Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha’s Yushi Technology this year.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

In the field of domestic autonomous driving, Yushi Technology, co-founded by Wu Gansha, former president of Intel China Research Institute, has to be mentioned.

However, due to shifting the focus of their work, Yushi Technology and Wu Gansha themselves have greatly reduced the frequency of speaking out since the middle of last year, which means "retiring from the rivers and lakes" and is slightly mysterious.

A few days ago, with the launch of GTIC 2018 Global Smart Car Supply Chain Innovation Summit, Chedong went to the Beijing office of Yushi Technology to have another in-depth dialogue with Wu Gansha, the guest of this summit, and learned about the breakthroughs made by Yushi Technology in technology research and development and commercialization during the dormant year:

Including the deployment of unmanned electric logistics trailers at the top three international airports in the world, the deployment of unmanned feeder vehicles in Zhejiang and Nanjing, the joint research and development of automatic parking service technology with domestic top automakers and time-sharing leasing enterprises, and the cooperation with passenger car enterprises to develop L2.5/L3 autonomous driving technology.

Wu Gansha even told the car that it has achieved a 10-fold increase in the number of customers, the number of contracts, the contract amount and the number of vehicles equipped with the automatic driving system, and the results are gratifying.

"Retirement" Achievement: Finalizing Master Plan

"The first year of entrepreneurship is blowing outside, the second year is blowing inside, and the third year is blowing again." As for the reasons for keeping a low profile in recent years, Wu Gansha explained this.

In his view, the first year of starting a business is nothing more than looking for someone to find money, the second year is to find business cooperation with customers, and the focus of the third year is on the one hand to cash the blown cows, and on the other hand, the rapid growth of the company needs "calcium supplementation", especially in refined management and cultural construction.

Wu Gansha told Che that during the "silence" of Yushi Technology, the team completed a very important thing, that is, finalized the Master Plan—— of Yushi Technology-the company’s overall development plan for the next five to ten years. It is understood that the plan is divided into three parts:

First of all, in the field of commercial vehicles and special vehicles, we should try to find a direction that is suitable for autonomous driving technology and can bring high profits at the same time, so as to accumulate research and development data and build corporate image while earning income.

Secondly, after the technology has been developed to a certain extent, we will start to cooperate with passenger car manufacturers to mass-produce and deploy parking service and L2/L3 autonomous driving technologies.

With the gradual increase of deployed vehicles, Yushi will be able to accumulate more data to improve the mass-produced autonomous driving technology, and at the same time, it will start the "shadow mode", that is, collect the road condition data of mass-produced vehicles through the sensors of existing vehicles, and train the decision-making algorithm of L4/L5 autonomous driving technology on the on-board computing platform.

Finally, Yushi Technology hopes to deploy an autopilot system with "shadow mode" on 10 million production vehicles in the future, so as to ensure that each iteration of L4/5 autopilot algorithm can complete tens of billions of kilometers of real vehicle verification within one month. Finally, mass production of L4/5 autonomous driving technology will be realized around 2025.

In addition to making a grand, even slightly exaggerated Master Plan, Yushi Technology is also recruiting a lot of people to ensure the realization of the above plan.

Wu Gansha told Che Dongxi that Yushi Technology currently has three R&D bases in Fangshan, Haidian, Beijing and Jiading, Shanghai, and its research engineering team is close to hundreds of people.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

▲ Some members of the dominant team

In addition, Yushi Technology also has a trial production, testing and application innovation center in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, which is engaged in batch modification of self-driving vehicles, production and testing of low-speed vehicles, and has offices in Liuzhou and Shenzhen to carry out trial operation and joint research and development with partners.

Business progress: achieve four tenfold growth in one year.

Master Plan of Yushi is ambitious, but it is a plan after all. Cars are actually more concerned about what practical achievements Yushi Technology has made in the past year.

"10 times." Wu Gansha said with a smile, "and it is still four times 10 times."

He told Chedong that during the year from August 2017 to August 2018, Yushi Technology has achieved a 10-fold increase in four key indicators: the number of customers, the number of contracts, the contract amount and the number of vehicles equipped with Yushi automatic driving system. At present, it has more than 20 customers, of which about 80% are car companies, covering independent, joint venture and foreign-funded brand manufacturers, as well as passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

"This year, it is obvious that there are more customers of joint venture and foreign car companies," Wu Gansha explained. "The self-driving technology developed abroad may not be able to adapt to the complicated domestic road conditions, and the internationally accepted data governance regulations do not allow data to be sent abroad, so joint venture and foreign car companies also need local research and development and local partners."

Wu Gansha also showed the car a video of a specific project at the scene.

One of them is in the top three international airports in the world, and Yushi Technology has deployed several self-developed unmanned electric logistics trailers. These vehicles are parked next to the plane, and after the luggage and other goods on the plane are unloaded, this unmanned vehicle drags the goods to the unloading area.

The video shows that this special vehicle can still run normally in heavy rain, and its automatic driving system can stop immediately to avoid collision when it recognizes the mineral water bottle and silk scarf that the tester suddenly throws into the middle of the road.

Wu Gansha told the car that because there is no cover and air conditioning, the drivers of airport special vehicles work in harsh conditions such as high and low temperature and loud noise from taking off and landing all the year round. Therefore, although the subsidy is high, they still can’t keep people, which has become a headache for airport operators.

Unmanned vehicles do not have these problems, so they received a positive response from the airport. After rigorous technical tests, the two sides quickly reached a commercial cooperation.

Most importantly, the project is not used for demonstration purposes. The data and operational experience accumulated by Yushi can not only continuously improve its driverless technology, but also deploy more unmanned vehicles at the airport to achieve benign development. Wu Gansha predicts that the project will start unmanned operation without on-board safety personnel within half a year. And this is the first step of Master Plan of Yushi Technology.

Technical progress: automatic parking service and L2.5 go first.

In the field of passenger cars, Yushi is currently promoting commercial landing mainly around AVP and L2+ autonomous driving technology.

In addition to the above-mentioned airport video, Wu Gansha also showed Che Dongxi his technology Demo of developing AVP(Automated Valet Parking) automatic parking service for an independent passenger car brand.

In the video, a passenger car equipped with AVP technology drives to the door of an underground garage, and then the human driver gets off, and the vehicle drives into the basement to find the designated parking space and back into place. When the driver needs to drive, operate on the mobile APP, and the vehicle will drive on the road from the garage by itself.

It is understood that the AVP system of Yushi can be realized only by low-cost sensors such as cameras and ultrasonic radars, and its products have two modes:

1. For the parking spaces in fixed parking lots, vehicles can remember the corresponding routes by learning the driving of human drivers, so that the automatic parking service can be completed without relying on high-precision maps.

2. For parking spaces in unfamiliar parking lots, vehicles can find designated parking spaces or random empty parking spaces by themselves with the support of limited high-precision maps, and complete parking.

Wu Gansha told the car that this AVP system is being jointly developed with the OEM, and it is expected to cooperate with the OEM or the head time-sharing company to achieve scale deployment before the end of this year.

In addition to AVP system, another major layout of Yushi in the field of passenger cars revolves around L2+ autopilot technology, which is called L2.5 and L2.8 autopilot technology within Yushi.

Its L2.5-level technology can be simply understood as an upgraded version of Tesla Autopilot system. On structured roads such as expressways, vehicles can not only control their own speed and keep driving in a single lane, but also realize safe and automatic lane change.

The main body of L2.8 technology is the same as L2.5 technology, and the core is to increase the function of up and down ramps. According to Wu Gansha, the L2.8 technology of Yushi Technology should realize the automatic driving function of toll station-toll station, that is, consumers can give it to vehicles to drive when they drive to the toll station, and then they will be driven by humans after arriving at the destination toll station.

Of course, because this technical positioning is still below L3 level, human drivers still need to monitor the road conditions and be ready to take over at all times during driving, which is similar to the general Super Cruise positioning.

Wu Gansha revealed that this set of L2+ autopilot technology has basically matured, and is currently communicating with the OEM. It is expected that the SOP will be mass-produced as soon as 2020–this is the second step of the Master Plan.

Shadow mode: speeding up unmanned research and development

In the Master Plan, the shadow mode mentioned above plays a very important role, which is an important step to complete the research and development, data accumulation and verification of L4 autonomous driving technology.

After the above video demonstrating AVP automatic parking service technology, Wu Gansha also showed the progress of L4-class automatic driving technology.

In the video, the above-mentioned automatic parking service vehicle switches to L4 automatic driving mode after driving out of the parking lot, and automatically drives to the exit of the park. After the identification crossbar is lifted, it drives into the open road for testing.

In this process, the car has experienced many scenes such as crossroads/traffic lights, roundabout, tunnels, cities and highways, and it has successfully completed the driving task even in the face of complicated road conditions such as motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, pedestrians and courier brothers.

According to Wu Gansha, this open road is an intelligent networked vehicle open test section that cooperates with the high-end manufacturing base in Fangshan District. It has long been a routine operation to conduct driverless testing on this section, and it has also experienced the test of bad weather such as heavy rain and severe winter. At present, Yushi is actively cooperating with OEMs to apply for road test licenses in Beijing, Shanghai and Jiashan, Zhejiang.

Open the trunk and there is only a clean "small box" in the car. This is the car brain independently developed by Yushi, which is equipped with two sets of algorithms, one is the above-mentioned automatic parking service system, and the other is the L4-level automatic driving which is still in iteration.

When the vehicle equipped with the car brain is driven by human beings, the algorithm of L4-level automatic driving technology verifies the algorithm by sharing data with the sensor under the condition of ensuring privacy, thus realizing the shadow mode.

Wu Gansha revealed that the car brain is fully developed in accordance with the car regulations, supporting a variety of chip mix and match schemes such as GPU, ASIC or FPGA. At present, the OEM is progressing smoothly.

Future play: positioning Tier 0.5

The entrepreneurial wave of autonomous driving technology has been rising for several years. Emerging companies and technology companies have two main directions in business models. First, unmanned taxis or unmanned car routes represented by industry leader Google Waymo also include startups such as Uber, Didi, Roadstar.ai

Another group of companies hope to provide auto-driving solutions with integrated software and hardware for mass production and loading, similar to what Tier1 does in the automobile industry.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

▲ Yushi employees debug vehicles.

In the view of the first type of companies, technology companies have the problems of lack of experience and high threshold when they cut into the automobile industry. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with companies in the automobile industry to make unmanned vehicles and directly engage in the operation of unmanned car rental. The second kind of companies think that software technology is the weakness of the automobile industry companies and they have the ability to become the new Tier1.

Wu Gansha positioned Yu Shi’s choice of science and technology in the latter.

"Rand data shows that autonomous driving technology needs to run to 11 billion miles to prove statistically that it is safer than human drivers. If you want to run so many journeys, you need more vehicles equipped with shadow mode to run data." Regarding the reason for choosing the second route, Wu Gansha explained this.

At the same time, he also believes that the automatic driving system needs to be iteratively upgraded, which is different from the traditional one-off automobile parts. Therefore, Yushi defines its relationship with automobile enterprises as Tier0.5, that is, from the beginning, it will carry out joint research and development and joint data operation with automobile enterprises, instead of providing independent research and development parts systems to automobile enterprises like the traditional Tier1 and then matching them with the vehicles of the automobile factory.

At present, Yushi Technology has carried out joint research and development with many domestic automobile manufacturers, and its micro-circulation unmanned minibus and bus jointly developed with a head bus manufacturer will also be unveiled soon.

Conclusion: Autopilot veteran speeds up again.

Founded in early 2016 and headed by Wu Gansha, former president of Intel China Research Institute, Yushi Technology is regarded as one of the earliest self-driving startups in China. After intensive exposure at the beginning of its establishment, Yushi Technology began to fall into silence in the second half of 2017, even giving people the illusion that the company has fallen behind.

However, after two hours of in-depth communication with Wu Gansha, Che Dongxi clearly realized that Yushi Technology, a veteran autopilot, had not fallen behind, but had more achievements, which were illustrated by winning dozens of customers, deploying special unmanned vehicles at the top three international airports in the world, and developing L2+ autopilot technology and automatic parking service system for mass production.

With the determination of Master Plan for the next five years by Yushi Technology, the forward speed of this veteran will be further accelerated.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  On August 18th, Jinan Hi-tech wanda plaza was full of people. On this cool summer day, the launch conference of BYD Hanbei region Jinan stood here as scheduled. As the flagship model of BYD Dynasty series, Hanhan attracted attention from all walks of life at the beginning of its listing. This event is the first listing conference of Han in Shandong, and well-known local media have come to participate.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  This activity combines exquisite national tide culture and modern black technology from four different angles: people, cars, art and life, and successfully brings BYD Han to consumers.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  On the day of the press conference, Han’s appearance also caused many customers to stop and watch. The event was crowded with people to witness Han’s grand debut! A Guofeng dessert area and a bartending area were also set up at the event site, allowing guests to experience the beauty created by ingenuity.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Han can win thousands of eyes, which is inseparable from its bright appearance and intensive black technology. Han is a product of BYD Auto for ten years, a gift from BYD to the new energy vehicle market, and a shocking work from China Auto to the world. The birth of Han represents the beginning of the era of powerful China cars!

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Models wearing new Chinese costumes brought an elegant catwalk to everyone at the scene, attracting many customers to stop and enjoy. In front of the shining Han, countless people expressed their admiration, feeling the growing strength and vigorous development of domestic independent brand cars, and lamented the high-grade masterpieces presented by BYD brand in the process of exploring the integration of eastern and western design.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  In the product explanation session, many highlights of Han as BYD’s flagship model were displayed from four aspects: safety benchmark, luxury benchmark, performance benchmark and technology benchmark.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  This time, Han released three pure electric vehicle models Han EV and two dual-mode plug-in hybrid models Han DM. Among them, the price of the luxury version of Han EV is 229,800 yuan, the price of the distinguished version of Han EV is 255,800 yuan, and the price of the flagship version of Han EV four-wheel drive is 279,500 yuan. Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the premium price of 239,800 yuan, Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the luxury price of 219,800 yuan. It fully demonstrated BYD’s full sincerity.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  With the core selling points of black technology such as Longyan design language, ultra-safe blade battery and intelligent network connection system, Han attracted the attention of many car owners once it went public. On the day of the event, BYD presented exclusive delivery gifts to the first customer representatives. The grand delivery ceremony fully reflected BYD Auto’s care and attention to customers.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Han is a strength, and Han is an attitude. After the stage came to an end, on-site customers came to the car show to experience the charm of Han at close range!

  In today’s lively and extraordinary scene, it is inseparable from Han’s own strong product strength.

  Based on the development concept of "comprehensive, balanced and leading, life cycle safety", the new car has created 12 best products in the world and 9 best products in China, setting a benchmark for the safety, performance and luxury of new energy vehicles.

  Safety benchmark, as the world’s first car equipped with blade batteries, Han EV redefines the safety standard for new energy vehicles. The power battery carried by Han DM adopts a "seven-dimensional and four-layer" high-temperature stability and safety matrix, which has the safest battery safety protection system in the world.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  Performance benchmark, as the world’s first car equipped with high-performance and high-integrated silicon carbide MOSFET motor control module, Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version of the flagship model takes only 3.9 seconds to accelerate, making it the fastest mass-produced new energy car in China. Han DM is equipped with super-performance DM-p technology, which is BYD’s dual-engine four-wheel drive DM model with the strongest acceleration performance. The fastest acceleration time is only 4.7 seconds. At the same time, it also achieved the best result of China Elk test for medium and large-sized cars with the shortest braking distance of 100 kilometers and 80 kilometers/hour of 32.8 meters for new energy cars of the same class in the world.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  As a luxury benchmark, Han’s overall design language is based on DragonFace, and its appearance is designed with double dragons and performance aesthetics. Dragon Face’s fierce front face, dragon flowing sideways into the sea, and penetrating dragon claw taillights are designed to highlight the luxury temperament of medium and large cars. The interior design takes luxury as the bone, tradition as the rhyme, and the symmetrical zigzag layout creates a harmonious and generous Chinese luxury connotation. It adopts the S-class embracing luxury intelligent flagship flight cabin design, showing the beauty of luxury.

The launch conference of BYD Han and Jinan Station was a complete success!

  The listing of Han will inherit the accumulation of BYD dynasty family, break the old pattern of medium and large luxury cars and accelerate the pace of replacing fuel vehicles. Han, as a game-breaker, leads the Chinese luxury style and refreshes the pattern of China cars in the world. On the road of "a powerful China car is heading for the new", BYD has laid a new height and created a new pattern for China’s intellectual creation through continuous technological innovation.

Huawei applied for registration of multiple AITO trademarks, trademark protection or creating ecology?

  Blue Whale Auto reporter learned from Tianyancha that within the month, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huawei") applied for registration of pharmaceutical products and daily chemical products.AITO trademarks and other categories, goods/services include massage equipment, wearable medical biometric data monitor, electric massage gun, cleaning agent for automobile, wax for automobile, etc.

  Although there are no projects directly related to vehicle production, Huawei’s move has once again triggered a heated discussion on its "car-making action".

  At the 100,000th off-line ceremony of AITO on May 27th, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, once again responded to the question "Does Huawei make cars?" Everyone said that Huawei doesn’t make cars, but the accurate explanation is that Huawei doesn’t make cars alone. How can we do it without making cars? How can you survive without building a car? You must build a car! However, Huawei does not build cars alone, but builds cars with car companies, builds good cars and builds the best cars. "

  From the name change storm of "HUAWEI asking the world" in March to the subsequent statement of "not building cars alone", the relationship between Huawei and AITO asking the world has attracted more and more attention. In the process of building AITO asking the world brand in cooperation with Huawei,Has the role changed?

  Huawei recently registered several AITO trademarks.

  The reporter inquired from Tianyancha and China Trademark Network that as early as December 2021, before the release of the AITO brand, a company named Zhengde Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhengde Electronics) took the lead in applying for registration of multi-category AITO trademarks, among which the most important 12 categories of trademarks covered vehicles, land, air and sea carriers (but because the tire group trademark was applied by other companies, Zhengde Electronics did not apply for production at that time) The company was founded on March 2, 2021, as if to apply for a trademark.

  Subsequently, Zhengde Electronics successively transferred 12 kinds of AITO trademarks to Chongqing Haokang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chongqing Haokang) and 7 kinds and 9 kinds of trademarks to Beijing Ruide Kaizhuo Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ruide Kaizhuo), whose goods/services covered exchange development.Air filters for automobile engines, automobile oil pumps, interactive touch-screen terminals, navigation instruments for vehicles (onboard computers), automobile audio equipment, car televisions, etc. On July 5 and December 9, 2022, Zhengde Electronics applied for 12 categories of AITO trademark groups of tires twice, and it is still waiting for substantive examination.

  According to Tianyancha, Chongqing Haokang is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Chongqing Xiaokang Holdings Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of the group; Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo have no more information at present. However, as the agency of the above-mentioned trademarks is Huajin United Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., the agency of Huawei’s HarmonyOS trademark, some insiders speculate that it is Huawei behind Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo, but there is still no information to prove the relevance of the three.

  In order to better protect their trademark rights, trademark holders generally avoid trademark infringement through cross-category registration, approximate registration and sub-brand registration. However, compared with the frequent actions of Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo, Chongqing Haokang is not active in the process of protecting trademarks. Only four pieces of registration information of AITO trademarks can be found on China Trademark Network, while Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo have 25 pieces and 273 pieces of registration information respectively.

  Since March, 2022, AITO brand has successively launched three models, namely, the M5, M7 and M5 EV, with the words "the model of the car" printed on the back of the car body. Correspondingly, the trademark of Wenjie currently belongs to Beijing Yongan Shida Science and Trade Co., Ltd., which has had many trademark transfer businesses with Huawei-related enterprises.

Image source: screenshot of China Trademark Network

  The reporter also noticed that during the month, Huawei also applied for dozens of 12 kinds of trademarks, including Lanjie, Tongjie, Tengjie, Xuanjie, HarmonyOS Jiejie, Kunlin and Lunyu.

  In short, 12 categories of AITO trademarks belong to Huawei, and Huawei is actively acquiring other categories of AITO trademarks.

  How to define the right to use a trademark under the ecological environment?

  On March 8 this year, AITO Automobile used the words "HUAWEI asks the world" on its social media platform for the first time, which gained great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  "Huawei provides core software and hardware technologies such as electrification and intelligent parts, and helps car companies sell good cars through product definition, user experience, quality control, channel retail and brand marketing, helping car companies achieve commercial success while driving Huawei intelligence.Large-scale sales. Although HUAWEI replied that "Huawei asks the world" is a brand of Huawei eco-car and a brand-new business model initiated by Huawei, it has not stopped speculation about "Huawei makes cars".

  On March 31st, Huawei announced the auto business decision signed by Ren Zhengfei himself.The announcement puts strict requirements on the body logo, emphasizing that Huawei /HUAWEI cannot be used in vehicle publicity. At the financial report conference held on the same day, Huawei once again responded that in order to avoid being misunderstood by the outside world as "Huawei makes cars", today Huawei internally issued the "Resolution on Huawei not making cars". The business model and cooperation strategy of the eco-car will not change. Xu Zhijun, Huawei’s rotating chairman, said that it is strictly forbidden for Huawei brands to appear in front of any automobile brands, and materials in flagship stores and retail stores will be cleaned up.

  At present, there are three main modes of cooperation between Huawei and car companies: one is the component mode of selling standardized products; The second is the Huawei Inside mode (referred to as "HI mode") that provides full-stack smart car solutions; Third, deeply participate in product and vehicle design, and provide intelligent selection mode of sales network channels.

  At the high-level forum of China Electric Vehicle committee of 100 Forum (2023) held on April 1, Yu Chengdong once said that the current series of models of the world are produced by Cyrus, and Chery, BAIC and JAC will also produce Huawei’s complete solution models soon. "If they all adopt different brands, it will be very troublesome to separate retail marketing, so it is necessary to implement the ecological alliance of the world."

  He further explained that in the future, there will be no conflict between the models launched by several partners under the intelligent selection mode, and they will still work together to build an ecological alliance, make full use of the production capacity resources of the car factory and jointly build competitiveness.

  In response to the question of trademark use rights in the world, Xia Hailong, a lawyer from Shanghai Shenlun Law Firm, told the Blue Whale Automobile reporter that there are generally two types of changes in trademark use rights. One kind is transfer, for example, the trademark of A is completely transferred to B, and then the trademark will be held by B, and A can’t use it. There is also authorization, which is a very extensive way. For example, A authorizes B to use this trademark in certain regions, certain commodities and within a certain period of time. Under the authorization mode, A can still use its own trademark, and A can also authorize multiple subjects such as BCD to use it at the same time.

  "As long as Huawei has obtained the trademark right or the right to use it, it can use the trademark within the scope of trademark registration or authorization." Lawyer Xia Hailong said.

On May Day, the video of A Xin’s live jumping subject III was shocked and exposed, showing his love and passion for music.

Original title: On May Day, the video of A Xin’s live jumping subject III was shocked and exposed, showing his love and passion for music.

Hey, friends, have you paid attention to the New Year’s concert on May Day recently? At the "Back to that Day" concert in Taichung, lead singer A Xin performed a stunning video of dance subject III, which was really shocking! The difficulty coefficient of this dance is very high, which is beyond the control of ordinary dancers. When A Xin dances this dance, we can really feel his love for music and passionate attitude. His dance steps are smooth and natural, and every movement is full of strength and rhythm, which makes people excited. This performance once again proves Mayday’s strength and good stage charm. Let’s look forward to their wonderful performance in the future!

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NetTest CMA5000 multi-layer network test platform

  In a rapidly changing environment, adaptability is the key to success. In the extremely competitive communication market, it is very important to deploy new services quickly and meet customer needs in time. NetTest is one of the few companies active in all major network technology fields. NetTest has the experience and professionals to develop test and measurement solutions, which can fully meet your current and future needs. From DWDM, SONET/SDH and Gigabit Ethernet testing to dispersion and OTDR measurement, CMA5000 is an ideal solution. In addition to unparalleled flexibility and scalability, CMA5000′ s high-performance measurement application can also install, open and archive the network more effectively, thus accelerating the deployment of new services. From physical layer, data link layer, network layer to transport layer, CMA5000 provides a real multi-layer network testing solution.

  CMA5000 is the first high-performance and scalable test and measurement solution in the industry, which can meet the demanding requirements of communication professionals, accelerate the opening of new services and reduce the overall measurement cost.

   CMA5000′ s open structure design, powerful functions and modular platform can provide the highest performance measurement application, which can help users analyze and open the network faster than competitors and start making profits earlier. In addition, the configuration flexibility and expansibility of CMA5000 enable it to be improved with the change of users’ test requirements and the constant change of telecom infrastructure technical requirements.

  I. Analysis of Physical Layer Characteristics

CMA5000 continues NetTest’s long-term leading position in the field of optical fiber and network characteristic analysis. CMA5000 OTDR application provides a dynamic range of over 50 dB, and can obtain the required OTDR test information on any link in a few seconds.

  Providing the best OTDR performance is only a good beginning. In the process of comprehensive analysis of physical layer media characteristics, the function and scalability of CMA5000 platform are particularly prominent. Combined with the best OTDR in the industry, CMA5000 can provide all the test applications needed for perfect physical medium characteristic analysis, including:

chromatic dispersion

Polarization mode dispersion

Visible fault locator


Optical return loss

Visual detection probe (for connector inspection)

Loss tester

Second, the DWDM network equipment installation

  With the beginning of network installation, the final delivery deadline is approaching day by day, and time is of the essence. During the equipment installation, CMA5000 can help you complete the task correctly once, which speeds up the deployment of the network. With the intuitive display of information including channel wavelength (or frequency) and power, OSNR and system gain slope, the application of spectral analysis (OSA) and optical channel analysis (OCA) provides accurate and efficient network channel management, power balance and adjustment.

  In addition to the industry-leading OSA and OCA performance, CMA5000 also provides a visual inspection probe (VIP) to verify the connector quality, and the optical power meter is used to measure the power of a single channel or the overall system power. When used with high power amplifiers and pump lasers, safety is the key. VIP provides a safe and reliable method for inspecting, evaluating and recording the end face condition of connectors, thus avoiding potential dangerous situations.

  Whether testing transmitter, amplifier, receiver or other optical devices, CMA5000 OSA, OCA, visual detection probe and optical power meter all provide the required performance for the rapid installation of network equipment.

Third, the network is opened

  Today’s competitive environment requires the network to provide extremely high performance and reliability, ensuring that the failure time is minimized. CMA5000 is once again your best choice for characteristic analysis and archiving under such strict performance level requirements. The application of optical transmission analysis (OTA) provides efficient and reliable testing for many parameters, including alarm and error code analysis, APS with 125 μs resolution, round-trip delay measurement with 100 ns resolution, and network availability and performance evaluation. OTA application can analyze the characteristics of PDH/T-carriers to SONET/SDH with a speed of up to 10 GB/s. In addition, OTA’s innovative fault scanning function can automatically detect problems, so as to quickly identify and correct network damage and ensure that the network meets your and your customers’ expectations.

Fourth, business deployment

  When the network construction is about to be completed, customers will be eager to deploy new services. At this time, time is of the essence. CMA5000 Gigabit Ethernet application can help you meet the challenge and ensure that key parameters including throughput, delay, frame rate, lost frames, etc. (see RFC 2544 for details) are met, thus accelerating business deployment. In addition, the measurement of error code at the frame level and the comprehensive IP statistics function enable CMA5000 to provide key layer 2 QoS information. Gigabit Ethernet test application provides the required performance for the installation, maintenance and fault location of Ethernet network based on 10/100/1000 Mbps with its unparalleled high efficiency and ease of use.

  The flexible and extensible design of CMA5000 integrated test platform integrates the best functions of each test application, which accelerates business deployment, reduces measurement costs and optimizes bandwidth.

V. Summary

  The following are just some of the tests conducted by NetTest to ensure the optimal performance of all network layers:

1 transport layer

Protocol analysis


Channel usage

Performance and load

2 Network layer

· IP QoS

· RFC-2544

· SLA verification

3 data link layer

· 10/100/1000 Ethernet

Ethernet based on SONE/ISDN


Error code


Sudden ability

Lost package

Frame loss

4 Physical layer (upper layer) DWDM and SONET/SDH


Channel signal-to-noise ratio and drift

Power measurement

Error code

Automatic protection switching

Propagation delay

5 Physical layer (lower layer) medium


· CD


End-to-end attenuation

Optical return loss

Visible fault location

Inspection of connector

Optical telephone

Optical switch

The treasure of the automobile industry can be owned by 250,000 yuan, which is the new M7 in the world.

   Nowadays, when many automobile products go on the market, they will focus on a product point, or intelligence or space or safety. However, the performance of excellent models must be comprehensive and balanced, and at the same time, the price must meet the expectations of consumers. This makes it very difficult for automobile manufacturers. How can we kill many birds with one stone and buy the most comprehensive and reliable products with one share of money? This requires consumers to be eye-catching when purchasing models. So why not step on the pit with 250 thousand in your hand It’s better to look directly at the new M7 that has the super 5-meter-long captain and Huawei’s technical depth empowerment and comprehensively upgraded the safety!


  Ask the world how smart the new M7 is. The launch of the smart flagship mobile phone Mate 60 Pro shows that the new M7, which also has Huawei’s technical blessing, will also hang a lot of opponents in its intelligent performance. The M7 has always been known as a space magician, and there is no doubt about the space performance of the new M7. So today, let’s talk about the safety of the new M7.

  Extreme passive safety is not just as simple as eight airbags.

  When it comes to passive safety systems, the number of airbags seems to have become synonymous for a long time. Just when everyone was still wandering between 6 airbags and 7 airbags, the new M7 directly made 8 airbags, including the main and passenger airbags, bilateral air curtains, bilateral airbags and the second row of bilateral airbags.


  In addition, the new M7 has also been upgraded in the body structure, using submarine-grade thermoformed steel, which accounts for as much as 24.4%. In addition, the materials of A-pillar reinforcing plate, Patch plate, A-pillar inner plate and B-pillar reinforcing plate are 2GPa grade thermoformed steel. You know, the hot-formed steel of BMW X5L is only 16%, that is to say, the structural strength of the new M7 has been far superior to that of luxury brands.

  It may be said that we don’t have many concepts about these data, but in the real "head-on", the passive safety protection of the new M7 is particularly important. In the third-party authoritative evaluation of Super Crash project of China Automobile Research Institute, China Automobile Research Institute gave the new M7 "safety" evaluation. Not only that, but also the first car-to-car collision in the industry. A 4-ton truck collided with a 60km/h car at a speed of 40 km/h. At this time, the relative speed of the two cars was 100km/h, which means that a new car collided with a stationary object at a speed of 100 km/h. Even so, the appearance of the A-pillar, the upper beam of A-pillar and the rear car body of the new M7 has no obvious deformation, even the four doors can be opened normally, and the car body structure remains intact as a whole.

  Super active safety is to be competent in multiple scenarios.

  Active safety, which can prevent problems before they happen, has gradually become the standard of new energy smart cars. In terms of active safety, the new M7 with Huawei technology blessing can be described as the "ceiling" in the same level. In the Autolab AEB active safety evaluation, the limit speed of safety response is the first in the whole scene. In the mixed scene of stationary vehicles and pedestrians at the front and rear of the vehicle and the rollover scene, the new M7 in Wenjie achieved the highest braking speed of 90km/h through HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving. In addition, the new M7 has also realized low-speed LAEB (low-speed automatic emergency braking), which supports forward, lateral and backward low-speed driving scenes, covers the collision scene of slipping cars, realizes low-speed emergency braking by using 360 environmental awareness, and ensures the safety of users’ low-speed driving. This function mainly faces the situations of not paying attention to panoramic images, poor lighting, narrow roads, or stone piers and high platforms on the co-pilot’s side.


  In the face of overtaking and merging, the new M7 and ELKA emergency lane keeping system can realize the lateral control and keep the vehicle firmly in the original lane to continue driving. More importantly, ELKA (Emergency Lane Keeping Assist) can keep involved even when HUAWEI ADS is not turned on, thus avoiding the risk of collision. In the face of the "ghost probe" that pedestrians suddenly jump out of sight blind area, Wenjie New M7 also has countermeasures. Through the multi-sensor fusion sensing system in the leading industry, it can realize the detection distance of about 200 meters, and the horizontal maximum detection angle reaches 120. Even in the extreme situation that the high beam is on at night, it can accurately identify the "ghost probe" and stop to avoid accidents.


  There is no absolute value for the safe new height of smart cars. Because we have to consider the product cost and selling price — — Providing the highest level of security within the reach of users can solve the pain points of users’ travel. The listing of the new M7 in Wenjie shows us the possibility, and the super active and passive safety performance can be realized on the new M7 in Wenjie with a price of 249,800! Combined with its unique advantages of large space, high intelligence and new energy, the new M7 must be your first choice for car purchase at this level!

BYD Han OTA upgrade and optimization to improve vehicle performance and user experience.

Before BYD Han, China brand had a good sales performance in the middle and low-grade SUV market, but it was facing a huge crisis in other market segments. Especially in the mid-to-high-end car market with a price of more than 200,000, the product supply capacity of China brand is seriously out of line with the purchasing power of consumers. When BBA sells more than 10,000 models with a price of more than 300,000 per month, China brand has little power to cope. Fortunately, the sales volume listed in July 2020 steadily broke through 10,000, and it became the exception.
get away
, Audi 6L, the only product that achieves a stable monthly sales volume of over 10,000. It is said that since its listing, BYD Han’s cumulative sales volume has exceeded 92,000 vehicles, and it continues to lead the medium and large-scale market of China brands. On the first anniversary of listing, in order to meet the diversified needs of users, BYD Han also launched a new OTA upgrade package.

As an intelligent new energy flagship car that can be upgraded by OTA, BYD Han has been upgraded many times since its listing. However, on the evening of July 19th, the OTA upgrade of BYD Han’s first anniversary will be pushed one after another, which is also the 15th OTA upgrade of Han. Many new online functions are very interesting, such as HUAWEI HiCar, RPA’s automatic parking assistance function outside the car, and rhythmic music atmosphere lights, which can bring users a smarter and more interesting travel experience.

In order to adapt to the multi-scene parking environment, BYD Han introduced the RPA automatic parking assistance function on the basis of visual integration of automatic parking assistance system, which can help users solve the parking problems in different scenes, so as to achieve automatic parking of vehicles inside and outside the car, making parking easier and easier to operate. After all, in some extreme cases, people can better avoid risks by parking outside the car, making parking safer and ensuring the safety of users and vehicles.

With the continuous development of science and technology, the DiLink 3.0 intelligent networking system carried by BYD Han is also very user-friendly. Empowered by digital technology, DiLink 3.0 intelligent networking system has brought more intelligent human-computer interaction experience, and through continuous OTA upgrade, it has created a more "know you" intelligent cockpit. This time, BYD Han’s new HUAWEI HiCar can also realize the intelligent interconnection of people, cars and homes. Through the connection between mobile devices and cars, mobile phone applications and services can be extended to the Internet, and the mobile phone can be controlled by the car, including cool dog music, Himalayan, Alipay and other mainstream applications. In order to provide users with both auditory and visual enjoyment, BYD Han’s OTA upgrade adds rhythmic music atmosphere lights, which adds more driving pleasure and a sense of driving ceremony to car life.

All in all, BYD Han not only has the advantages of products, but also leads the industry in its persistence in technology research and development. This time, BYD Han launched the OTA upgrade package, which added a number of intelligent new functions, which not only enriched the car life of the majority of car owners, but also saved a lot of trouble for car owners when using vehicles to travel.

Sales of 267,800-289,800 Great Wall Artillery Brigade Edition was officially listed.

[car home new car on the market] A few days ago, we learned from the official,
get away
) (Parameter | Inquiry) The travel version is officially listed. A total of three models were launched.The guiding price range is 267,800-289,800 yuan.. The new car is based on the Great Wall Gun, and the second half of the car body is transformed into a RV style, which can meet the needs of some users for camping in the wild.

Guide price of travel editioncar make and modelPrice (ten thousand yuan)2.0T Automatic Standard Edition 26.782.0T Automatic Comfort Edition 27.882.0T Automatic Deluxe Edition 28.98

In terms of appearance, the front part of the new car is actually no obvious difference from the ordinary version of the Great Wall Gun. It still uses a large-size front grille, and the interior of the net adopts a banner design, which is matched with the chrome-plated LOGO of the gun model to make the new car look domineering.

On the side of the car body, the new car adopts a double-row four-door body design, and the rear half of the car is transformed into an RV style, which has a very rich camping equipment, and the styling style is very "armored".

At the rear of the car, the new car has a closed design and is equipped with an external spare tire. The license plate is mounted on the left side, and the whole trunk can be extended, so the overall design style is quite satisfactory.

In the interior part, the new car adopts a conventional pointer instrument panel, with a four-spoke steering wheel, a central control multimedia touch screen with embedded design, and a yacht-type gear shift mechanism under it, which is wrapped in the leather of the whole car, thus enhancing a sense of luxury.

Inside the trunk, the new car is equipped with a variety of functions, from the conventional bed, to the side curtain, kitchen stove, washing basin, refrigerator, oil drum, gas tank bracket, spare tire rack and so on, which can meet all kinds of life needs during travel.

In terms of power, the gasoline version is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 190 HP and a maximum torque of 360 Nm, which meets the national VI emission standard. The transmission system is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual from ZF.

Huawei Yuntianqi deeply interprets Pangu Big Model: Let AI empower thousands of industries.

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report]For most people, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world’s top chess player, and AlphaMaster defeated Ke Jie in Go, which made us truly realize the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence. Subsequently, the market and industry were excited about it, and startups around the development and application of "artificial intelligence" emerged constantly, and traditional enterprises also entered the market one after another, using artificial intelligence technology to open up new market demand. In just a few years, people’s cognition of artificial intelligence has changed from "curiosity" to a normal attitude. It seems that the smoke brought by artificial intelligence has gradually dispersed, and the changes it has brought to society and industry will be forgotten over time.

I don’t know when it started, but we found that the recommendation of shopping websites is more and more in line with our wishes; The effect of taking pictures with mobile phones is getting better and better, and you can get satisfactory selfies without retouching; There seems to be less and less traffic jams on the roads of the Second and Third Ring Roads in Beijing during the morning rush hour. These scenes that we are used to, but secretly "get better", are inseparable from the support of artificial intelligence technology. As the saying goes, "moisten things quietly", just like most universal technologies, artificial intelligence is imperceptibly affecting our lives, and both academia and industry are stepping up research and development and layout of artificial intelligence technologies and applications.

In recent years, artificial intelligence is being favored by the market and society because of its ability to process huge, repetitive and complex data. Due to the universality of artificial intelligence technology and the diversity of realistic scenes, how to design a universal and easy-to-use artificial intelligence development model for different industries has become a hot spot in the field of artificial intelligence research and development. In the past two years, this field has attracted the layout of many internationally renowned technology companies including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, OpenAI and Huawei. In April this year, Tian Qi, the chief scientist in the field of Huawei cloud artificial intelligence, led the team to officially release the "Huawei Cloud Pangu Series AI Model".

Tian Qi, chief scientist in Huawei's cloud artificial intelligence field

According to Tian Qi, Huawei Cloud Pangu series AI big model (hereinafter referred to as Pangu big model) includes NLP (Chinese language) big model, CV (vision) big model, multi-modal big model and scientific computing big model, aiming at establishing a set of universal and easy-to-use artificial intelligence development models to empower more industries and developers and realize the industrial development of artificial intelligence. It has a strong generalization ability. By combining with industry knowledge, it can quickly adapt to different scenarios, and a small number of samples can also achieve high precision. Based on the industrialized AI development model of pre-training and downstream fine-tuning, it accelerates the application of AI industry and enables AI technology to truly empower different industries.

Recently, Tian Qi, the head of Huawei’s cloud Pangu model and the chief scientist in the field of Huawei’s cloud artificial intelligence, shared his deep thoughts on AI industrialization and the application of Pangu model with media reporters.

Launch a new model of industrialized AI development and build an AI ecosystem with partners.

Before joining Huawei, Tian Qi had been deeply involved in the AI field for many years: he graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University in 1992, graduated from Drexel University in the United States in 1996 with a master’s degree, and then went to study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, where he studied under Professor Thomas S. Huang, an internationally renowned expert in computer vision, and received his doctorate. From 2002 to 2019, he served as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

After joining Huawei in June 2018, Tian Qi became the chief scientist of computational vision in Huawei’s Noah’s Ark Lab. In March last year, he became the chief scientist of Huawei’s cloud artificial intelligence field. Thanks to many years of theoretical and practical research in the fields of computers and AI, Tian Qi has keenly discovered that artificial intelligence has entered a period of rapid development and prosperity driven by industry and capital, and at the same time, he has also seen various shortcomings of AI in large-scale commercialization. Among them, one of the biggest challenges of AI application is the fragmentation, customization and "workshop-style" development mode of AI application. Simply put, a scene needs to develop a model independently, and the whole process needs to be started from scratch and independently tuned. If the model can’t reach the expected goal, it will have to be reinvented, resulting in low development efficiency, and the development cycle often takes one month or even months. "Therefore, AI development urgently needs a new model to complete the transformation from workshop-based development to industrial development," Tian Qi said.

According to Tian Qi, the Huawei Cloud Pangu Model released in April this year is based on the industrialized AI development model of "pre-training+downstream fine-tuning", aiming at accelerating AI’s entry into thousands of industries and realizing inclusive AI. Pangu big model is based on big data pre-training and has strong generalization ability and small sample learning ability. This has achieved a breakthrough in performance and ease of use, that is, a model can be applied to a large number of complex industry scenarios, and a small number of samples can also achieve high accuracy.

Pangu big model is not an experimental model, but now it has landed in many industries and more than 100 scenes, including energy, retail, finance, industry, medical care, environment, logistics and so on. In the case of "Power Intelligent Inspection of State Grid Chongqing Yongchuan Power Supply Company", because most of the areas where Chongqing power grid is laid are hilly and mountainous areas, rivers and valleys, it is necessary to use unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligent inspection of power grid. Among them, the development of traditional intelligent inspection AI model of UAV faces two major challenges. One is how to label massive data efficiently; Second, there are hundreds of kinds of defects, which require dozens of AI recognition models, and the development cost is high. In order to solve the above problems, based on Pangu CV model, Huawei Cloud team used massive unlabeled power data for pre-training, and combined with an efficient development mode of fine-tuning a few labeled samples, put forward a pre-training model for the power industry, which skillfully solved the problem of data labeling. After the application of Pangu model, the efficiency of sample screening is improved by about 30 times, and the screening quality is improved by about 5 times. Taking Yongchuan as an example, 50,000 high-definition pictures are collected every day, and the manual marking time can be saved by 170 people/day. In terms of model universality, combined with the automatic data augmentation carried by Pangu and the optimization strategy of category adaptive loss function, one model can be adapted to hundreds of defects, and one model can replace more than 20 original small models in Yongchuan, greatly reducing the maintenance cost of the model, improving the average accuracy by 18.4% and reducing the development cost of the model by 90%.  

Helping the industry’s AI application ability to improve rapidly is the goal.

When talking about the position of Pangu big model technology in the same field, Tian Qi said that although many well-known overseas companies have devoted themselves to this track, Huawei Yunpangu big model still has its own unique advantages.

The first is technological innovation. Pangu NLP model uses Encoder-Decoder architecture for the first time, which takes into account the ability of NLP understanding and generation and leads the performance; The multi-task learning method is adopted to make the large model training more stable; Using Prompt-based, it has stronger ability in small sample learning. Pangu CV model has been extracted on demand for the first time in the industry, and the volume difference of the model extracted in different deployment scenarios can reach three orders of magnitude. Based on the comparative learning of sample similarity, the small sample learning ability is leading in the industry on ImageNet.

Followed by commercial verification. The technology developed by Huawei is producible and commercialized, and the Pangu model also integrates such genes. At the beginning of research and development, targeted development was carried out on scenes such as finance, intelligent customer service and intelligent investment research. "When we designed Pangu Big Model at the beginning, we hoped that it could get a better verification in some occasions, and hoped to drive a goal with commercial value." In Tian Qi’s view, the display of AI technical capabilities needs to be reflected in applications, and better empowering the industry’s AI application capabilities is the embodiment of the final results of Pangu Big Model.

Training AI with limited data is the current environment of AI industrialization.

When talking about his views on AI industrialization, Tian Qi said that the current AI industrialization field is in the early stage of industrial digitalization, and the application scenarios are very fragmented. Many scenarios still need customized development, and it is difficult to have a universal solution. In the face of such a dilemma, Pangu model has set a pre-training and fine-tuning method, so that the model can cover more scenes, and because the model is large enough, it has higher performance and stronger tolerance, that is, stronger generalization ability.

For example, in the financial field, industry experts need to spend a lot of energy every year to analyze corporate financial data and non-financial data, explore the means and motives of corporate financial fraud, identify corporate risks, and help corporate project audit. Due to the scarcity of industry experts, it is difficult to analyze the finances of thousands of companies in detail. In addition, due to the small sample size and extremely uneven distribution of data, traditional machine learning has been unable to accurately analyze the financial data and non-financial data of enterprises.

In order to improve the efficiency of industry analysis and reduce the manual workload, Pangu Model has trained a series of models for data differentiation, and then fused each model efficiently after training one by one. The trained Pangu model can identify 10+ major financial anomalies, 200+ minor abnormal signals, 6 types of fraudulent motives and 120+ fraudulent means.

Mental journey: from academia to business circles

As a typical representative of the transformation from academic circles to business circles, Tian Qi also shared his mental journey and views on AI with reporters. Before coming to Huawei, Tian Qi had taught in a university for 17 years, mainly studying large-scale image retrieval, pedestrian re-recognition, etc., and once achieved fruitful academic results: he became an Associate Editor; of many journals such as IEEE TMM, TCSVT, TNNLS, ACM TOMM, Multimedia Systems Journal, etc. He owns 6 American patents, has published more than 650 articles (including 181 IEEE/ACM journals and 191 CCF A conference articles) in top journals and conferences in computer vision and multimedia, such as IEEE TP AMI, IJCV, TIP, TMM, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV and ACMM, and has been cited by Google for more than 30,700 times, with an H index of 83. Eight papers have won the Best Paper Award or.

Tian Qi won the 2010 Google Facilities Research Award and the 2017 UTSA President’s Outstanding Research Award (one per year). In 2016, he was awarded the top 10 most influential scholars in the multimedia field and was awarded the IEEE Fellow. Later, he was selected as a national leading talent innovation project in 2018. Tian Qi is not only a chair professor or visiting professor at Tsinghua University Center for Neurocognitive Computing, Institute of Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, xidian university, Dalian University of Technology, Southeast University, etc., but also a professor at the Yangtze River in the Ministry of Education, an overseas evaluation expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the China Academy of Sciences. At the end of May 2021, Tian Qi was elected as an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.

As a top expert in AI academia, coming to the industry has given Tian Qi more opportunities to combine theory with practice and improved his knowledge structure. In his view, although the academia and the industry are different, the "Tao" is interlinked and both are pursuing the development of science and technology, but the academia pays more attention to the pursuit of theoretical research, while the industry pursues practical application. At present, the academic circles advocate the combination of Industry-University-Research, with the purpose of promoting the common development of theory and practice, providing more practical cases for academic development and providing more theoretical guidance for industry.

editorial comment/noteSince the appearance of Alpha Go, the game of Go seems to have jumped out of the circle of simply pursuing victory and defeat, and turned to pursue the real "formal beauty" of Go; In the same way, the existence of artificial intelligence helps people get rid of monotonous and boring work and pursue their own real value; The application of Pangu model will also help enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, so that AI will benefit thousands of industries.

Does BYD Han ev need to install chassis guard?


BYD Han EV is an electric car, so it doesn’t need chassis guard.

Chassis guard is a device used to protect the bottom of the vehicle, and the battery pack of electric vehicles is usually located at the bottom of the vehicle, so installing chassis guard may cause damage to the battery pack.

In addition, the chassis guard will also affect the aerodynamic design of the vehicle and reduce the cruising range of the vehicle. Therefore, it is not recommended to install chassis guards.

For BYD Han EV owners, in order to protect the battery pack, you can choose to install a battery guard. The battery guard can completely surround the battery, reducing the risk of battery bumping.

However, it should be noted that the installation of battery guard may affect the heat dissipation effect of the battery, thus affecting the performance and cruising range of the vehicle.

Therefore, before installing the battery guard, it is recommended to consult the advice of professional technicians.