Fei Yuqing and Jay Chou’s "Thousands of Miles Away" are combined to recreate the classic golden songs of the year

Chinese New Song

  On the evening of the 21st, the second recording of "China’s New Song" "The Five Powerful Battle" took place, and Jay Chou’s "Strongest Team on the Surface" stood on the arena. The younger brother Fei Yuqing served as the mentor, which was also the first time that Jay Chou and Fei Yuqing had combined in a mainland variety show since their cooperation with "Thousand Miles Away" in 2006. The two will also recreate the classic golden songs of that year at the "New Song" recording site.

  "Internet celebrity" Fei Yuqing: Music is lubricant, jokes are MSG

  Fei Yuqing, wearing a khaki suit, appeared at the "New Songs" conference this afternoon as the mentor of Jay Chou’s "Strongest Team on the Surface". As soon as he appeared, he was good at lively atmosphere, and the conference was full of laughter. The mentor Jay praised again and again: "You are the Internet celebrity of that era!"

  Following their collaboration with 2006’s hit "A Thousand Miles Away", the two dedicated their debut on a mainland variety show to "New Songs of China". Fei Yuqing said: "For the first time, I will dedicate it to’New Songs’, I will give classic cooperation, and I will dedicate it to New Songs". And Jay said that he "looks forward to my brother telling a lot of classic jokes in the show". Regarding the reporter’s request for "a live chorus song" at the press conference, Fei Yuqing subtly "declined": "Now the chorus is too dry, there is no music substrate, and there is a little bit of lubrication." In the face of the reporters’ laughter, he said innocently: "Where did you think? If there is music, there will be lubrication."

  "The atmosphere of the fight between Wang Feng and his team was too serious, and it was all me telling jokes. When I went to my own team, I was afraid that I would be nervous, so I relied on my brother to tell a little’funny joke ‘to adjust the atmosphere." In this regard, Fei Yuqing said helplessly: "The joke is a little out of ammunition," "The joke can’t be too heavy, it can’t be too light; it’s too light, it’s boring, it’s too heavy… So there are really few jokes that can pass safely between these two boundaries and make everyone laugh happily." However, Fei Yuqing, the younger brother, is also "not stingy" about sharing his jokes: "I have set up a’radar ‘for everyone, and I often go to the website to search for jokes. As long as there is a suitable one, I will share it with everyone." "When I go to the bathroom later, I will think about it carefully.

  The little brother’s on-site "testimonials" made Jay couldn’t help but tease him: "Internet celebrities are very popular now, and you are the Internet celebrity of that era!" Fei Yuqing, who was labeled "Internet celebrity", said: "Jokes make everyone happy, artists, bring some joy, don’t be so serious."

  Jay "Daddy" is full of temperament and takes care of the students in every way

  After a period of teaching and singing, the "strongest team on the surface" will determine the top five. Jay’s mentor, who had just been promoted to Daddy, took care of and helped the students in almost all aspects during the preparation of the battle, bringing the style of "Daddy".

  As a creative talent, Jay added Super Mario to the arrangement of students last year to amaze many audiences. This year, Jay put his hand forward again and made adaptations of some classic old songs, especially Fei Yuqing’s classic songs, which made the little brother who had seen the rehearsal yesterday "a great blessing". Fei Yuqing said that "listening to some old songs may not feel the same as you young people listening to them", but Jay made some old songs "so new", and he "doesn’t sound conflicted at all". This is Jay’s "delicate place".

  In addition to musical help, Jay took great care of the students’ lives. Previously, during the blind selection stage, the sister was worried that the student Bao Shiyu would join the Jay team, and Jay Chou would take her to play games all night, but Bao Shiyu still joined the "strongest team on the surface". In fact, not only did Jay not forget his promise, saying that he "kept his word" and asked for the student’s game account the night before the battle, but also considering the student’s preparation status, "Because I usually play games until very late in the morning, I don’t want the game last night to affect her game today." "I got her game account in the middle of the night last night, and we can play together after the competition today."

  After the recording of this game, there will definitely be five students who will leave "New Song". Jay also thought a lot about them after being torn, "I don’t want them to feel eliminated and it’s over." During the rehearsal, Jay had already given each student a big gift bag including hats, clothes, etc. In today’s team battle, Jay carefully prepared another big gift for the students who are about to leave, including records and audio players. Jay smiled apologetically and said: "Because the students are going to be eliminated, I’m a little sorry, so I left a little thought for them to send gifts." When Fei Yuqing heard this, he said that he didn’t bring any gifts, "I’m really sorry". Mr. Jaylen said "the little brother can bring classic jokes".

Brigitte Lin won the Golden Horse Award in black, and Ang Lee made her laugh out loud.

Feature: Picture Channel

Image source: Ming Pao

  China News Service, December 7th, Taiwan’s film industry event "The 45th Golden Horse Awards Ceremony" was held last night in Taichung City’s Zhongshan Hall. Lin Qingxia, who has faded out of the film industry for many years, still looks good, dressed in black, and Ang Lee awarded "Taiwan Outstanding Film Worker of the Year" and "Taiwan Outstanding Film of the Year" to set off a climax.

  Lin Qingxia said: "Although I have been away from the stage for more than 10 years, there are some things that should be shared with Ang Lee, that is, no matter where we go in the world, our hearts and eyes are looking at the land of Taiwan. Because we were born in Taiwan, we will care about the people, things and movies of Taiwan."

  I used to see Lin Qingxia in a hall full of superstars, but her star light overwhelmed everyone. Now that I can present the award with her, I really have survived. "Qingxia laughed.

Editor in charge: Zhao Xuanxuan

Taxi at the North Gate of the Forbidden City picks people "slaughter customers" and says "never use a meter"

  China Youth Network, Beijing, June 23(Reporter, Zhang Ruiyu) At about 5 pm on June 22, a taxi stopped at the entrance of the Palace Museum. The driver stood next to the car with an umbrella and looked in the direction of the Palace Museum from time to time. Nearly 30 minutes later, a reporter from China Youth Network asked the driver if he could go. When the driver learned that the reporter was going to a university near the South College Road, he thought for a while and said bluntly, "This place is too close, I never use a meter," and refused the reporter to ride.

  On the afternoon of the 22nd, Beijing was in heavy rainfall weather. The reporter came to the Palace Museum, and the rain caused some inconvenience to travel. At 17 o’clock, only a few tourists came out of the North Gate of the Palace Museum, which was much more empty than usual.

  A man in white short sleeves, holding an umbrella in his hand, stood next to his taxi parked at the north gate of the Palace Museum and looked in the direction of the Palace Museum. At first, China Youth Network thought that the driver was here to pick up people, but after nearly 30 minutes, the reporter of China Youth Network did not find that the driver had checked his mobile phone and contacted people. Still holding an umbrella and looking in the direction of the Palace Museum.

  A taxi parked at the north gate of the Palace Museum was partially blocked by a tricycle. Photo by Zhang Ruiyu, a reporter from China Youth Network

  The China Youth Network reporter called the driver and asked if he could go somewhere on the South Road of the Academy. The driver thought for a while and confirmed to the reporter whether it was near a certain university. After getting a positive answer, the driver bluntly said, "This place is too close, I never use a meter.", refused the reporter to ride, and looked in the direction of the Palace Museum again.

  Not long after, a black car came out of the Palace Museum. When it passed the white short-sleeved driver, the driver nodded and bent over, made a gesture to please the people in the car, and greeted them with a smile, saying, "I’m waiting for you, I’ll leave immediately."

  Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people at the north gate of the Palace Museum, the group of four foreign-accented women with a child attracted the attention of the white short-sleeved driver. He took the initiative to ask where he was going. One of the foreign-accented women said she was going to a hotel, and a tricycle master next to him said near Wangfujing, "behind the church". The foreign-accented woman asked, "Fifty yuan for one person… with children?" The white short-sleeved driver said "Count". The group left in a car.

  Soon, two more people came to Nanluoguxiang, and the tricycle master said 20 yuan each and took them away.

  Afterwards, a reporter from China Youth Network stopped another taxi. After learning where the reporter was going, the other party bluntly said that the location was too close to be cost-effective, and they were going to get off work. They asked the reporter to walk forward and take the subway.

  On the afternoon of the 22nd, a reporter from China Youth Network learned from Shan Jixiang, the director of the Palace Museum, that the scalpers who sold tickets, small advertising activities for one-day trips, and taxi riders had been rectified and were now almost extinct.

  The China Youth Network reporter contacted the transportation committee. After listening to the reporter’s situation, the customer service of the transportation service supervision hotline told the reporter that they were responsible for recording the information and would transfer it to the law enforcement department for investigation and handling. They would reply to the reporter within 15 working days. As for the penalties for taxi slaughter, they could not judge.

Zhang Ziyi scolded him angrily. Wu Jing Hu Ge was furious on the spot. Why did "shooting on behalf of" black products continue to be banned?

Author | Sandy

"Do not advocate, do not advocate, do not encourage."

On August 30, Ni Ni’s studio used "three nos" when explaining the incident of "being hit by a substitute". This also represents the attitude of most stars that "substitute" is inconvenient but helpless.

Afterwards, Zhang Ziyi sent a Weibo to angrily denounce the surrogate auction, and "surrogate auction" was once again on the hot search. Many celebrities who had suffered from surrogate auction also expressed their disgust with the act of surrogate auction.

"Daipai" is a person who makes money by selling celebrity photos to fans or by rubbing celebrity traffic. It is a complete black product derived from the fan economy.


Nowadays, professional "surrogate photography" was becoming more and more arrogant. Long guns and short cannons surrounded the stars to shoot randomly, and some even wanted to put the camera on the stars’ faces, which caused great trouble to the stars. Moreover, surrogate photography venues were no longer limited to airports, but also large red carpets, film festivals, concerts, hotels, program recording sites, and other places where celebrities frequented.

Celebrities are annoying, but "shooting on behalf of" is unscrupulous

Unlike fans, when taking photos, they often don’t care whether the star cares, whether the public order allows it, whether it will affect passers-by, etc., but only press the shutter frantically towards the star’s face.

In addition to Ni Ni, there are many more celebrities who are deeply troubled by airport photography.

From October to December 2019, Xiao Zhan’s boarding was blocked many times due to the interference of "shooting on behalf of", and even caused flight delays. Xiao Zhan Studio stated its position, "does not support or advocate any form of pick-up and drop-off behavior". Xiao Zhan Global Support Association also responded positively, but the number of people "surrounding" Xiao Zhan at the airport has not decreased.

In December last year, Wu Jing was surrounded by many photographers and broadcasters at the airport. Because these people almost hit the child, he scolded in person: "Look at the child there, see? You are really not good, what should you do if you hit the child!"


Hu Ge also scolded the filming at the airport due to the same situation, "Say it again, don’t shoot, shoot again!"


Zheng Shuang was frantically chased by the surrogate, Angelababy fans were slapped on behalf of others, and Wang Chenyi’s Weibo reprimanded the surrogate "not because you want to take pictures, the whole world has to make way for you". Hu Yanbin also said, "Don’t do any surrogate photography, if you really like it, come by yourself."

According to CCTV coverage, only the T3 terminal of the Capital Airport, there were 20 recorded fan police reports in 2017, and the number of fans was more than 50; from January to July 2018, there were 7 recorded fan police reports, and on April 20 this year, because more than a dozen stars passed through Shanghai, the glass of Hongqiao Airport was crushed by fans.

The fan economy has spawned too many new professions. Like illegitimate people, professional auction also has a relatively complete set of workflows and industrial chains.


Search for "shooting on behalf of" on Weibo, Taobao and other platforms, and you can find many people who provide such services, indicate the resident area, note the lens model, and the price can also be negotiated.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, airport photographers usually pass through security by purchasing air tickets, take photos, and then refund the tickets before leaving the airport. The pictures obtained by shooting will be priced at tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan according to the star’s coffee position and the quality of the pictures. The price of pictures with clear pictures and good content will naturally be higher.

The purpose of shooting on behalf of the buyer is also different. Some are "on the way" to shoot on behalf of the buyer, while others make money by selling photos to fans, picture websites, etc.


Where is the legal boundary of "surrogate auction"?

Wang, a lawyer at the National Consulting Law Firm, told Maoyingtv: "If a covered bridge is blocked for taking photos, airport management personnel should take measures to stop the photo-taking, eliminate the nuisance and maintain normal public order. If you do not obey or do this repeatedly, you are suspected of disturbing public order and violating the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Punishments for Public Security, which can be handed over to the public security organs. If the airport strengthens management of this behavior, flight delays can be avoided."


Without buying and selling, there is no surrogate auction. Surrogate auction itself is a natural market behavior. If it is not for the frequent hot searches that disrupt public order, it is difficult to say that it is illegal, because whether it is illegal requires the parties to protect their rights and collect evidence. Therefore, the core of curbing surrogate auction is the star himself.


In this regard, lawyer Wang of Guozi Law Firm replied: "If a star clearly refuses to shoot, but is still photographed and profits are made, the photographer may be involved in infringing the star’s portrait rights, reputation rights, etc. The star can sue for compensation or ask for a reasonable profit share."


An employee at a celebrity’s studio told maoyingtv: "Stars basically don’t sue for filming on their behalf, because the cost of rights protection is too high. Some people mind but no one is so serious."


As a public figure, you shoot me but I’m a scissor hand, which means I don’t mind you taking pictures. If you sell my beautiful photos for money, I don’t care if I’m in a good mood, but let me know that the price is too high, I may be jealous and ask you for money. Once you pick a photo of me that is particularly ugly and make a profit, it makes me very uncomfortable for others to joke, and I may sue you for infringing my portrait rights, reputation rights, etc., and you have to compensate me for the money you make from selling photos.


On the one hand, the cost of rights protection is high, and on the other hand, it is difficult to get ahead with guns, "Yama is good to see little ghosts and difficult to deal with." So we see that celebrities basically choose to issue Weibo condemnation or berate the surrogate when the shooting happens, and no one uses legal weapons to protect themselves, and the relevant departments will naturally not file a case.

Celebrities under the black production

Some people berate, some acquiesce, some cooperate


The prosperity of surrogate photography may be related to the ecosystem of the fan circle that has been formed for a long time. Except for a few official occasions, the number of times that celebrities and fans meet is not very large. If a star enters the group to shoot, the cycle of fans missing will be longer. Therefore, the front-line pictures released from time to time are very much needed in the fan circle.


The airport is an active front for the "station sisters" and "station brothers". They carry professional cameras, record the figure of Idol, and post refined pictures on social media to attract fans and support Idol.


The station sisters can’t guarantee all the airport shooting of Aidou, and the new profession of surrogate photography was born under this situation. The station sisters have materials to support the operation of the station, and the surrogate photographer can also get paid, "the supply and demand relationship is stable".


For celebrities, the airport is also a good place to "do business". The number of airport pickups is a direct reflection of a star’s popularity. When popular stars are struggling with fans to pick up the plane, there are also some stars who are not very popular who ask "professional fans" to pick up the plane, creating a false prosperity scene.


In addition, celebrity endorsement products need to be exposed, whether it is Yang Mi, the queen of airport delivery, or Ouyang Nana, the walking "Converse girl", airport delivery is also a reflection of star popularity in commercial value.


A senior Weibo entertainment company who did not want to be named toldCat Shadow Entertainment (ID: maoyingtv): "It is true that surrogate photography in public places does more harm than good. Some celebrities choose to speak out, and some choose to be silent and low-key, but there is also a trend that celebrities and surrogate photography cooperate with each other and get what they need. Some celebrity agents or assistants have the contact information of surrogate photography or are familiar with them, and they will also use these surrogate photography for other exposure purposes. For example: communicate with the surrogate in advance to find points, remind the star of the position, dress and posture, and ensure the beauty of the photo. It is definitely not as simple as imagined."

Sometimes, the staff around the star also need to have a good relationship with the photographer, so that the photos can be selected and then circulated, and the star can get positive publicity or sell goods for their respective brands. "Ugly photos" that are not related may be sold to illegitimate fans or even black fans for profit.

A new means of short video drainage and monetization?

What is unexpected is that the generation of celebrities has spread from the rice circle and become a means for some short video users to attract and monetize.

"Finance and Economics World Weekly" mentioned that in an article titled "Ten Thousands of Big Coffee Teach You How to Drainage and Monetization", the author said that the best way is to shoot on behalf of celebrities, one is low cost and high attention; the second is that celebrities are public figures, and they generally have hats and glasses when traveling, which reduces the probability of infringement; the third is that the video is original, easy to be recommended and popular.


The station sisters want to convey more timely and fresh materials, the stars need to operate normally, and the ordinary people want to drain and cash out, etc. These are the reasons why the airport shooting still thrives despite the ban of popular stars, studios, and fan official support associations.


Although as early as July 2018, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Fan Pick-up and Drop-off Phenomenon", it mentioned that phenomena such as "fan follow-up" and "fan pick-up and drop-off causing flight delays" should affect normal work and public security order, and strengthen management.


Regarding public order, some relevant departments can solve it by increasing the security of public places, but as long as the interests are still there, the problem of shooting chaos will not be eradicated. For bad shooting behavior, I hope that the injured stars can take the initiative to stand up and use legal means to protect their rights.



I am reading: Why has Xiao Ai been unable to link and cannot connect to the method tutorial [Detailed explanation] Why has Xiao Ai been unable to link and cannot connect to the method tutorial [Detail

1. Click [Settings], select [WLAN] – [Advanced Settings], and select Never Sleep;

2. Click [Settings] – [WLAN] to find the wifi you want to connect to;

3. Click the arrow on the right, don’t save the network, and re-enter the password.

If not, you can also try restarting the router.

Xiao Ai is currently incompatible with some routers. For example, a router has set up a 2.4g and 5g network merger. You only need to turn off 5ghz and connect it after a while. If the above cannot be solved, you can try to replace the router connection or reset the router.

The above is why Xiao Ai has been unable to connect and how to solve it. Xiao Ai has been unable to connect and the relevant content of the method tutorial.

Geely Galaxy E8 fired the first shot of the new energy vehicle "Galaxy Era"

  China Economic News Network (Liu Chenxi)On January 5, "China’s new generation of pure electric flagship" Galaxy E8 was officially launched and delivered simultaneously. The new car launched a total of 5 versions, priced from 175,800 yuan to 228,800 yuan. At the same time, Geely Galaxy E8 also launched a series of limited-time car purchase rights, covering the full dimension of car booking, car purchase and car use.

  At the same time, Geely also showcased innovative technologies and products in intelligent driving, Xingrui model, complementary ecology and the future of Geely Galaxy. In the next two years, Geely Galaxy will launch a number of new products, and the "Galaxy Era" of China’s new energy vehicles will officially arrive.

  The Galaxy E8 adopts the "Ripple Aesthetics" design and pioneers the "Ripple of Light" rhythmic grille, creating the world’s first mass-produced integrated luminous front face, showing the Chinese charm. Six body colors, all inspired by the "Ten Scenes of West Lake".

  In terms of interior design, suspended audio, fragrance, and ambient lights are integrated on the dashboard, just like the three pools of Yinyue in the "Ten Views of West Lake".

  SEAArchitecture fully empowers high-performance driving

  The SEA pure electric architecture allows the Galaxy E8 to accurately achieve a golden axle-to-load ratio of 50:50, resulting in more balanced and stable motion performance.

  At the same time, the SEA architecture’s excellent suspension steering design, with a maximum steering angle of 41.28 °, also allows the minimum turning radius of a 5-meter sedan to be 5.62 meters, which is comparable to a luxury car equipped with "rear wheel steering" technology.

  The Galaxy E8 uses the black technology of "heartbeat fitting technology" to achieve a vertical frequency of nearly 1.25hz on the undulating road that matches the human heartbeat and breathing, so as to achieve "the same frequency of people and vehicles" and drive without motion sickness. At the same time, it also comes standard with a GCS comfort braking system, which can suppress 76.3% of the brake nod and body pitch, effectively eliminating the vertigo caused by pure electric vehicles when braking.

  In order to meet the needs of different users, based on the excellent scalability of the SEA architecture, the Galaxy E8 has two models: 400V and 800V. The Galaxy E8 four-wheel drive performance version is the first 800V four-wheel drive pure electric car in the mainstream market. It adopts high-performance silicon carbide electric drive, dual motor power 475kW, zero-hundred acceleration only takes 3.49 seconds, and the mainstream car accelerates first. At the same time, this version also has 800V fast flash charging, which can last 180km in 5 minutes.

  Geely Galaxy’s exclusive "Aegis Battery Safety System" has created a complete set of four-layer "no blind spot" safety protection systems from battery to architecture, vehicle, intelligent control, and cloud.

  Galaxy Unbounded Smart CockpitAchieve true "intelligent interconnection"

  The Galaxy E8 has made all-round iterations from hardware, software to intelligent interconnection, creating a new generation of "Galaxy Unbounded Smart Cockpit".

  In terms of hardware, Geely joined hands with BOE to create the world’s first 45-inch 8K unbounded smart screen for the Galaxy E8. The world’s widest is 1.13 meters, the world’s thinnest is less than 10 mm, the world’s screen share is up to 98%, and the world’s highest resolution is 8K retina level. At the same time, the reflectivity is only 1.5%, the glare rate is only 4.5%, and with adaptive brightness adjustment, it will not be dazzling at night.

  Matching the large screen is the most powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, which uses a more advanced 5N · m process, which increases the computing power by 8 times compared with the 8155 chip. The Galaxy E8 is also equipped with an interesting soul – the Galaxy NOS Unbounded Edition car machine system, and is equipped with two super brains: Flyme Link mobile phone domain + Meizu mobile phone "super mobile phone brain", and the "super cloud brain" empowered by Geely Star Smart Computing Center.

  Galaxy E8 is a pure electric model empowered by smart technologies such as mobile phones, drones, and satellite Internet. It is also the first model in the world to support Flyme Link, and has launched a customized version of Meizu 21 Geely Galaxy. With just three fingers and one swipe, the mobile phone can be connected to the car without feeling. WeChat, navigation and other applications, as well as functions such as swiping Douyin, browsing Weibo, and playing games, can seamlessly flow with the car. Galaxy E8 is also equipped with an exclusive "escort drone", which can automatically accompany the flight with a throw of the hand, and the screen will be shared on the large screen in real time.

  At the same time, the Galaxy E8 is also a car that can "communicate with satellites". The satellite Internet unique to Geely’s global technology ecosystem will provide two-way satellite communication for the Galaxy E8. Even in the absence of mobile phone signals, information can be sent and received through satellites, so that safety will never be lost. In early February this year, the "Geely Future Travel Constellation" will launch 11 satellites in the second orbit.

  Only when the intelligent Internet is open enough can it satisfy users’ better experience and allow more mainstream users to enter the era of "Internet of Everything". On the Internet of Everything, Geely will also cooperate with excellent brands and products in various fields. On the Handheld Internet, Geely has opened up the ecology of all Android mobile phones; on the Smart Home Internet, it has opened up smart devices such as JD.com, Xiaodu, and Haier.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha’s Yushi Technology this year.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

In the field of domestic autonomous driving, Yushi Technology, co-founded by Wu Gansha, former president of Intel China Research Institute, has to be mentioned.

However, due to shifting the focus of their work, Yushi Technology and Wu Gansha themselves have greatly reduced the frequency of speaking out since the middle of last year, which means "retiring from the rivers and lakes" and is slightly mysterious.

A few days ago, with the launch of GTIC 2018 Global Smart Car Supply Chain Innovation Summit, Chedong went to the Beijing office of Yushi Technology to have another in-depth dialogue with Wu Gansha, the guest of this summit, and learned about the breakthroughs made by Yushi Technology in technology research and development and commercialization during the dormant year:

Including the deployment of unmanned electric logistics trailers at the top three international airports in the world, the deployment of unmanned feeder vehicles in Zhejiang and Nanjing, the joint research and development of automatic parking service technology with domestic top automakers and time-sharing leasing enterprises, and the cooperation with passenger car enterprises to develop L2.5/L3 autonomous driving technology.

Wu Gansha even told the car that it has achieved a 10-fold increase in the number of customers, the number of contracts, the contract amount and the number of vehicles equipped with the automatic driving system, and the results are gratifying.

"Retirement" Achievement: Finalizing Master Plan

"The first year of entrepreneurship is blowing outside, the second year is blowing inside, and the third year is blowing again." As for the reasons for keeping a low profile in recent years, Wu Gansha explained this.

In his view, the first year of starting a business is nothing more than looking for someone to find money, the second year is to find business cooperation with customers, and the focus of the third year is on the one hand to cash the blown cows, and on the other hand, the rapid growth of the company needs "calcium supplementation", especially in refined management and cultural construction.

Wu Gansha told Che that during the "silence" of Yushi Technology, the team completed a very important thing, that is, finalized the Master Plan—— of Yushi Technology-the company’s overall development plan for the next five to ten years. It is understood that the plan is divided into three parts:

First of all, in the field of commercial vehicles and special vehicles, we should try to find a direction that is suitable for autonomous driving technology and can bring high profits at the same time, so as to accumulate research and development data and build corporate image while earning income.

Secondly, after the technology has been developed to a certain extent, we will start to cooperate with passenger car manufacturers to mass-produce and deploy parking service and L2/L3 autonomous driving technologies.

With the gradual increase of deployed vehicles, Yushi will be able to accumulate more data to improve the mass-produced autonomous driving technology, and at the same time, it will start the "shadow mode", that is, collect the road condition data of mass-produced vehicles through the sensors of existing vehicles, and train the decision-making algorithm of L4/L5 autonomous driving technology on the on-board computing platform.

Finally, Yushi Technology hopes to deploy an autopilot system with "shadow mode" on 10 million production vehicles in the future, so as to ensure that each iteration of L4/5 autopilot algorithm can complete tens of billions of kilometers of real vehicle verification within one month. Finally, mass production of L4/5 autonomous driving technology will be realized around 2025.

In addition to making a grand, even slightly exaggerated Master Plan, Yushi Technology is also recruiting a lot of people to ensure the realization of the above plan.

Wu Gansha told Che Dongxi that Yushi Technology currently has three R&D bases in Fangshan, Haidian, Beijing and Jiading, Shanghai, and its research engineering team is close to hundreds of people.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

▲ Some members of the dominant team

In addition, Yushi Technology also has a trial production, testing and application innovation center in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, which is engaged in batch modification of self-driving vehicles, production and testing of low-speed vehicles, and has offices in Liuzhou and Shenzhen to carry out trial operation and joint research and development with partners.

Business progress: achieve four tenfold growth in one year.

Master Plan of Yushi is ambitious, but it is a plan after all. Cars are actually more concerned about what practical achievements Yushi Technology has made in the past year.

"10 times." Wu Gansha said with a smile, "and it is still four times 10 times."

He told Chedong that during the year from August 2017 to August 2018, Yushi Technology has achieved a 10-fold increase in four key indicators: the number of customers, the number of contracts, the contract amount and the number of vehicles equipped with Yushi automatic driving system. At present, it has more than 20 customers, of which about 80% are car companies, covering independent, joint venture and foreign-funded brand manufacturers, as well as passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

"This year, it is obvious that there are more customers of joint venture and foreign car companies," Wu Gansha explained. "The self-driving technology developed abroad may not be able to adapt to the complicated domestic road conditions, and the internationally accepted data governance regulations do not allow data to be sent abroad, so joint venture and foreign car companies also need local research and development and local partners."

Wu Gansha also showed the car a video of a specific project at the scene.

One of them is in the top three international airports in the world, and Yushi Technology has deployed several self-developed unmanned electric logistics trailers. These vehicles are parked next to the plane, and after the luggage and other goods on the plane are unloaded, this unmanned vehicle drags the goods to the unloading area.

The video shows that this special vehicle can still run normally in heavy rain, and its automatic driving system can stop immediately to avoid collision when it recognizes the mineral water bottle and silk scarf that the tester suddenly throws into the middle of the road.

Wu Gansha told the car that because there is no cover and air conditioning, the drivers of airport special vehicles work in harsh conditions such as high and low temperature and loud noise from taking off and landing all the year round. Therefore, although the subsidy is high, they still can’t keep people, which has become a headache for airport operators.

Unmanned vehicles do not have these problems, so they received a positive response from the airport. After rigorous technical tests, the two sides quickly reached a commercial cooperation.

Most importantly, the project is not used for demonstration purposes. The data and operational experience accumulated by Yushi can not only continuously improve its driverless technology, but also deploy more unmanned vehicles at the airport to achieve benign development. Wu Gansha predicts that the project will start unmanned operation without on-board safety personnel within half a year. And this is the first step of Master Plan of Yushi Technology.

Technical progress: automatic parking service and L2.5 go first.

In the field of passenger cars, Yushi is currently promoting commercial landing mainly around AVP and L2+ autonomous driving technology.

In addition to the above-mentioned airport video, Wu Gansha also showed Che Dongxi his technology Demo of developing AVP(Automated Valet Parking) automatic parking service for an independent passenger car brand.

In the video, a passenger car equipped with AVP technology drives to the door of an underground garage, and then the human driver gets off, and the vehicle drives into the basement to find the designated parking space and back into place. When the driver needs to drive, operate on the mobile APP, and the vehicle will drive on the road from the garage by itself.

It is understood that the AVP system of Yushi can be realized only by low-cost sensors such as cameras and ultrasonic radars, and its products have two modes:

1. For the parking spaces in fixed parking lots, vehicles can remember the corresponding routes by learning the driving of human drivers, so that the automatic parking service can be completed without relying on high-precision maps.

2. For parking spaces in unfamiliar parking lots, vehicles can find designated parking spaces or random empty parking spaces by themselves with the support of limited high-precision maps, and complete parking.

Wu Gansha told the car that this AVP system is being jointly developed with the OEM, and it is expected to cooperate with the OEM or the head time-sharing company to achieve scale deployment before the end of this year.

In addition to AVP system, another major layout of Yushi in the field of passenger cars revolves around L2+ autopilot technology, which is called L2.5 and L2.8 autopilot technology within Yushi.

Its L2.5-level technology can be simply understood as an upgraded version of Tesla Autopilot system. On structured roads such as expressways, vehicles can not only control their own speed and keep driving in a single lane, but also realize safe and automatic lane change.

The main body of L2.8 technology is the same as L2.5 technology, and the core is to increase the function of up and down ramps. According to Wu Gansha, the L2.8 technology of Yushi Technology should realize the automatic driving function of toll station-toll station, that is, consumers can give it to vehicles to drive when they drive to the toll station, and then they will be driven by humans after arriving at the destination toll station.

Of course, because this technical positioning is still below L3 level, human drivers still need to monitor the road conditions and be ready to take over at all times during driving, which is similar to the general Super Cruise positioning.

Wu Gansha revealed that this set of L2+ autopilot technology has basically matured, and is currently communicating with the OEM. It is expected that the SOP will be mass-produced as soon as 2020–this is the second step of the Master Plan.

Shadow mode: speeding up unmanned research and development

In the Master Plan, the shadow mode mentioned above plays a very important role, which is an important step to complete the research and development, data accumulation and verification of L4 autonomous driving technology.

After the above video demonstrating AVP automatic parking service technology, Wu Gansha also showed the progress of L4-class automatic driving technology.

In the video, the above-mentioned automatic parking service vehicle switches to L4 automatic driving mode after driving out of the parking lot, and automatically drives to the exit of the park. After the identification crossbar is lifted, it drives into the open road for testing.

In this process, the car has experienced many scenes such as crossroads/traffic lights, roundabout, tunnels, cities and highways, and it has successfully completed the driving task even in the face of complicated road conditions such as motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, pedestrians and courier brothers.

According to Wu Gansha, this open road is an intelligent networked vehicle open test section that cooperates with the high-end manufacturing base in Fangshan District. It has long been a routine operation to conduct driverless testing on this section, and it has also experienced the test of bad weather such as heavy rain and severe winter. At present, Yushi is actively cooperating with OEMs to apply for road test licenses in Beijing, Shanghai and Jiashan, Zhejiang.

Open the trunk and there is only a clean "small box" in the car. This is the car brain independently developed by Yushi, which is equipped with two sets of algorithms, one is the above-mentioned automatic parking service system, and the other is the L4-level automatic driving which is still in iteration.

When the vehicle equipped with the car brain is driven by human beings, the algorithm of L4-level automatic driving technology verifies the algorithm by sharing data with the sensor under the condition of ensuring privacy, thus realizing the shadow mode.

Wu Gansha revealed that the car brain is fully developed in accordance with the car regulations, supporting a variety of chip mix and match schemes such as GPU, ASIC or FPGA. At present, the OEM is progressing smoothly.

Future play: positioning Tier 0.5

The entrepreneurial wave of autonomous driving technology has been rising for several years. Emerging companies and technology companies have two main directions in business models. First, unmanned taxis or unmanned car routes represented by industry leader Google Waymo also include startups such as Uber, Didi, Roadstar.ai

Another group of companies hope to provide auto-driving solutions with integrated software and hardware for mass production and loading, similar to what Tier1 does in the automobile industry.

Pull the goods for the plane with an unmanned vehicle! The performance soared 10 times. Wu Gansha's Yushi Technology this year.

▲ Yushi employees debug vehicles.

In the view of the first type of companies, technology companies have the problems of lack of experience and high threshold when they cut into the automobile industry. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with companies in the automobile industry to make unmanned vehicles and directly engage in the operation of unmanned car rental. The second kind of companies think that software technology is the weakness of the automobile industry companies and they have the ability to become the new Tier1.

Wu Gansha positioned Yu Shi’s choice of science and technology in the latter.

"Rand data shows that autonomous driving technology needs to run to 11 billion miles to prove statistically that it is safer than human drivers. If you want to run so many journeys, you need more vehicles equipped with shadow mode to run data." Regarding the reason for choosing the second route, Wu Gansha explained this.

At the same time, he also believes that the automatic driving system needs to be iteratively upgraded, which is different from the traditional one-off automobile parts. Therefore, Yushi defines its relationship with automobile enterprises as Tier0.5, that is, from the beginning, it will carry out joint research and development and joint data operation with automobile enterprises, instead of providing independent research and development parts systems to automobile enterprises like the traditional Tier1 and then matching them with the vehicles of the automobile factory.

At present, Yushi Technology has carried out joint research and development with many domestic automobile manufacturers, and its micro-circulation unmanned minibus and bus jointly developed with a head bus manufacturer will also be unveiled soon.

Conclusion: Autopilot veteran speeds up again.

Founded in early 2016 and headed by Wu Gansha, former president of Intel China Research Institute, Yushi Technology is regarded as one of the earliest self-driving startups in China. After intensive exposure at the beginning of its establishment, Yushi Technology began to fall into silence in the second half of 2017, even giving people the illusion that the company has fallen behind.

However, after two hours of in-depth communication with Wu Gansha, Che Dongxi clearly realized that Yushi Technology, a veteran autopilot, had not fallen behind, but had more achievements, which were illustrated by winning dozens of customers, deploying special unmanned vehicles at the top three international airports in the world, and developing L2+ autopilot technology and automatic parking service system for mass production.

With the determination of Master Plan for the next five years by Yushi Technology, the forward speed of this veteran will be further accelerated.

Does BYD Han ev need to install chassis guard?


BYD Han EV is an electric car, so it doesn’t need chassis guard.

Chassis guard is a device used to protect the bottom of the vehicle, and the battery pack of electric vehicles is usually located at the bottom of the vehicle, so installing chassis guard may cause damage to the battery pack.

In addition, the chassis guard will also affect the aerodynamic design of the vehicle and reduce the cruising range of the vehicle. Therefore, it is not recommended to install chassis guards.

For BYD Han EV owners, in order to protect the battery pack, you can choose to install a battery guard. The battery guard can completely surround the battery, reducing the risk of battery bumping.

However, it should be noted that the installation of battery guard may affect the heat dissipation effect of the battery, thus affecting the performance and cruising range of the vehicle.

Therefore, before installing the battery guard, it is recommended to consult the advice of professional technicians.

Li Shufu has been building a car for 20 years from "car madman" to "dream catcher"

Compared with 10 years ago, few people now describe Li Shufu as a "car madman". This is not because he is not as "crazy" as before, but because many statements and practices that were considered crazy before have finally become a reality.

In 1997, the policy had not yet opened the floodgates for private enterprises to build cars. Li Shufu’s dream of "building cars" was an idiotic dream to the world, but he did not give up. Five years later, in 2002, Li Shufu officially obtained the policy "birth certificate" and became the first person to build a private car. In 2002, when Li Shufu said at an internal meeting that he wanted to buy Volvo, even insiders thought he was "crazy". Eight years later, he officially married the proud "Nordic Princess" despite all difficulties.

Li Shufu once dreamed of "building a car like Mercedes-Benz", but he started from scratch technically. When he first entered the business, he had to be skilled and dismantle the Mercedes-Benz car he bought for millions of dollars to learn and imitate. Later, he became the largest shareholder of Daimler Automobile Group.

According to the first half financial report released by Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Geely Automobile", 0175.HK) on August 22, the operating income of Geely Automobile in the first half of 2018 reached 53.71 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36%; The net profit attributable to the parent company was 6.67 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 54%, making it the most profitable car company for its own brand.

At the same time, Geely Automobile sold 767,000 vehicles in the first half of the year, up 44% year-on-year, becoming the top three brands in the domestic market.

When he first entered the business, Li Shufu said that his biggest dream was to "let China cars travel all over the world, not let the cars of the world travel all over China". Everyone thinks that this is simply a distant fantasy. But at present, Geely Automobile has begun to enter ASEAN countries, and plans to enter mainstream markets such as Europe and the United States in the next step.

I’m not a car maniac.

Li Shufu’s classic sentence of "a car is just four wheels and a sofa" is widely known in the industry. At that time, this sentence caused a lot of criticism. Many years later, people are still willing to "bring up the past" to remember the past and talk about the leap-forward changes of Geely Automobile in the past 20 years.

But Li Shufu himself doesn’t like to mention this sentence very much. He has explained the background and reasons for saying this sentence on many occasions, and stressed that it is not appropriate to simply understand this sentence as "Li Shufu thinks building a car is very simple".

Before entering the automobile industry, he started his business five times, and the first bucket of gold in his life came from taking pictures of people. The older generation of Taizhou people still vaguely remember such a picture. In 1982, in Li Jiacun, luqiao district, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, a boy wearing a straw hat was often seen on a worn-out bicycle. He walked around the streets to take pictures of others to make money, and promised not to like it or ask for money. At that time, when the monthly salary was no more than 50 yuan, Li Shufu earned 2,000 yuan a year, and he soon opened a photo studio with the money he earned. This was his first venture. That year, he was only 20 years old.

In the great wave of reform and opening up, Li Shufu boldly tried various market opportunities. From photo studio to refrigerator manufacturing, decorating materials and producing motorcycles. With a keen market sense and a down-to-earth attitude, Li Shufu can succeed almost every time he enters an industry. In 1989, the output value of his refrigerator factory has exceeded tens of millions of yuan. The output reaches 600 to 1000 units a day, and there are long queues of foreign trucks pulling goods. But the swarming imitators made him feel helpless and forced to move to a new industry.

Later, Li Shufu set his sights on the car. At that time, private enterprises have not been approved to enter the field of car making, and the players in the market are all state-owned enterprises. Cars are far from entering ordinary families. A Santana with a price of more than 200,000 yuan still needs to find a relationship to buy. But "in the United States, one year’s salary can buy two cars. In China, we can’t buy a car for ten years’ salary, so this car can’t be popularized. Li Shufu thought that if a car of about 50,000 yuan can be built, there must be a huge market space. At the same time, "I think automobile is a highly comprehensive and complicated business, and people can’t easily enter this industry and destroy the whole pattern". These two factors determined him to devote himself to the automobile industry.

Li Shufu, who was not yet in the water, was not very clear at that time how high the barriers in the automobile industry were and how big the challenges were. But like the previous five ventures, once he thought of it, he began to act. Some people laughed at him, and a private enterprise actually came to build a car. Li Shufu was unconvinced: "Isn’t a car just four wheels and a sofa?" When this was said, people even thought it was a joke. The name "car madman" spread slowly.

But he doesn’t care about the outside world’s views. "I study very hard, watch the news broadcast every day, see what Obama is saying, and see how the automobile industry changes every day." Later, he said more than once that the timing for Geely to enter the automobile industry is the best, "not one year earlier, not one year later". Facts have proved that this is also the case. After Geely, the market also experienced a "car-making fever" of private enterprises. Oaks, Midea and other enterprises all entered the automobile industry across the border, but they all failed.

Please give me a chance to fail.

Li Shufu was born with a flexible mind, and he couldn’t build it himself. He started with imitation and "built" the first Geely pride car by hammer and hand. What really makes him feel the pressure is that there is no "birth certificate". Li Shufu saved the country by curve, and finally successfully acquired a bus manufacturing enterprise in Deyang, Sichuan, and produced it with the acquired bus qualification.

Strictly speaking, this is not in line with the specification. Geely’s development can’t always rely on the edge of the ball. At that time, Li Shufu’s investment in the automobile industry had reached more than one billion. He joked that he had "put his life and life on the line", but he had no choice but to wait on how to get the production qualification. In 2001, China’s automobile industry policy changed from catalog management to announcement management. Li Shufu quickly reported the improved models of two new cars of Geely to the relevant state departments, hoping to enter the new issue of Announcement of Vehicle Manufacturers and Products.

He was full of expectations for the loosening of the policy, but the result disappointed him again. "When someone told Li Shufu that Geely was excluded from the catalogue on the day when the Announcement was published, he didn’t even have the courage to pick up the newspaper that published the Announcement himself," wrote a report in China Entrepreneur that year. But he still didn’t want to give up. At that time, a company in Zhejiang Province wanted to buy Geely, and the two sides talked back and forth several times. In the end, Li Shufu did not sell it. "Geely is someone who wants to buy it, but I will not give it. I would rather fail and I will not sell it." "Please give me a chance to fail," he said to Zeng Peiyan, then director of the State Planning Commission, who came to inspect. This sentence is still widely circulated today.

Wu Xiaobo, a financial writer, talks about the biggest difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur. He thinks that "being good at discovering and tapping market opportunities, acting according to the situation, pursuing profits, and carefully calculating risks and benefits" is a necessary condition for a successful businessman, while entrepreneurs will concentrate more on a certain cause, persevere, and sometimes even do whatever it takes.

It sounds like Li Shufu had some "entrepreneur" potential at that time. In people’s eyes, Li Shufu, a "car madman", began to gradually transition from that arrogant layman to a very persistent and fanatical "dream catcher".

Geely finally got the production qualification on the eve of China’s entry into WTO, and Li Shufu was overjoyed. However, people at that time were pessimistic about the prospect of Geely building cars.

Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo Group, said when he participated in the CCTV program: "I think Li Shufu has not got cheese now, but he has only got the right to look for cheese." He added that having the right to look for it and being able to get it are two different things, and it’s really not possible that there may be eighteen layers of hell behind it.

More than ten years later, in 2017, Geely acquired the equity of Daimler Group and became the largest shareholder of the other party. Liu Chuanzhi, who was worried about his future at that time, felt that Li Shufu bought Volvo and became a major shareholder of Mercedes-Benz, which was "a shame for the parents of China enterprises".

According to Liu Chuanzhi’s standards, in just 20 years’ pioneering course, Li Shufu’s face for the parents of China enterprises is far more than buying Volvo and taking shares in Mercedes-Benz. Starting from zero, it took only 20 years, and Geely’s annual sales volume has exceeded 1.2 million vehicles, with sales approaching 300 billion yuan, making it the first private company. Through overseas mergers and acquisitions and cooperation, Geely has owned many brands such as Geely, Volvo, Link, Taxi to London, Proton and Lotus. There are four core R&D institutions in the world, with more than 10,000 R&D personnel. Besides having production bases in Britain and Malaysia, there are also ATLAS factories in Belarus, and the products have been sold in ASEAN and Russia, and will enter the European market in 2020.

Not long ago, Fortune Global 500 was released. Among the six China car companies on the list, Geely is not only the only private enterprise, but also the one with the highest profit rate. On Forbes’ list of the world’s richest people, Li Shufu became the richest man in China’s automobile industry.

Many people want to know, what is the secret of Li Shufu’s success? In a sharing activity held by Geely in November 2013, Li Shufu summed up his years of experience as 24 words of "truth": "pursuing ideals, grasping business opportunities, persisting in faith, not afraid of failure, making decisions with heart, and gathering strength" as the secret of his success.

So, can you replicate success by knowing the secret? After Geely completed the acquisition of Volvo, a reporter asked Li Shufu a similar question, and he replied: How to copy it? There is only one Volvo and only one Geely.

Because of love, "snake swallows elephant"

Although overseas mergers and acquisitions are nothing new in the automobile industry, successful cases are rare. It is rare that there are successful mergers and acquisitions, and then they can be as successful as Volvo today in the process of operation.

When Geely acquired Volvo, the latter sold only 370,000 vehicles worldwide, and by this year, Volvo’s global sales are expected to exceed 600,000 vehicles. Under Ford, Volvo faced huge losses in 2008. After being acquired by Geely, Volvo achieved the best performance in history in the first half of this year, with an operating profit of SEK 7.8 billion, or about RMB 5.9 billion. In fact, before the acquisition of Volvo, Geely also acquired Australia’s DSI automatic transmission company and completed the acquisition of London taxi company, but these two mergers and acquisitions did not bring an immediate leap to Geely’s development, and the attention aroused in the industry was far less than that of the acquisition of Volvo.

Geely’s acquisition of Volvo attracted wide attention, not only because it was the biggest overseas acquisition of China car companies at that time, but also because it reflected Geely’s forbearance and persistence in defying all difficulties, as well as Li Shufu’s keen sense of smell and management wisdom with oriental philosophy.

In 2002, Geely just got the qualification of car production. Li Shufu first talked about wanting to buy Volvo at an internal meeting. At that time, Yang Jian, An Conghui and other senior executives attending the meeting were shocked. Although Volvo was "committed" to Ford at that time, Volvo enjoyed the same brand reputation as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi all over the world throughout the 20th century. Geely, a little-known China enterprise, wants to buy a world-famous luxury brand, which is tantamount to a fable.

But Li Shufu asserted at that time that both GM and Ford would go bankrupt, and Ford would eventually choose to sell Volvo. The "wild talk" that was recognized at that time was fulfilled one by one a few years later. Li Shufu was ready when Ford planned to slim down and began to find buyers for its assets including Volvo under the strategy of "one Ford".

Since 2007, Geely has started internal transformation in order to gain more points in the process of merger and acquisition. At first, Ford didn’t pay attention to this pursuer whose strength was far from Volvo, but Li Shufu was not discouraged, and went to the door again and again, and finally gained the goodwill and trust of the other party. Although it was recognized by Ford, at that time, Volvo employees and trade unions were still full of distrust about whether Geely, a China enterprise with little influence in the international market, could lead Volvo to the bright future.

At the end of the acquisition preparation, Li Shufu met with the trade union for the first time. A trade union representative asked him in slightly hostile words, can you explain why you want to buy Volvo in one sentence? Li Shufu said loudly: "I love you!" At that time, I won the favor of the other party. Later, when Li Shufu was interviewed by CCTV, the host asked him, was this answer prepared before? Li Shufu replied: "I have always thought so."

Li Shufu loved Volvo so much that he cried when the merger marathon, which lasted for several years, finally came to an end. On March 28, 2010, in London, England, he bowed his head and signed the documents half a meter high on the table one by one. He lay motionless on the table. After a long time, when it was time to connect with Hangzhou Geely headquarters, Li Shufu looked up. Yin Daqing, then CFO of Geely Holding Group, found that Li Shufu’s tears fell like broken beads.

At the beginning of 2010, when Geely’s acquisition of Volvo entered the most difficult negotiation stage, Li Shufu said in an interview with China Entrepreneur: "If I can choose again, I would like to choose a more free career: journalist, lawyer, poet, writer, painter and singer."

Li Shufu had a special hobby in his early years — — Write poems and lyrics. He once wrote: "People are on a journey, who knows how many roads there are ahead, and the ups and downs have long been left in the depths of memory. The sunshine and starlight guide me in the morning and evening, and hope is not far away in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Don’t bow your head, don’t admit defeat, dry your tears and stick to it. I will suffer the pain, and I know the way to go. " This passage was later set to music and sung by the singer Chen Lin.

"release the tiger to the mountain"

At that time, some people described this transnational merger as "snake swallowing elephant", but Li Shufu disagreed: "A snake is a snake, and an elephant is an elephant. A snake can never swallow an elephant." He doesn’t want to describe the relationship between Geely and Volvo with father and son, but chooses appropriate "alienation". Geely is Geely and Volvo is Volvo.

In a speech after purchasing Volvo, he said: "Under the new ownership framework, we need scientific management, and the best way is to put Volvo ‘ Release the tiger to the mountain ’ 。” Anders gustafson, then general manager of Volvo Car Sweden, was deeply impressed by this sentence, which was not only vivid, but more importantly, "this kind of words can’t be said by western entrepreneurs". He felt that Li Shufu talked more about philosophy than business. "He is a businessman with internal driving force, not limited to making money."

Although at that time, Li Shufu and Volvo’s management had differences in product positioning and other fields, Li Shufu still followed his promise. "I just want the general direction to be right." He said more than once, "They (Volvo’s management team) know more than me. If they don’t know how to pretend to know, it’s dangerous." In an interview with the outside world, he also mentioned many times, "Volvo is a big tree. We don’t want to move it. We just water it and loosen the soil."

Li Shufu’s humility and equality in dealing with Volvo, the acquired brand, and the good development of the latter completely dispelled Volvo’s "defense" and wait-and-see attitude towards Geely, and the cooperation between the two sides also entered the deep water area. Shortly after Geely’s acquisition of Volvo, Geely established the European R&D Center (CEVT) in Gothenburg, where Volvo’s Swedish headquarters is located, to jointly develop the CMA modular platform architecture for Geely’s upcoming brand Link and Volvo.

Li Shufu’s thinking is very simple. Cars are an industry that wins by scale. Volvo has many very advanced technologies that Geely can use, and Geely can bring advantages to Volvo in terms of cost control and localized procurement. In addition, the two can also cooperate in production capacity, such as Volvo’s European factory, and the next step will be to produce new cars for Geely Link to help Geely enter the European market.

Li Shufu has a strong sense of crisis and cooperation. At the same time, he has childlike interests and fantasies. He seems to be interested in every forward-looking automobile technology, such as autonomous driving and flying cars. Earlier, Geely announced the formal acquisition of the American flying car company. Li Shufu stated that he wanted to make "the dream of cars flying in the sky come true". At that time, some people laughed at him, but now Geely announced that its flying cars will be listed in 2019. He said that he wanted to build a car that was not available in the world. "You sit here, the car will come automatically; When you say go home, the car will automatically take you back … …”

He has predicted many times on different occasions that there may be only two or three traditional car companies left in the future. Geely wants to be not only a survivor, but also a great company. Whether it is the acquisition of Volvo, or Proton and its shareholding in Volvo Group and Daimler, the starting point is win-win cooperation. "In fact, we are under great pressure now, which is even greater than before. The automobile industry is undergoing changes, and what changes this change will bring to the automobile industry is still unknown. " He said. Therefore, Geely hopes to accelerate its pace in the field of new technologies and business models through the mode of "integrating Lian Heng".

"It is impossible to have a great car company in such a huge market as China." Lin Jie, vice president of Geely Group and general manager of the sales company, said that this has always been the view of the chairman (Li Shufu). His dream is that Geely will become such a great car company, not only hoping to enter the same camp with Volkswagen and Toyota in sales volume, but also becoming a "respected enterprise".

After 20 years in the business, with the tempering and tempering on the road of chasing dreams, Li Shufu has continuously gathered his edge and become more and more low-key. After purchasing Volvo, Swedish culture changed him. In an interview with CCTV, he said: "No matter how rich they are, they travel in economy class, and I don’t fly in business class now."

Wu Xiaobo once described Li Shufu like this: "His low-key, humble, and even a little polite and shy once gave me the illusion that I had met a ‘ Fake Li Shufu ’ . At the beginning, in the eyes of the media, it was a bit arrogant, paranoid, and even ‘ Acting talent ’ The car madman has disappeared; Standing in front of you is an automobile expert who talks about automobile manufacturing and can talk about Kan Kan from safety technology, green energy saving to car networking and intelligence. "

On the way from grassroots to international entrepreneurs, Li Shufu slowly cultivated. The era of "car madman" has passed. At present, he is keeping a low profile on the road of "dreaming".

Eight typical cases involving "pornography" and "non-pornography" were reported: the live broadcast platform tricked hundreds of female anchors to perform obscene performances.

CCTV News:Today (April 14th), the National Office of "Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications" reported six key criminal cases and two online administrative cases, involving illegal activities such as live webcasting of obscene performances, launching obscene websites and apps, and deleting posts for profit by the online water army.

The six criminal cases reported this time are:

1. Tianjin "4 26" cross-border webcast platform organized obscene performances.

2. Jiangsu Suqian "1 06" Wang Motao and others spread obscene articles for profit.

3. Jiangsu Nantong Lin Moumou and others used the "Magic Cat" APP to spread obscene articles.

4. Zhang Moumou and others in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province spread obscene articles for profit.

5. Yunnan Huize Wang Moumou spread obscene articles for profit.

6. Anhui Anqing "network water army" series deleted posts for profit.

The two cases of administrative punishment are:

1. A network technology company in Shanghai engages in publishing online games without authorization.

2. The case of "Peach Live" spreading vulgar content in Jinan, Shandong Province.

Among them, Tianjin "4 26" organized an obscene performance case, criminal gangs built a cross-border live broadcast platform, and recruited more than 500 female anchors to perform obscene performances online. At present, 23 criminal gang backbones have been transferred for review and prosecution. In the case of "1 06" spreading obscene articles for profit in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, 14 criminal gangs have recently been sentenced to penalties, ranging from one year and seven months to ten years and six months. In the case of "Peach Live Broadcasting" spreading vulgar content in Jinan, Shandong Province, its actual operating unit was ordered to rectify, and the relevant anchor was banned according to law.

The relevant person in charge of the national office of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" said that it will continue to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on Internet pornography and illegal publications, and severely investigate and deal with Internet enterprises and individuals that have serious problems in producing and disseminating obscene pornographic information in the "new wind" concentrated action, and crack down on criminals in the whole chain, and will increase the exposure of typical cases.