22nd, a reporter from China Youth Network learned from Shan Jixiang, the director of the Palace Museum, that the scalpers who sold tickets, small advertising activities for one-day trips, and taxi riders had been rectified and were now almost extinct.

  The China Youth Network reporter contacted the transportation committee. After listening to the reporter’s situation, the customer service of the transportation service supervision hotline told the reporter that they were responsible for recording the information and would transfer it to the law enforcement department for investigation and handling. They would reply to the reporter within 15 working days. As for the penalties for taxi slaughter, they could not judge.

Should the taxi concession system be broken?

  Should the taxi concession system be broken?

  – Implications from the development of the US taxi control system

  Authors: Xu Kangming, Su Kui

  In the early 1970s, an anti-government control ideology arose in the United States, which is very similar to some domestic ideological trends today. It believes that government control "rarely does the right thing" and relying on market mechanisms "rarely does the wrong thing". As a model of a free economy, the government restricts the freedom of access to certain industries and does not allow market competition mechanisms to determine prices. The core guiding ideology of deregulation holds that government pricing and industry access systems will inevitably lead to waste of resources and inefficient services, and even belong to administrative monopolies. At the same time, it restricts the choice of service types and price systems for transportation service recipients. Even though some scholars originally suggested that it was the late 19th and early 20th centuries that market failures gave rise to government access and price controls on the transportation service industry, under the strong impetus of this trend of thought, the United States began to partially or fully deregulate many transportation service industries, involving most transportation modes such as aviation, road passenger and freight, rail transportation, and intercity passenger transportation. The taxi deregulation movement experiment was also launched in this wave of free economy.

  First, the North American taxi deregulation test failed to meet expectations

  The confluence of political forces out of dissatisfaction with traditional taxi services and "theorists" out of their adherence to the fundamentals of market economy forcibly promoted this deregulation action. In the urban taxi industry, a cycle from regulation to deregulation and back to regulation was dramatically performed. American cities have imposed access and price controls on the taxi industry since the 1920s. Half a century later, more than 20 cities, most of which are in the so-called sunshine zone, that is, cities with rapid economic development, have completely or partially lifted such controls. However, due to the unsatisfactory effect of deregulation, almost all of these cities have resumed access and price controls for the taxi industry.

  Opponents of taxi regulation argue that the free market allocates resources most efficiently and offers taxi passengers the best mix of prices and services. Therefore, encouraging competition and innovative services is the main purpose of liberalizing taxi market access. Proponents argue that free market access promotes higher service quality and lower prices, and facilitates innovative services. This view was crucial to deregulating the taxi industry. In 1965-1983, 18 cities in the United States and Canada scrapped taxi access mechanisms in order to encourage competition and encourage innovation.

  At that time, some scholars and experts did not agree that the taxi industry could adopt the principle of free market, believing that the many advantages of the taxi industry brought by relying on market forces would fail in an imperfect market environment, and regulation was a necessary means to correct the market failure. The main views of these scholars are: (1) Taxi is not a general commodity, taxi is a supplement to public transportation, and it is an important public service, especially for some cities with underdeveloped public transportation, and for some special groups (such as the elderly, the disabled, and outsiders) It is an irreplaceable basic service. ( 2) Passenger transportation is an extremely sensitive industry to safety, and regulation is conducive to the implementation of many measures to provide safe travel for passengers; (3) Regulation is conducive to fair and legal competition, such as some urban taxi markets are controlled by evil forces; (4) Regulation is conducive to the implementation of the cross-subsidy mechanism, and taxis under the control mechanism implement the same rate in the entire region to form a cross-subsidy mechanism, that is, peak income subsidizes flat peak, and high-density area income subsidizes low-density areas. If there is no such regulation, the service level of flat peak and low-density areas will decrease significantly, or even not be effectively served; (5) Asymmetric information leads to market failure, and regulation is to solve the information asymmetry existing in the taxi industry, which causes consumers to be disadvantaged; (6) Taxi is a random consumption It is difficult to survive the fittest through market forces. Regulation can reduce vicious competition. Free access will attract a large number of operators and individual operators to enter the market, ultimately leading to excessive supply of transportation capacity and affecting service quality.

  When the rental control system was relaxed, the number of taxis in these cities in the United States and Canada was oversupplied, and the revenue per driver was greatly reduced after the oversupply. Some cities were unable to maintain minimum income requirements and updated vehicle requirements. Those cities with a relatively large proportion of roadside tenancy quickly resumed the control system in the mid-to-late 1980s. Some cities had more roadside tenancy stations. Due to the oversupply of taxis, the waiting time for taxis was too long, which not only reduced their income, but also affected the efficiency of taxi turnover. Another layer of pressure on the taxi surplus is the price. Drivers constantly demand price increases, pick passengers, refuse to take short trips, "detour", and reduce the quality of taxis. All kinds of bad habits are even more and more serious.

  Fourteen cities, including Boston, Baltimore, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Seattle, regained their taxi number control systems, which basically ended the original 18 cities’ attempts to abandon the taxi number control system. Facts and actions once again confirmed the necessity of reasonable taxi control. The remaining cities that persisted for a period of time also partially reapplied the taxi control idea. And even though Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, which claims not to carry out quantity control, has suffered from excessive quantity, although many attempts to refer to New York’s management of operating rights have failed to control the quantity, Washington has in fact not issued new cards since 2010. In 2014, it was once again proposed to control the current number by 2016, so as to actually implement the management of the number of taxis, but it is a more flexible control mechanism than New York.

  The problem with taxi services is that they are not well regulated

  The taxi quantity control system is an important measure to ensure the stable development of taxis based on the characteristics of taxi services. However, if the establishment of a dynamic coordination mechanism for quantity, service quality, price, and driver income is ignored in the implementation process, the taxi market is also prone to various criticisms. The specific manifestations are: (1) quantity shortage, if the adjustment time interval in the quantity adjustment mechanism is too long, taxis are prone to form a shortage of supply and eventually form a regional or peak period taxi hailing difficulties; (2) hindering adjustment, if the market price of taxi operating licenses is too high, it is easy to form interest groups, and interest groups often try to prevent or delay the adjustment of quantity, or try to reduce the number of new taxis; (3) regional differences, quantity control can easily cause taxi services to be concentrated in areas with high demand for taxis, such as downtown commercial Areas with high demand for taxi travel, such as districts, cultural and entertainment areas, and hotels, will have insufficient taxi supply to low-income areas and suburban areas; (4) It is not easy to adjust prices, and the control mechanism often makes it difficult to adjust taxi prices. The taxi price adjustment mechanism requires a hearing to adjust prices. City governments often postpone taxi price adjustments as much as possible. Cities often do not adjust taxi prices for a long time until the price contradiction intensifies before starting to adjust prices. (5) Labor conflicts. Taxi control mechanisms can cause labor conflicts between some drivers without taxi operating licenses and the owners of operating licenses, because these drivers must pay the fee for using the license. When the overall economic situation or taxi market demand is not ideal, economic disputes are prone to occur.

  The current concession system implemented by "cruise taxis" in China. In 2002, the Ministry of Construction’s "Opinions on Accelerating the Market Process of Municipal Public Utilities" defined the municipal public utilities concession system as "in the municipal public utilities industry, the government grants enterprises the right to operate a certain municipal public product or service within a certain period of time and scope, that is, the concession right." Under what circumstances can the government implement concessions to a municipal public utilities industry? The answer is simple. It must be conducive to the realization of public interests and prevent operators from obtaining the privilege of monopolizing profits. The characteristics of taxi services are that individual citizens and outsiders have very weak service quality monitoring and bargaining power, while taxis are necessary and encouraged to develop travel tools. At the same time, by setting prices, the characteristics of weak bargaining power of individual consumers can be avoided. Whether the service characteristics of taxis are corporate operations or individual carriers, in the end, each rental service demand needs to be completed independently by a practitioner, and the demand is 24/7, regardless of frost, rain, day and night, the demand will exist, and the income of taxi practitioners must be guaranteed before someone is willing to provide services around the clock. Under the premise of taxi price limitation, in order to ensure that taxi practitioners and taxi operators have reasonable income and profits, a reasonable total control must be implemented on the number of taxis in a designated service area.

  As mentioned above, after the taxi market adopts concessions, if the lack of dynamic quantity control mechanism will cause the contradiction of taxi difficulty, if the lack of dynamic price control mechanism, it will cause the contradiction between taxi driver income and labor, if the lack of service quality control will cause the taxi service level is low. The current domestic taxi market has many problems and needs to be improved and improved, but it is undeniable that in the context of inflation in the past ten years, taxi prices have remained low for a long time (some cities have not even adjusted prices for 18 years), and many governments have hardly dared to get involved in taxi price adjustment. In recent years, due to factors such as oil prices, labor costs, traffic congestion, and labor conflicts, taxi prices have had to be adjusted in small strides. Taxi as a public service has basically maintained a stable, low-cost, and reliable transportation service. This is due to the hard work of employees and the government’s price control. Some current reports and commentaries demonize the taxi industry, arguing that it is unfair and rational to break the taxi concession system, and ignoring the valuable experience gained from international reform practices.

  III. The Internet promotes the further improvement of taxi control

  Finally, looking at the current regulatory status of taxi concessions in the United States, after the Internet companies Uber and Lyft launched Internet rental services and profitable ride-sharing platforms, has the United States called for and is breaking the taxi concession mechanism? The answer is no! Although all parts of the United States are setting various conditions through legislation to regulate Internet taxi-hailing software companies to engage in Internet rental services for cruise taxis and rental taxis, as well as gradually standardizing profitable ride-sharing platforms that are in conflict with traditional taxi operations, the United States has not called for breaking the taxi concession mechanism. Of course, many cities have also reviewed the impact of the Internet on traditional taxis when formulating Internet rental control regulations, and optimized the control system (such as requiring drivers to use taxi-hailing software compulsively, improving the price mechanism, reducing license fees, etc.). Uber Uber has expanded to more than 250 cities around the world under the impetus of capital forces, and these cities have not proposed to break the taxi concession mechanism. And some cities that were not regulated in the past are still joining the ranks of regulation.

  At the moment when the characteristics of taxi services have not fundamentally changed, a taxi concession mechanism is necessary. In the Internet age, especially when taxi-hailing software companies have absolutely occupied the online leasing market under the impetus of capital power, whether a taxi concession mechanism is still necessary, the answer is necessary. This is the guarantee mechanism to maintain that citizens can continue to enjoy low-priced, stable and fair passenger transportation services. However, the right to operate a taxi under the concession mechanism should not become a hotbed of rights and capital rent-seeking, and the right to operate a taxi should not be alienated into an investment asset and usurp monopoly income. This needs to be reformed and improved. In addition, to alleviate the problems of difficulty in taxi hailing, poor service, and single form, it is necessary to improve the control mechanism, rationally locate the function of taxis, dynamically evaluate the number and price of taxis, increase the number of cruising taxis in a timely manner, and vigorously develop legal rental and ride-sharing. The impact on the Internet should also be continuously observed. Only changes in the service characteristics of taxis can determine the reform of the control method. The sticks of the media, experts, and misguided citizens are in the wrong place. (Xu Kangming, Su Kui)

Revenue has been reduced by more than 20%, and Chongqing Sailis plans to promote the listing of its companies

Text | Zhou South Tour

On the evening of August 30, Sailis Group joint stock company (hereinafter referred to as Sailis) released the 2023 semi-annual report. From January to June, the company achieved revenue of 11.032 billion yuan, a decrease of 11.14% year-on-year; deducting non-attributable net profit – 1.344 billion yuan, the loss decreased by 22.18% year-on-year. In addition, Sailis plans to promote the listing of Chongqing Ruichi Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned grandson company of the company.

Three-year loss

Sailis, founded in 2016, formerly known as Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group joint stock company (hereinafter referred to as Xiaokang shares) is a technology-based manufacturing enterprise in Chongqing with new energy vehicles as its core business.

Over the past 20 years, Xiaokang shares have gained a place in the lower-tier market with brand cars such as Dongfang Xiaokang. With the revolutionary transformation of the automotive industry to electrification and intelligence that has not been seen in a century, the layout of new energy tracks has become inevitable.

In 2016, the predecessor of Cyrus, Jinkang New Energy Vehicle, was established. In 2020, Cyrus launched the first new energy vehicle, Cyrus 5, which was not welcomed by the market. It was not until 2021 that it joined forces with Huawei to launch the first cooperative model, Smart Choice SF5, and Jinkang New Energy Vehicle "became an instant hit".

The following year, Jinkang New Energy Vehicle renamed itself Cyrus and partnered with Huawei to launch the AITO new energy vehicle brand, targeting the high-end market.

With M5, EV and M7 models, it became a dark horse for the new forces of car manufacturing in 2022. That year, after the first new car in the world was launched, the monthly sales quickly exceeded 10,000, and in less than 10 months, the cumulative sales reached 75,000.

Q Jie series is a new energy brand jointly launched by Huawei and Cyrus, and it is also the core product of Cyrus.

According to the data, the cumulative production and sales of new energy vehicles of Sailis in 2022 were 130132 and 135054, respectively, an increase of 233.63% and 225.9% year-on-year. Among them, the production and sales of Sailis Automobile-Wenjie series cars were 83701 and 80041, accounting for more than half of the production and sales in 2022.

However, since 2020, Cyrus has been in a state of loss, accumulating more than 8.60 billion yuan. Since the beginning of this year, due to various factors, the sales volume of the world has continued to be sluggish, and the cumulative sales volume in the first five months has only 20,000 more than…

On July 15, Sailis announced that the net profit of non-return to the parent in 2023 is expected to be between – 1.93 billion yuan and – 1.80 billion yuan. The production and sales report data of the month is also not good. The sales of new energy vehicles decreased by 47.83% year-on-year, and the cumulative sales of 51,734 vehicles throughout the year decreased by 12.19% year-on-year.

In this regard, Sailis said that it was affected by the user wait-and-see sentiment caused by the overall promotion of the automotive industry in the first quarter of 2023, as well as the release of the M5 smart driving version in the second quarter.

However, Soochow Securities believes in the research report that the second quarter user wait-and-see mood fades, the release of the M5 smart driving version and the start of delivery will resonate and drive the second quarter sales.

As expected, the financial report shows that the sales of new energy vehicles in the second quarter increased by 24.30% compared with the previous quarter; revenue decreased by more than 20%.

Deepen cooperation and enrich product matrix with innovative technologies

With the launch of models such as the AITO M5 Smart Driving Edition and the new M7 Grand Five-Seater Edition, as well as the increase in overseas sales and the decrease in raw material prices, Sailis said that sales and profitability are expected to further improve in the second half of the year.

In fact, the poor data does not mean that Cyrus is inactive. Since the beginning of this year, Cyrus’s new products have been launched at an accelerated pace, and the product matrix has continued to enrich.

On May 27, AITO asked the 100,000 car in the industry to roll off the production line, and it became the fastest new energy vehicle brand to achieve this goal in 15 months. In June, the M5 smart driving version jointly designed by the company and Huawei started national delivery, taking the lead in realizing high-speed and urban high-level intelligent driving functions that do not rely on high-precision maps.

On August 26, the new M7 five-seat version made its debut at the Chengdu Auto Show and opened for small orders. It will be officially released and delivered on September 12. The car features a large space and flexible layout.

Previously, the company announced the signing of a deepening joint business agreement with Huawei and the establishment of a joint sales and service working group, adding another milestone to the long-term and in-depth cooperation between the two parties. Focus on strategic cities, optimize sales channel construction, and build a delivery and service network.

Establish strategic partnerships with leading suppliers such as Wencan and Bosch, as well as the China Automotive Center, to jointly promote the high-quality development of the industry.

In terms of research and development, Cyrus continues to maintain high investment in core areas and continues to attract professional talents.

As of June this year, the company had 3,741 authorized patents; from January to June, 315 new authorized patents and 1,058 new patent applications were added, maintaining an industry-leading advantage in the fields of system architecture, intelligent manufacturing, and product quality. During the reporting period, R & D expenses increased by 16% year-on-year.

It is worth mentioning that Sailis said in its semi-annual report that it plans to introduce one or more important partners in the industrial chain and industrial funds as investors through capital increase or equity transfer for its wholly-owned grandson company Chongqing Ruichi Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. at a price of not less than 10 yuan per 1 yuan of registered capital, and choose the opportunity to go public.

According to the financial report, Ruichi Electric was established in September 2003 with a registered capital of 200 million yuan and is registered in Fusheng Town, Jiangbei District, Chongqing.

As of the end of June, its total assets 2.007 billion yuan, net assets 449 million yuan; 2022 and the first half of 2023 respectively to achieve operating income of 2.76 billion yuan and 1.021 billion yuan, net profit of 130 million yuan and 2641.40 yuan.

Sailis said that Ruichi Electric focuses on the electric commercial vehicle business, which is separate from the company’s electric passenger vehicle business. This move can optimize the company’s strategic layout and business structure, further strengthen the financial strength of Ruichi Electric, accelerate its Product Research & Development, market and channel construction, and enhance its core competitiveness and sustainable development vitality.

Plug in a new mixed sedan, Geely Galaxy L6 test drive experience

  Geely Galaxy L6 is the first sedan model of Geely Galaxy brand, and the new car price is expected to be in the range of 14-180,000 yuan.

  The Galaxy L6 looks like a stable temperament. The front face adopts a closed design, and the through headlights are added, which is a very new energy design language. The new car is nearly 4.8m long and 1875mm wide. The shape of the taillights is relatively complicated. The English LOGO of GEELY is added to the middle of the through taillights. This ripple shape element also runs through all the details of the whole car, which is reflected in the front and side of the car. This is also where the appearance of the Galaxy L6 is more recognizable.

Plug in the new mixed sedan, Geely Galaxy L6 test drive experience _fororder_image001

Plug in the new mixed sedan, Geely Galaxy L6 test drive experience _fororder_image002

  The interior of the Galaxy L6 has a black-brown color scheme and a black-and-white color scheme. The size of the instrument panel is 10.25 inches, the size of the central control screen is 12.3 inches, the car chip is Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155, and the car system matches the Galaxy N OS. In terms of the overall experience, the fluency of the Galaxy N OS car machine is satisfactory, and the voice interaction ability of the vehicle is indeed very strong. It can be said that the experience is definitely the first echelon level. In addition, the original voice interaction outside the car is also very interesting, and in some special scenarios, it can provide a unique interactive experience.

Plug in the new mixed sedan, Geely Galaxy L6 test drive experience _fororder_image003

  There are also two very unique designs in the Galaxy L6 car, one is the sunglasses visor, the lower half of the visor is shaded with polarizing glasses and does not block the line of sight, and the sunroof is also divided left and right. These two designs are indeed very unique.

Plug in the new mixed sedan, Geely Galaxy L6 test drive experience _fororder_image004

  The length, width and height of the Galaxy L6 are 4782/1875/1489mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2752mm. The Galaxy L6 has a lot of storage space. In addition to the regular door panels and glove boxes, it has also dug out a small storage table behind the central control screen, which is very suitable for daily paper drawing. Because of the use of a pocket block design, the storage compartment in the central area of the front row is also huge, and there is a cup holder that can be pushed and pulled to adapt to your different needs. In terms of riding space, the performance of the new car is fair, and the head space is not bad as a whole, but in terms of legroom, it is not as spacious as the data shows. In addition, the floor height of the rear row is slightly higher, and the overall sitting posture is not so stretched.

  The maximum power of the Galaxy L6 system is 287kW, the maximum torque of the system is 535Nm, and the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 6.3s. The new car has a pure electric cruising range of 60/125km (CLTC), a comprehensive cruising range of 1370km (WLTC), and a fuel consumption of 4.55L (WLTC) at a loss of electricity for 100 kilometers. The Galaxy L6 is equipped with a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848. It is composed of a 1.5T four-cylinder engine, a 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, and two motors, P1 and P2. The biggest feature of this system is its extreme speed. At the same time, its 100-kilometer acceleration time is only 6.3s, and there is no need to worry about the power reserve when driving every day. Moreover, because of the existence of 3 gears, its rear section ability is very strong, and high-speed driving will not feel the power attenuation The shift motion of this system is also relatively slight. You can feel the vehicle shifting around 40km/h and 80km/h, but the process is relatively smooth and there is no feeling of setbacks. Most of the time, it feels like driving a pure electric car.

Plug in the new mixed sedan, Geely Galaxy L6 test drive experience _fororder_image005

  The adjustment of the Galaxy L6 still has some sporty attributes. It retains some road feel and can clearly feedback the information on the road surface. Of course, this also makes it not very clean when facing some small bumps, and it can feel more fine vibrations. The steering wheel size is small, the steering force is also very light, it is very easy to use, and the vehicle will feel very flexible when driving. Summarizing the driving experience of the Galaxy L6 is that this car is basically balanced. (Graphic: Provided by Geely Galaxy)

Oil price "7 times" car owners have no shortage of "fuel-saving wisdom"

   Wuyi News Network (reporter, Wu Jingyang) Affected by the rise in oil prices, the travel patterns of many car owners in our county have quietly changed, and they have come up with many fuel-saving tricks.

  Bus and electric vehicle travel

  "Xiao Li, why don’t you drive?" When he got off work at noon yesterday, Mr. Li, who was working in a public institution in the county seat, pushed a new electric car out of the door of the unit, and a colleague asked this. Faced with the doubts of his colleagues, Mr. Li said: "Now that the oil price is so high, I ride an electric car to get off work instead."

  Mr. Li lives in Xianxia’s house on South Wenquan Road, six stops away from his work. Two years ago, he bought a car for transportation, and with the rise in oil prices, he increasingly felt that it was difficult to maintain a car. After the oil price was raised again this time, he calculated an account: his car consumes about 10 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, and the monthly fuel bill is about 50 yuan more than before. "In this way, I have to spend about 600 yuan more a year, and now I basically don’t drive for short distances," he said. The reporter learned in the interview that, like Mr. Li, many car owners often choose buses, electric vehicles and other travel.

  Reduce the burden on the trunk

  Last weekend, Mr. Wang, who worked in a company in the county development zone, gave his car’s trunk a thorough cleaning. Children’s carts, all kinds of shoes, books… "Look, these things add up to dozens of kilograms. I heard that reducing the burden on the trunk can save fuel," Mr. Wang said.

  According to Mr. Wang, after the oil price rose this time, he looked up fuel-saving tips online. "I learned from the Internet that every 45kg reduction in vehicle weight can reduce vehicle fuel consumption by up to 2%." Mr. Wang said that reducing the burden on the trunk from time to time is a good way to save fuel. At the same time, he does not fill up at one time, but adds half or two-thirds of the fuel, so that the car can be light on the road. It is understood that many veteran drivers also save fuel by not easily overtaking at high speed and avoiding congested routes.

  Change from self-driving tour to group tour

  At noon yesterday, Ms. Zhang, who lives in Qixia Garden, used her lunch break to rush to the travel agency near her unit to inquire about the travel situation of the "May Day" long-term tour.

  "Originally, we were going to go on a self-driving tour, but everyone may have changed to a group tour considering the cost issue." According to Ms. Zhang, in order to go out and take care of each other, last week, she asked college classmates to go on a self-driving tour, but very few people responded. It turned out that the students felt that the price of oil had risen, and the cost of self-driving tours was too high. According to the staff of a travel agency in the urban area, with the rise in oil prices, the cost of self-driving tours has increased, and many citizens have switched to group tours with their families.

New design, new technology, Geely Galaxy, this is what future high-value new energy vehicles should look like!

High-end is a development trend in the automotive industry in recent years, and the rapid development of new energy vehicles has provided opportunities for autonomous vehicle companies to break through. As a result, we see more and more autonomous vehicle companies lining up in the mid- to high-end new energy vehicle market, but who can successfully break through the siege and stand at the top is still unknown. In this context, Geely brand officially released a new mid- to high-end new energy series – "Geely Galaxy", and promised "Geely Galaxy only makes high-value new energy vehicles". So, where is Geely Galaxy’s high value reflected? Where is the confidence to only make high-value new energy vehicles?

New design and new technology empower Geely Galaxy’s innovation

On February 23, the Geely brand debuted the Geely Galaxy smart electric prototype – "Galaxy Light".

Judging from the information that has been officially disclosed, the industry’s most direct feeling about "Galaxy Light" is that it has a new design style that is different from previous Geely cars, and even different from the styles of Lynk & Co, Geometry, and Extreme Krypton and other brand models. The low-lying and wide-bodied electric coupe posture, the noble and elegant open doors, the avant-garde frameless windows, and the technology-cool interior run through the connecting screen, etc. These elements will make the "Galaxy Light" design style more popular with consumers who prefer high-value products.

And the design language of "Galaxy Light", which is beyond conventional electric vehicles, will be applied to all products of Geely Galaxy. In other words, all products of Geely Galaxy will have market competitiveness beyond conventional electric vehicles in terms of design.

However, the high value that the Geely brand endows Geely Galaxy is not limited to the visual level. It also has a series of new energy electrification technologies such as the Aegis battery safety system, the Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848, and the new car operating system "Galaxy N OS", which brings Geely Galaxy a high-value experience that can be continuously upgraded and evolved.

For example, Geely’s original "SHIELD Battery Safety System" can not only prevent spontaneous combustion of battery cells, ensure the safety of battery packs and battery modules, but also avoid electromagnetic radiation damage to human health through radiation protection that goes deep into the cellular level. At the same time, relying on the support of 8.10 billion billion times/second cloud computing power of Jilixing Smart Computing Center, the SHIELD battery safety system can protect more than 200 electronic control items in real time, warn more than 50 types of faults, and improve battery life by 20%. On this basis, Geely Galaxy also took the lead in achieving 30 kilometers per hour drag bottom impact and 20 kilometers per hour vehicle drag bottom without damage. It is because of such high-value safety protection that Geely Galaxy can greatly reduce consumers’ concerns about the safety of new energy vehicle batteries.

The Raytheon Hybrid 8848, a new generation of Raytheon Hybrid Engine B-Plus, has achieved the highest mass production result of 44.26% in terms of thermal efficiency. In terms of performance, it has realized the intelligent electric drive driven by P1 + P2 dual motors (the combined power of the two-wheel drive reaches 287kW). In terms of intelligent control, the first predictive energy management system can increase the energy saving rate by up to 15%. In the future, with the re-evolution of the Raytheon Hybrid 8848, Geely Galaxy’s products can also have a high-value experience brought by the Raytheon Hybrid Engine with a thermal efficiency of 46% and the intelligent electric drive with a combined power of 488kW.

The new Galaxy N OS is Geely’s full-stack self-developed distributed operating system, which will bring more accurate recognition, full scene visibility, and millisecond-level response interactive experience on the basis of protecting user privacy.

In addition, in the field of intelligent driving that has attracted much attention, the "heaven and earth integration" version of Galaxy Smart Driving solution based on Geely Satellite will be launched soon, and it will take the lead in mass production of cross-layer memory parking, high-speed emergency antelope obstacle avoidance, and low-speed exploration and crossing in the future. At present, Galaxy Smart Driving can stop in time in the face of stationary targets when cruising at a high speed of 90km/h; Geely Star Smart Computing Center can simulate 100,000 kilometers of intelligent driving behavior training in 1 day, combined with intelligent networking professional test field and actual road test, to meet the L3 global certification standard.

 It is not difficult to find that Geely’s high-energy new energy electrification technology has covered battery safety, electric hybrid systems, interaction, smart driving, and other fields, providing strong technical support for Geely Galaxy’s high-value experience.

New products and new channels empower Geely Galaxy

Of course, only good design and technical support are not enough for Geely Galaxy to take the lead in the increasingly competitive new energy field. At this time, it is particularly important to effectively line up unique products.

Geely Galaxy, as a new mid-to-high-end new energy series of Geely brand, the two product series are built by the native intelligent electric architecture, of which the intelligent electric hybrid L series adopts Geely Galaxy intelligent "electric hybrid" architecture, covering A0 to B-level intelligent electric hybrid products; the intelligent pure electric E series adopts Geely Galaxy intelligent "pure electric" architecture, covering A-level to D-level intelligent pure electric products.

According to the plan, Geely Galaxy will adopt a new logo and will launch seven products within two years, four of which belong to the intelligent electric hybrid L series. The first electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 and the first electric hybrid car Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year, respectively. The other three belong to the intelligent pure electric E series, and the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

It is not difficult to find that for how to effectively and efficiently enter the mid- to high-end new energy vehicle market, Geely Galaxy has a clear plan for the product layout in the next two years.

At present, Geely Galaxy’s first product, Geely Galaxy L7, has officially opened for pre-order.

The car is based on the world-class e-CMA architecture, and is first equipped with high-energy technologies such as Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon Hybrid 8848 and Galaxy N OS. In terms of shape, Geely Galaxy L7 has a fully enclosed grille, "flying eaves bucket arch" shaped daytime running lights, through-type tail lights and other designs. The interior is equipped with 50w wireless charging, Jingyao star ring light curtain ambient light, hidden door handle, headrest audio and a "10.25-inch meter + 13.2-inch central control screen + 16.2-inch auxiliary driver screen + 25.6-inch AR HUD" combination that can achieve four-screen intelligent interaction. In terms of power, Geely Galaxy L7 comes standard with Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 "three-speed variable frequency electric drive", which does not stall in all working conditions; it accelerates for 6.9 seconds at 100 kilometers and supports ejection start; the fuel consumption at a loss of 100 kilometers is only 5.23L; the CLTC comprehensive cruising range is 1370 kilometers.

The Geely brand also knows the truth that "the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the deep alley", so in the layout of the channel, Geely Galaxy will adopt two models of direct connection to users and agent distribution, will launch a new APP, and introduce new experience and service standards. Only after-sales services have set up 247 new standards to comprehensively upgrade the user experience.

The Times has a saying

At present, the trend of vehicle electrification and intelligence is becoming more and more obvious. With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, consumers gradually have more expectations for future travel methods. With the continuous empowerment of new designs, new technologies, new products and new channels, Geely Galaxy’s series of innovations and layouts will make consumers look forward to the future of autonomous high-value new energy vehicle travel life. As Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said: "Geely Galaxy is Geely’s declaration of action for the development of new energy. It brings together Geely’s entire system of technical strength, the world’s leading intelligent manufacturing system, and the cutting-edge technology ecosystem integrated with heaven and earth. It will surely lead new energy into the second’new stage ‘of value-enhancing development, and will bring users a safer, freer and higher value intelligent travel experience." 

(Feature Shu Written by Luo Xiaotong, pictures are provided by car companies)