Drug lord Andy Lau PK undercover Lin Jiadong! "Stealth" exposes the poster of the end brothers

1905 movie network news Recently, the crime action movie roadshow went to Qingdao, and the chief producer, actor, and actor appeared after the screening to interact.

The film released the poster of the "End Brothers" version simultaneously. The drug lord was tightly locked in the eyes of Lin Jiadong, who was an undercover agent, and the "eye skills" of the two seemed to be hidden. In the film, the two are not only close friends for many years, but also belong to the two camps of good and evil. When the brotherhood for many years turns to the opposite, where will the two who were once irresistible go? The strongest contest is imminent.

The film is produced by Andy Lau, directed, and acted as an action director. Andy Lau, Lin Jiadong, Peng Yuyan, and lead actors are specially starred in, Zheng Zeshi, starring, and Zhu Jianran. It will be released nationwide on December 29.

At the scene of the event, the audience expressed their curiosity and emotion about the "countless difficulties" of the police team in the film, and the creators also responded sincerely one by one. Lin Jiadong interpreted the mentality of his role as Xiu Hao when he shot Anan (Zhu Jianran, played), who was also an undercover agent. "Anan was doomed to die at that time, but it would be more tragic to die at the hands of a criminal gang, so I hope he can be relieved."

This time, Peng Yuyan’s "promotion" to play the superintendent on the screen not only required offline hand-to-hand combat, but also online battle of wits. Fang Sir, who was able to master martial arts, conquered many fans. But caught between his boss and his offline undercover, Fang Xing was also awarded the title of "Roujiamo in the workplace" by the audience. He said frankly, "It is because of the pressure caused by the accident between my boss and subordinates that my mentality has changed and I have grown."

In the movie, undercover police officers Xiu Hao and Anan have been lurking next to drug lord Lin Jinan (Andy Lau, played), one suffering inner torment, the other suffering physical torture, but both uphold the justice in their hearts and "sneak" until the last moment. At the scene, the audience, who are police family members, bluntly experienced the burden of the police in the movie. Lin Jiadong also shared that he also saw pain and difficulty in his friends who are also police officers, and said with emotion, "It is unspeakable to encounter difficulties, and I cannot express my heart to my family and friends. A real undercover police officer is the best’actor ‘."

In the film, the scene of the undercover Anan being brutally tortured by the drug lord by waterboarding is heart-pounding. In fact, in order to restore the true cruelty, the crew also "moved the real thing" during the shooting. Li Yaping, the chief producer, shared the behind-the-scenes of the scene, "We shot it on a real fishing raft, and Zhu Jianran was immersed in the sea at that time." Speaking about the backstage of the waterboarding shooting, Zhu Jianran admitted that "in reality, the road taken by the undercover police officers is more difficult. Their real experience is a hundred times and a thousand times more cruel than ours. I pay tribute to the real anti-drug police."

A police officer watching the movie at the scene expressed his strong agreement with the "sense of mission" of the police in the movie, deeply feeling the film’s focus on "new types of cybercrime", and frankly said, "The mission of the police is to protect the safety of the country and the people. The cybercrime in the movie is a product of the new era, and we need such works to let everyone understand this new phenomenon." He also gave high recognition to the "Police Heavenly Group" led by Lin Jiadong, Peng Yuyan and Zhu Jianran in the film.

Our country successfully launched Geely constellation 02 satellites

At 7:37 on February 3, 2024, Beijing time, our country used the Long March II C carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the Geely Constellation 02 group of satellites, 11 satellites successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

This mission is the 508th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

"Clean and honest Changsha" is jointly built globally, injecting "clean power" into the "strong provincial capital" strategy

Correspondent, Chen Quan, Ai Chunwang

"Originally, I just asked how to handle the’Teacher Qualification Certificate Supplement Form ‘on the way, but I didn’t expect that the matter would be done without any documents." Recently, the experience of Mr. Liu, a citizen, working in Changsha’s government service hall has changed his stereotype of "government entities are difficult to handle". Let power operate under the sun, and let the masses enhance their sense of gain in the streamlining of administration and decentralization. This is the original intention of Changsha’s efforts to promote the construction of a clean hall. At present, Changsha’s government service hall can realize 23 types of fresh electronic certificates such as "ID card", "household registration book" and "residence permit" without submission, and can directly apply for 6 types of high-frequency certification items online.

Since last year, Changsha has taken the construction of "clean units" as a breakthrough point, and has coordinated and promoted the clean construction of key units such as organs, enterprises, schools, hospitals, and villages (residents).Strong provincial capital"Strategic and comprehensive construction of a modern new Changsha provides a strong guarantee."

We will work together in the same direction, and the clean construction will be consistent to the end

Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Changsha has been promoting comprehensive and strict party governance with the persistence of always on the road. The municipal party committee clearly stated that "we must firmly assume the responsibility of the provincial capital of building a clean and honest Hunan, accelerate the construction of’clean and honest Changsha, ‘and continue to promote comprehensive and strict party governance in depth."

In October 2021, the Municipal Party Committee issued the implementation opinions on promoting the construction of a clean Changsha, drew the timetable and road map for the construction of a clean Changsha, and proposed that the construction of a clean Changsha unit should be taken as the breakthrough point, and the main responsibility and supervision responsibility should be made in the same direction to integrate the construction of a clean Changsha into all aspects of economic and social development. Anchor the goals and tasks, and a top-down clean construction action will be laid out.

The construction of corruption-free units is organically combined with the business work of various departments, industries and fields, and realizes the co-creation, co-construction and sharing of the whole society and the whole field. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision takes the opportunity to carry out the activity of "strengthening the provincial capital, being brave, taking the lead, and being an example". According to the requirements of "one unit, one characteristic", it guides and urges all municipal units to clarify the key points of creation, and refines the creation measures. A large number of clean-cut organs with distinct characteristics such as clean transportation, clean-cut medical insurance, and clean-cut environmental protection have begun to bear fruit.

The Municipal Market Supervision Bureau took the construction of "clean pharmacies" as the starting point to find weak links and risks of clean government, and standardize market supervision behavior. In particular, for the 17 units that violated discipline and law last year, targeted rectification measures were proposed to increase the intensity of promoting treatment and reform through cases.

The Municipal Public Construction Center promotes the construction of "clean projects" and implements a "dual control" system for project funds to prevent illegal affiliation and protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises and the payment of migrant workers’ wages.

Based on economic supervision, the Municipal Audit Bureau took the establishment of "clean audit" as a powerful breakthrough point, issued "ten measures" for the construction of clean audit institutions, promoted the effectiveness of the "first topic" of the party group meeting, and implemented the strategy of "strengthening the provincial capital" with high-quality audit supervision services.

The key to building a clean Changsha is to implement the main responsibility of the party organization. Party organizations at all levels insist on taking the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and include the construction of a clean Changsha in the important content of fulfilling the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party. The secretary of the party committee (party group) resolutely acts as the "construction captain".

Liuyang Municipal Party Committee issued the implementation plan for the construction of clean units, grading, classification, and sub-systems to promote the construction of clean units year by year, and implement inventory management and project promotion to ensure that the construction of clean Liuyang achieves practical results. Wangcheng District held a special meeting on strengthening political supervision and promoting the construction of clean Wangcheng, formulated and issued an implementation plan, refined 15 measures from the aspects of strengthening political supervision, deepening the governance of special projects, and improving system construction, and once again compacted the responsibility for clean construction. Yuhua District Party Committee has established a closed loop of responsibility of "knowing responsibilities, knowing responsibilities, fulfilling responsibilities, supervising responsibilities, and testing responsibilities and accountability" around clean construction, and promoted the implementation of clean Yuhua construction.

The relevant person in charge of the Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that the next step will also include the construction of clean Changsha in the focus of daily supervision, and promote the implementation of clean unit construction tasks without compromise.

Building a global clean and honest system

The global clean-up system must be promoted as a whole, and the city’s various industries and fields must take prompt action, especially the clean-up unit creation demonstration unit takes the initiative to carry out clean-up creation based on its own characteristics and unit characteristics, and takes the point to bring the surface and grasp the outline and the purpose to achieve all-round clean-up target services. "Strong provincial capital"Strategy implementation.

The municipal economic park is the "main battlefield" of economic construction. The Party Working Committee of the park takes clean construction as a breakthrough point and helps to strengthen the park"Strong provincial capital"Ningxiang Economic Development Zone promotes the forward movement of supervision in key areas, organizes a special talk on clean government for project construction, and both parties sign a commitment to clean government; Liuyang Economic Development Zone focuses on the construction of projects, innovatively sets up special windows for key projects, and promotes the "minimalist approval and excellent service" of engineering construction projects. Promote the construction of "five good" parks with an excellent business environment.

The breeze blows righteousness, and integrity enters the project. On the "red construction site" of the Xinglian Road Bridge Project and the West Auxiliary Road Project, the builders wearing hard hats and masks are full of energy, racing against time to catch up with the construction schedule and rush the progress. The Party Committee of Changsha Transportation Group deepened the brand creation of the "Party Building + Project", and used the Xinglian Road Great Passage and other projects as demonstration points for the construction of "clean projects". Strictly controlled the "progress pass" of the project, the "payment pass" of the work cost and the "review pass" of the design change, and built the project into a high-quality and clean project.

In the financial sector, Bank of Changsha strives to create a unique clean culture with the theme of "a cup of clean water""Strong provincial capital"And the rural revitalization strategy, focusing on the implementation of the "three highs and four new" strategic financial service situation special project inspection, and promoting the "I do practical things for the grassroots, I do practical things for customers, I do practical things for the masses" activities. Agricultural Bank of China Changsha Branch has established and improved a clean financial culture system with equal emphasis on ideology, system and education, and built a solid anti-corruption and anti-change ideological defense line and a clean financial culture foundation.

Medical treatment and education are closely related to the interests of the masses, and clean construction is also constantly advancing in depth to hospitals and schools. Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital closely integrates the construction of clean hospitals with the solution of the masses’ "expensive and difficult to see a doctor", and solidly carries out the "clean medical insurance" and "four unreasonable" special project rectification actions. In 2021, the average cost of gynecological hospitalization will be reduced by 9.58%. The city’s education system adheres to "home-school co-construction and five-Qing education", carries out regular supervision around the "construction of teachers’ morality and style", comprehensively promotes the construction of "clean schools", and guides students to buckle the "first button in life".

With the construction of clean and honest units being carried out in full swing in all units of the city, the concept and measures of clean and honest are gradually covering various industries, and the clean and honest culture with clean as beauty and clean as pride has gradually been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Enhance the quality and efficiency of supervision and deeply empower the "strong provincial capital"

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Changsha focus on the decisions and arrangements of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, keep an eye on the goals and tasks of "strengthening the provincial capital", identify the focus of political supervision, and further improve the comprehensive efficiency of supervision. The construction of clean government has become a powerful driving force and endogenous driving force for the implementation of the "strong provincial capital" strategy.

As an important bearing platform for the "strong provincial capital" strategy, Malanshan Video Merchandise Park fights against the "strong provincial capital" strategic task wall chart, and focuses on strengthening the industry and promoting development. The park’s Discipline Inspection Commission simultaneously lists the "three lists" of tasks, projects and responsibilities, draws the decomposed map of responsibilities, the implementation path map, and the achievement display map. Adhere to the one-month lecture, one-quarter evaluation, and one-year review, and do detailed supervision work to ensure that major decision-making and deployment are in place.

While being a good "supervisor", it actively solves problems for enterprises and makes every effort to optimize the business environment of the park. Since the beginning of this year, the Discipline Inspection Committee of Malanshan Video Merchandise Park has visited 32 key enterprises and projects under construction in the jurisdiction through door-to-door research, visits and discussions, and assigned 25 problems.

Supervision and regulation of the operation of small and micro power is an effective measure to safeguard people’s livelihood and the interests of the people. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Changsha promote the comprehensive extension of strict party governance to the grassroots level, continuously improve the supervision system, promote the standardized operation of small and micro power, and consolidate the solid foundation for the implementation of the "strong provincial capital" strategy.

"Things in the past are clear, things in the present are at ease, and things in the future will be settled." Xia Duopu Community in Ningxiang City has vigorously carried out the construction of "clean and honest village dwellings" through strict "management of power, money, and people" management measures, which has won the unanimous approval of community residents. It is reported that the Ningxiang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has pushed deep into the grassroots to find problems, promoted the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance with high-quality supervision, excavated and built a number of "clean and honest village dwellings" demonstration sites, and promoted the close and regular extension of supervision to the grassroots through system management, cultural integrity, and open promotion of integrity.

Liuyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision took the lead in launching the small and micro power "supervision one point pass" service platform in the province, and sorted out the list of 38 service items in 5 categories such as village affairs disclosure, "three capital" management, project management, Huimin Huinong, and people’s livelihood services. The specific matters such as village-level project construction, collective income distribution, homestead approval, and low-income guarantee were allocated to the platform to achieve one-click access to problem reflection, process traceability, and results inquiry, ensuring that small and micro power operates under the sun.

"Some window staff are not well-aware of service, their business is not refined, and they lack patience for handling the consultation matters of the enterprise masses." Recently, the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau carried out the supervision and inspection of the special project of the city’s "clean hall" construction, focusing on the formalist bureaucratic problems such as window staff shirking, rigid attitude, and lazy procrastination in administrative examination and approval and government services. The enterprise mass symposium was held 5 times to sort out and collect 72 problems, and urge all rectification to be in place.

Strengthening work style is an important breakthrough point for "strengthening the provincial capital" and a strong guarantee for officers to start their own businesses. Since the beginning of this year, the Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has combined with "strengthening the provincial capital"
Courage to take responsibility for the "Work Style Construction Year" action requirements, deepen the centralized rectification of formalism and bureaucracy, focus on rectification of "shouting slogans, pretending, discounting" "making superficial articles, making false claims to deal with" inaction, inaction "and other issues, and continue to improve the work style of cadres and purify the political ecology. From January to April this year, the city investigated and dealt with 58 cases of formalism and bureaucracy, including 26 cases of party discipline and government punishment.

"The implementation of the’strong provincial capital ‘strategy is effective, and it needs to be guaranteed by’strong supervision’." The relevant person in charge of the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that the next step will focus on the strategic goals and tasks of the "strong provincial capital", pay close attention to the promotion of key projects, the implementation of the empowerment policy of the provincial municipal committee, and the promotion of work indicators. Follow up supervision and precise supervision, press and compact the main responsibilities of all departments at all levels, seriously investigate and deal with problems such as insufficient style, ineffective promotion, and poor discipline, and create a better economic environment, social environment, and political environment for the service and guarantee of the "strong provincial capital" strategy.

Dcar released the latest list of new energy vehicle weekly sales: Q Jie M7 is a stone’s throw away from the ideal L8

Recently, the one-stop car information, trading and service platform Dcar released the latest weekly sales list of China’s new energy market (10.16-10.22). The data shows that the much-watched Wenjie M7 sold a total of 2,461 units last week, only 12 units short of the weekly sales of the ideal L8, which makes the new car-making force "First Brother" feel pressure. However, the ideal under pressure did not drop the chain. Last week’s sales were still "far ahead", reaching a weekly sales volume of 9,100 units, which is exactly the sum of Xiaopeng and NIO. There is little suspense that the sales volume in October broke 40,000.

On September 12, the new Wenjie M7 jointly launched by Huawei and Sailis was officially released. After the car was launched, it set a record of "50,000 units in 25 days and 7,000 units in a single day". The weekly sales data of new energy vehicles released by Dcar also confirmed the popularity of this model. The data shows that the sales of Wenjie M7 reached 2,461 units last week, and the gap between the ideal L8, which is the main model of the large SUV market in the 250,000 yuan to 350,000 yuan, is only 12 units. With the current popularity of Wenjie M7, next week’s sales will exceed the ideal L8 or be a high probability event.

The explosion of the new Wenjie M7 has brought some pressure to the ideal. An ideal salesperson said that "many consumers will compare us with the Wenjie". However, as the "first brother" of the current new car-making force, the ideal sales are still "far ahead". Sales data from Dcar shows that last week’s ideal weekly sales were 9,100 units, which is exactly the sum of Xiaopeng and NIO’s weekly sales. In terms of models, last week’s ideal L7 sales were 3,400 units, L9 3,200 units, and L8 2,500 units, all ranking among the top ten weekly sales of new energy SUVs.

It is understood that Li Auto delivered a total of 36,000 vehicles in September. On the evening of October 8, Li Xiang, the founder of Li Auto, said on Weibo that the company will break through the monthly delivery volume of 40,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter. Judging from the performance of the first three weeks of October, the ideal October sales broke 40,000 basic board DingTalk.

In addition, from last week’s brand sales list of new energy vehicles, Xiaopeng replaced Geely and entered the top ten. At the same time, Xiaopeng G6 also ranked among the top ten weekly sales of new energy SUVs by relying on smart driving attributes, showing a good recovery momentum.

It is worth mentioning that from the data released by Dcar, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in our country has reached 41.55% last week, and the month-on-month (39.16%) continues to increase. In terms of months, the domestic retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles in September was 36.9%.

Upstream news, Ma Liang

Huawei applied for registration of multiple AITO trademarks, trademark protection or creating ecology?

  Blue Whale Auto reporter learned from Tianyancha that within the month, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huawei") applied for registration of pharmaceutical products and daily chemical products.AITO trademarks and other categories, goods/services include massage equipment, wearable medical biometric data monitor, electric massage gun, cleaning agent for automobile, wax for automobile, etc.

  Although there are no projects directly related to vehicle production, Huawei’s move has once again triggered a heated discussion on its "car-making action".

  At the 100,000th off-line ceremony of AITO on May 27th, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, once again responded to the question "Does Huawei make cars?" Everyone said that Huawei doesn’t make cars, but the accurate explanation is that Huawei doesn’t make cars alone. How can we do it without making cars? How can you survive without building a car? You must build a car! However, Huawei does not build cars alone, but builds cars with car companies, builds good cars and builds the best cars. "

  From the name change storm of "HUAWEI asking the world" in March to the subsequent statement of "not building cars alone", the relationship between Huawei and AITO asking the world has attracted more and more attention. In the process of building AITO asking the world brand in cooperation with Huawei,Has the role changed?

  Huawei recently registered several AITO trademarks.

  The reporter inquired from Tianyancha and China Trademark Network that as early as December 2021, before the release of the AITO brand, a company named Zhengde Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhengde Electronics) took the lead in applying for registration of multi-category AITO trademarks, among which the most important 12 categories of trademarks covered vehicles, land, air and sea carriers (but because the tire group trademark was applied by other companies, Zhengde Electronics did not apply for production at that time) The company was founded on March 2, 2021, as if to apply for a trademark.

  Subsequently, Zhengde Electronics successively transferred 12 kinds of AITO trademarks to Chongqing Haokang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chongqing Haokang) and 7 kinds and 9 kinds of trademarks to Beijing Ruide Kaizhuo Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ruide Kaizhuo), whose goods/services covered exchange development.Air filters for automobile engines, automobile oil pumps, interactive touch-screen terminals, navigation instruments for vehicles (onboard computers), automobile audio equipment, car televisions, etc. On July 5 and December 9, 2022, Zhengde Electronics applied for 12 categories of AITO trademark groups of tires twice, and it is still waiting for substantive examination.

  According to Tianyancha, Chongqing Haokang is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Chongqing Xiaokang Holdings Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of the group; Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo have no more information at present. However, as the agency of the above-mentioned trademarks is Huajin United Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., the agency of Huawei’s HarmonyOS trademark, some insiders speculate that it is Huawei behind Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo, but there is still no information to prove the relevance of the three.

  In order to better protect their trademark rights, trademark holders generally avoid trademark infringement through cross-category registration, approximate registration and sub-brand registration. However, compared with the frequent actions of Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo, Chongqing Haokang is not active in the process of protecting trademarks. Only four pieces of registration information of AITO trademarks can be found on China Trademark Network, while Zhengde Electronics and Ruide Kaizhuo have 25 pieces and 273 pieces of registration information respectively.

  Since March, 2022, AITO brand has successively launched three models, namely, the M5, M7 and M5 EV, with the words "the model of the car" printed on the back of the car body. Correspondingly, the trademark of Wenjie currently belongs to Beijing Yongan Shida Science and Trade Co., Ltd., which has had many trademark transfer businesses with Huawei-related enterprises.

Image source: screenshot of China Trademark Network

  The reporter also noticed that during the month, Huawei also applied for dozens of 12 kinds of trademarks, including Lanjie, Tongjie, Tengjie, Xuanjie, HarmonyOS Jiejie, Kunlin and Lunyu.

  In short, 12 categories of AITO trademarks belong to Huawei, and Huawei is actively acquiring other categories of AITO trademarks.

  How to define the right to use a trademark under the ecological environment?

  On March 8 this year, AITO Automobile used the words "HUAWEI asks the world" on its social media platform for the first time, which gained great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  "Huawei provides core software and hardware technologies such as electrification and intelligent parts, and helps car companies sell good cars through product definition, user experience, quality control, channel retail and brand marketing, helping car companies achieve commercial success while driving Huawei intelligence.Large-scale sales. Although HUAWEI replied that "Huawei asks the world" is a brand of Huawei eco-car and a brand-new business model initiated by Huawei, it has not stopped speculation about "Huawei makes cars".

  On March 31st, Huawei announced the auto business decision signed by Ren Zhengfei himself.The announcement puts strict requirements on the body logo, emphasizing that Huawei /HUAWEI cannot be used in vehicle publicity. At the financial report conference held on the same day, Huawei once again responded that in order to avoid being misunderstood by the outside world as "Huawei makes cars", today Huawei internally issued the "Resolution on Huawei not making cars". The business model and cooperation strategy of the eco-car will not change. Xu Zhijun, Huawei’s rotating chairman, said that it is strictly forbidden for Huawei brands to appear in front of any automobile brands, and materials in flagship stores and retail stores will be cleaned up.

  At present, there are three main modes of cooperation between Huawei and car companies: one is the component mode of selling standardized products; The second is the Huawei Inside mode (referred to as "HI mode") that provides full-stack smart car solutions; Third, deeply participate in product and vehicle design, and provide intelligent selection mode of sales network channels.

  At the high-level forum of China Electric Vehicle committee of 100 Forum (2023) held on April 1, Yu Chengdong once said that the current series of models of the world are produced by Cyrus, and Chery, BAIC and JAC will also produce Huawei’s complete solution models soon. "If they all adopt different brands, it will be very troublesome to separate retail marketing, so it is necessary to implement the ecological alliance of the world."

  He further explained that in the future, there will be no conflict between the models launched by several partners under the intelligent selection mode, and they will still work together to build an ecological alliance, make full use of the production capacity resources of the car factory and jointly build competitiveness.

  In response to the question of trademark use rights in the world, Xia Hailong, a lawyer from Shanghai Shenlun Law Firm, told the Blue Whale Automobile reporter that there are generally two types of changes in trademark use rights. One kind is transfer, for example, the trademark of A is completely transferred to B, and then the trademark will be held by B, and A can’t use it. There is also authorization, which is a very extensive way. For example, A authorizes B to use this trademark in certain regions, certain commodities and within a certain period of time. Under the authorization mode, A can still use its own trademark, and A can also authorize multiple subjects such as BCD to use it at the same time.

  "As long as Huawei has obtained the trademark right or the right to use it, it can use the trademark within the scope of trademark registration or authorization." Lawyer Xia Hailong said.

Huawei Yuntianqi deeply interprets Pangu Big Model: Let AI empower thousands of industries.

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report]For most people, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world’s top chess player, and AlphaMaster defeated Ke Jie in Go, which made us truly realize the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence. Subsequently, the market and industry were excited about it, and startups around the development and application of "artificial intelligence" emerged constantly, and traditional enterprises also entered the market one after another, using artificial intelligence technology to open up new market demand. In just a few years, people’s cognition of artificial intelligence has changed from "curiosity" to a normal attitude. It seems that the smoke brought by artificial intelligence has gradually dispersed, and the changes it has brought to society and industry will be forgotten over time.

I don’t know when it started, but we found that the recommendation of shopping websites is more and more in line with our wishes; The effect of taking pictures with mobile phones is getting better and better, and you can get satisfactory selfies without retouching; There seems to be less and less traffic jams on the roads of the Second and Third Ring Roads in Beijing during the morning rush hour. These scenes that we are used to, but secretly "get better", are inseparable from the support of artificial intelligence technology. As the saying goes, "moisten things quietly", just like most universal technologies, artificial intelligence is imperceptibly affecting our lives, and both academia and industry are stepping up research and development and layout of artificial intelligence technologies and applications.

In recent years, artificial intelligence is being favored by the market and society because of its ability to process huge, repetitive and complex data. Due to the universality of artificial intelligence technology and the diversity of realistic scenes, how to design a universal and easy-to-use artificial intelligence development model for different industries has become a hot spot in the field of artificial intelligence research and development. In the past two years, this field has attracted the layout of many internationally renowned technology companies including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, OpenAI and Huawei. In April this year, Tian Qi, the chief scientist in the field of Huawei cloud artificial intelligence, led the team to officially release the "Huawei Cloud Pangu Series AI Model".

Tian Qi, chief scientist in Huawei's cloud artificial intelligence field

According to Tian Qi, Huawei Cloud Pangu series AI big model (hereinafter referred to as Pangu big model) includes NLP (Chinese language) big model, CV (vision) big model, multi-modal big model and scientific computing big model, aiming at establishing a set of universal and easy-to-use artificial intelligence development models to empower more industries and developers and realize the industrial development of artificial intelligence. It has a strong generalization ability. By combining with industry knowledge, it can quickly adapt to different scenarios, and a small number of samples can also achieve high precision. Based on the industrialized AI development model of pre-training and downstream fine-tuning, it accelerates the application of AI industry and enables AI technology to truly empower different industries.

Recently, Tian Qi, the head of Huawei’s cloud Pangu model and the chief scientist in the field of Huawei’s cloud artificial intelligence, shared his deep thoughts on AI industrialization and the application of Pangu model with media reporters.

Launch a new model of industrialized AI development and build an AI ecosystem with partners.

Before joining Huawei, Tian Qi had been deeply involved in the AI field for many years: he graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University in 1992, graduated from Drexel University in the United States in 1996 with a master’s degree, and then went to study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, where he studied under Professor Thomas S. Huang, an internationally renowned expert in computer vision, and received his doctorate. From 2002 to 2019, he served as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

After joining Huawei in June 2018, Tian Qi became the chief scientist of computational vision in Huawei’s Noah’s Ark Lab. In March last year, he became the chief scientist of Huawei’s cloud artificial intelligence field. Thanks to many years of theoretical and practical research in the fields of computers and AI, Tian Qi has keenly discovered that artificial intelligence has entered a period of rapid development and prosperity driven by industry and capital, and at the same time, he has also seen various shortcomings of AI in large-scale commercialization. Among them, one of the biggest challenges of AI application is the fragmentation, customization and "workshop-style" development mode of AI application. Simply put, a scene needs to develop a model independently, and the whole process needs to be started from scratch and independently tuned. If the model can’t reach the expected goal, it will have to be reinvented, resulting in low development efficiency, and the development cycle often takes one month or even months. "Therefore, AI development urgently needs a new model to complete the transformation from workshop-based development to industrial development," Tian Qi said.

According to Tian Qi, the Huawei Cloud Pangu Model released in April this year is based on the industrialized AI development model of "pre-training+downstream fine-tuning", aiming at accelerating AI’s entry into thousands of industries and realizing inclusive AI. Pangu big model is based on big data pre-training and has strong generalization ability and small sample learning ability. This has achieved a breakthrough in performance and ease of use, that is, a model can be applied to a large number of complex industry scenarios, and a small number of samples can also achieve high accuracy.

Pangu big model is not an experimental model, but now it has landed in many industries and more than 100 scenes, including energy, retail, finance, industry, medical care, environment, logistics and so on. In the case of "Power Intelligent Inspection of State Grid Chongqing Yongchuan Power Supply Company", because most of the areas where Chongqing power grid is laid are hilly and mountainous areas, rivers and valleys, it is necessary to use unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligent inspection of power grid. Among them, the development of traditional intelligent inspection AI model of UAV faces two major challenges. One is how to label massive data efficiently; Second, there are hundreds of kinds of defects, which require dozens of AI recognition models, and the development cost is high. In order to solve the above problems, based on Pangu CV model, Huawei Cloud team used massive unlabeled power data for pre-training, and combined with an efficient development mode of fine-tuning a few labeled samples, put forward a pre-training model for the power industry, which skillfully solved the problem of data labeling. After the application of Pangu model, the efficiency of sample screening is improved by about 30 times, and the screening quality is improved by about 5 times. Taking Yongchuan as an example, 50,000 high-definition pictures are collected every day, and the manual marking time can be saved by 170 people/day. In terms of model universality, combined with the automatic data augmentation carried by Pangu and the optimization strategy of category adaptive loss function, one model can be adapted to hundreds of defects, and one model can replace more than 20 original small models in Yongchuan, greatly reducing the maintenance cost of the model, improving the average accuracy by 18.4% and reducing the development cost of the model by 90%.  

Helping the industry’s AI application ability to improve rapidly is the goal.

When talking about the position of Pangu big model technology in the same field, Tian Qi said that although many well-known overseas companies have devoted themselves to this track, Huawei Yunpangu big model still has its own unique advantages.

The first is technological innovation. Pangu NLP model uses Encoder-Decoder architecture for the first time, which takes into account the ability of NLP understanding and generation and leads the performance; The multi-task learning method is adopted to make the large model training more stable; Using Prompt-based, it has stronger ability in small sample learning. Pangu CV model has been extracted on demand for the first time in the industry, and the volume difference of the model extracted in different deployment scenarios can reach three orders of magnitude. Based on the comparative learning of sample similarity, the small sample learning ability is leading in the industry on ImageNet.

Followed by commercial verification. The technology developed by Huawei is producible and commercialized, and the Pangu model also integrates such genes. At the beginning of research and development, targeted development was carried out on scenes such as finance, intelligent customer service and intelligent investment research. "When we designed Pangu Big Model at the beginning, we hoped that it could get a better verification in some occasions, and hoped to drive a goal with commercial value." In Tian Qi’s view, the display of AI technical capabilities needs to be reflected in applications, and better empowering the industry’s AI application capabilities is the embodiment of the final results of Pangu Big Model.

Training AI with limited data is the current environment of AI industrialization.

When talking about his views on AI industrialization, Tian Qi said that the current AI industrialization field is in the early stage of industrial digitalization, and the application scenarios are very fragmented. Many scenarios still need customized development, and it is difficult to have a universal solution. In the face of such a dilemma, Pangu model has set a pre-training and fine-tuning method, so that the model can cover more scenes, and because the model is large enough, it has higher performance and stronger tolerance, that is, stronger generalization ability.

For example, in the financial field, industry experts need to spend a lot of energy every year to analyze corporate financial data and non-financial data, explore the means and motives of corporate financial fraud, identify corporate risks, and help corporate project audit. Due to the scarcity of industry experts, it is difficult to analyze the finances of thousands of companies in detail. In addition, due to the small sample size and extremely uneven distribution of data, traditional machine learning has been unable to accurately analyze the financial data and non-financial data of enterprises.

In order to improve the efficiency of industry analysis and reduce the manual workload, Pangu Model has trained a series of models for data differentiation, and then fused each model efficiently after training one by one. The trained Pangu model can identify 10+ major financial anomalies, 200+ minor abnormal signals, 6 types of fraudulent motives and 120+ fraudulent means.

Mental journey: from academia to business circles

As a typical representative of the transformation from academic circles to business circles, Tian Qi also shared his mental journey and views on AI with reporters. Before coming to Huawei, Tian Qi had taught in a university for 17 years, mainly studying large-scale image retrieval, pedestrian re-recognition, etc., and once achieved fruitful academic results: he became an Associate Editor; of many journals such as IEEE TMM, TCSVT, TNNLS, ACM TOMM, Multimedia Systems Journal, etc. He owns 6 American patents, has published more than 650 articles (including 181 IEEE/ACM journals and 191 CCF A conference articles) in top journals and conferences in computer vision and multimedia, such as IEEE TP AMI, IJCV, TIP, TMM, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV and ACMM, and has been cited by Google for more than 30,700 times, with an H index of 83. Eight papers have won the Best Paper Award or.

Tian Qi won the 2010 Google Facilities Research Award and the 2017 UTSA President’s Outstanding Research Award (one per year). In 2016, he was awarded the top 10 most influential scholars in the multimedia field and was awarded the IEEE Fellow. Later, he was selected as a national leading talent innovation project in 2018. Tian Qi is not only a chair professor or visiting professor at Tsinghua University Center for Neurocognitive Computing, Institute of Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, xidian university, Dalian University of Technology, Southeast University, etc., but also a professor at the Yangtze River in the Ministry of Education, an overseas evaluation expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the China Academy of Sciences. At the end of May 2021, Tian Qi was elected as an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.

As a top expert in AI academia, coming to the industry has given Tian Qi more opportunities to combine theory with practice and improved his knowledge structure. In his view, although the academia and the industry are different, the "Tao" is interlinked and both are pursuing the development of science and technology, but the academia pays more attention to the pursuit of theoretical research, while the industry pursues practical application. At present, the academic circles advocate the combination of Industry-University-Research, with the purpose of promoting the common development of theory and practice, providing more practical cases for academic development and providing more theoretical guidance for industry.

editorial comment/noteSince the appearance of Alpha Go, the game of Go seems to have jumped out of the circle of simply pursuing victory and defeat, and turned to pursue the real "formal beauty" of Go; In the same way, the existence of artificial intelligence helps people get rid of monotonous and boring work and pursue their own real value; The application of Pangu model will also help enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, so that AI will benefit thousands of industries.

It’s only 20 days from registration to the release of a new car. Is Zhiji a hasty debut or ready to go?

On January 13th, 2021, Zhiji Automobile held a global brand launch conference in Shanghai, China, CES, Las Vegas, and London, England, and its two concept cars also appeared together with the brand strategy.

What is the background of Zhiji automobile?

Zhiji Automobile was established on December 25th, 2020. It is a brand-new user-oriented automobile science and technology company jointly built by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group. Its brand positioning is high-end intelligent pure electric vehicle brand.

Adhering to the brand proposition of "I am self-guided", Zhiji Automobile will coexist with users in the great era of artificial intelligence, define what smart auto time should look like, and achieve "the realization of travel change in the intelligent era".

What is the meaning of Zhiji’s name?

The Chinese name of the brand "Zhiji" is taken from "Knowing everything around, but Dao Ji is the world" in The Book of Changes. It is intended to consider everything with wisdom, diligently explore, define, create and realize the smart travel driven by the times and needed by users. The English brand name "IM" means Intelligence in Motion, which is a rational reflection on the evolution direction of smart cars.

The design of brand Logo is composed of 0 and 1, which contains digital passwords from 0 to 1. The expression is concise and can change endlessly to create a new world.

Where does "intelligence" come from?

A new generation of domain fusion central computing digital architecture, integrating IPD intelligent driving center, ICC intelligent computing center, ICM intelligent cockpit center and IMATE intelligent partner four domain controllers; And truly realize the whole vehicle OTA, which can combine the vehicle perception and analysis ability, optimize the control strategy and program according to the real-time scene and push and update it immediately, providing a complete and real-time deep intelligent experience.

Unbounded interactive IMOS operating systemThe 39-inch Incell, which can perform intelligent split-screen lifting according to the usage scene, runs through the big screen. With the help of intelligent unbounded OS, it can realize a smooth unbounded multi-screen interactive experience, support multi-screen display and be freely customized.

Carlog, a super vehicle-mounted intelligent camera system, with three super wide-angle cameras with a total of 150 million pixels, supports 180 distortion-free super wide-angle, 4K high-definition video shooting, super night scene, high dynamic range, time-lapse photography, slow-motion photography and other modes, and can be edited and shared to social platforms with one click, creating a super social sharing experience for users that everything can be shared instantly.

Intelligent automatic drivingThe hardware part is equipped with 15 high-definition visual cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars, and matched with NVIDIA Xavier chip, which realizes urban intelligent navigation+high-speed intelligent navigation+centimeter-level high-precision fixed-point automatic parking. It also supports the upgrade capability of NVIDIA Orin X and three laser radars, and realizes "full scene, most continuous and zero takeover" automatic driving with the permission of national laws and regulations and the further liberalization of high-precision maps.

Smart lighting system DLP+ISCThe intelligent lighting system consisting of 2.6 million pixels DLP and 5,000 LED ISC can identify the road narrowing condition and automatically trigger the width-indicating carpet in advance; It can also track the eyeball direction with the help of the camera in the car and control the direction in which the headlights illuminate the driver.

Intelligent pure electric car

At the brand launch site, Zhiji Automobile made its debut in the world with two new mass-produced stereotypes of IM Zhiji brand-smart pure electric car and smart pure electric SUV.

The front face of Zhiji Automobile’s first car is designed with a closed middle net, and the headlights are very sharp and look very futuristic.

The taillights are designed through, and there is also a smart lighting system inside the taillights, which can display customized content. The new car is positioned as a pure electric luxury B-class car with body sizes of 5000, 1960 and 1485 mm..

In the car, a large number of solid wood decorative boards and semi-aniline calfskin from Bavaria, Germany were used in Como Lake area, Italy, at 45 north latitude. It is also equipped with a large-size integrated floating display screen that can be lifted and lowered, and adopts intelligent voice control+screen touch of the whole vehicle. There are more intelligent configurations that have been mentioned in the previous section and will not be described here.

The new car will provide 93kWh and 115kWh battery packs, of which 115kWh has a cruising range of 1000km;; The power adopts the layout of front and rear double motors, the comprehensive power reaches 400kW, the comprehensive torque reaches 700Nm, and the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes only 3.9 seconds.

The all-aluminum chassis is equipped with a front double wishbone and a rear five-bar suspension, a brake-by-wire system and an AKC rear wheel steering system, as well as a CDC intelligent electronic control suspension system, and is operated by Williams, an international professional chassis adjustment team from F1 Team.

The new car will be booked globally during the Shanghai Auto Show in April 2021, listed at the end of 2021 and delivered to the owners in 2022.

Intelligent pure electric SUV

Zhiji’s first SUV body applied more curves, and the design was softer than the first car. The front face is equipped with a closed air intake grille, and the sharp split headlights make the front face still look very sporty. The shape of the tail is full of layers, with a through taillight design, and the shapes at both ends of the bumper echo the front of the car.

The new car will be officially launched in 2022. At present, the official interior official map and other information of the new car have not been disclosed, and we continue to pay attention.

Write it at the end

How to keep running and stand out from the fierce competition in the increasingly fierce environment of new car-making enterprises requires capital, high-tech intelligence and car-making experience. With Alibaba’s research in intelligent systems, SAIC’s years of experience in building cars, and the strong financial strength of both parties, coupled with the support of Pudong New Area, Zhiji Automobile can be said to have stood on the shoulders of giants since its birth.

Of course, Zhiji Auto has not lived up to expectations. As soon as it debuted, it has released core technologies such as intelligent digital architecture, intelligent unbounded OS, intelligent interactive sharing, intelligent autonomous driving, and intelligent three-electricity technology. Everything is well prepared. The strength of travel change in the intelligent era is there, but whether it can be successful depends on what kind of answer will be given on the price when the first model is pre-sold and listed.

Extreme Krypton 001 FR unveiled and opened the reservation. The first delivery is expected in late October.

On September 1st, Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology released five core technology evolution achievements at Ningbo International Circuit: Extreme Krypton 001 high-performance version-001fr was officially unveiled; The car is equipped with a four-motor distributed electric drive released in mass production for the first time. The official said that the acceleration of zero hundred is 2.07 seconds; And the torque vector control of the first mass production four wheels is used; Satellite communication technology has also been mass-produced for the first time; In the aspect of energy-supplementing system, extremely charged V3, a charging pile with a single gun peak power of 800kW, has accelerated its evolution.

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Source: Extreme official

At the press conference, An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, said: "Extreme Krypton 001 officially launched the push of ZEEKR OS 5.0 version, and the new HMI3.0 was updated and upgraded with interactive experience, landing sentry mode, RSPA remote control direct entry and direct exit parking, door opening warning and many other functions. The extremely high-speed NZP was also officially launched. "

As the pioneer of pure electric hunting coupe, Krypton 001 has a place in the most competitive pure electric market of more than 300,000 by virtue of the value of hunting outfit, the passability of SUV, the space of station wagon and the control of super-running. Based on 001′ s mechanical quality and the product advantage that hunting clothes are all-powerful, extreme krypton 001 evolved to the extreme, and luxury hunting clothes super run 001 FR made its first public appearance.

Extreme Krypton 001 FR turns on the full-stack 800V high-voltage system, which has higher motor output power, stronger charging and discharging ability and higher energy conversion efficiency, matching with 100kWh Kirin battery. According to the official, it only takes 15 minutes to charge from 10% to 80%. At the same time, the four-motor distributed electric drive built by Krypton started mass production, with the performance of 001 FR added, and four high-performance SiC permanent magnet synchronous motors developed by Krypton made its maximum horsepower reach 1265 Ps, and the measured acceleration was 2.36 seconds, excluding the starting time (excluding the starting time: under standard working conditions, excluding the starting time of the first foot). ) Zero-speed acceleration is only 2.07 seconds, and the maximum speed is 280 km/h.

Extreme Krypton 001 FR is a hunting truck that can turn around the tank, and it has a peak torque at the wheel end of over 10,000 Nm. The U-turn of 001 FR tank not only does not pick the road surface, but also can accurately control the direction. Just choose the desired rotation angle, 001 FR can be completed automatically, and the deviation of the center of the circle is less than 20cm when turning around.

On the basis of intelligent drive system, Krypton invented a black technology with pure electrical performance-ZVC Krypton torque vector control. This is the first mass-produced four-wheel torque vector control system, which can monitor the rotating speed of four motors in real time during the whole journey of the vehicle, and accurately distribute and independently control the torque output of each wheel through intelligent algorithms.

Based on ZVC torque vector control, with the 50:50 weight distribution of polar krypton before and after 001 FR, the maximum lateral G value is 1.4 G when 001 FR turns. In addition, in the bottom test of Zhejiang International Circuit, Krypton 001 FR surpassed the fastest mass-produced electric vehicle in the current lap speed list with the fastest lap speed of 1 minute, 37 seconds and 53 seconds, setting a new record for pure electric performance.

More than that, the original factory of Krypton 001 FR has calibrated racing-class high-performance equipment, including Brembo top-class carbon ceramic brake discs, AP track-class ten-piston calipers, KW twisted teeth shock absorbers and other accessories, fully armed high-performance carbon fiber aerodynamic kit and brand-new intelligent driving mode, etc., which will fully stretch the performance of 001 FR. 001 FR is also the world’s first mass production equipped with 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform. At present, Krypton 001 FR has started booking, with a maximum delivery of 99 units per month. It is expected that the first delivery will be started in late October.

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Source: Extreme official

Extreme krypton security re-evolved, and satellite communication technology was put into mass production for the first time in the world. Before the end of the year, 001 FR equipped with vehicle-mounted satellite communication technology will be able to open two-way satellite message and satellite voice call services, and realize sending and receiving messages and satellite calls under the condition of no ground network coverage or damage to the ground network, so as to make travel areas without network signal coverage in the past.

Based on the forward-looking vision of the vast architecture, since the brand was established in 2021, it has adhered to the self-developed, self-built and self-operated ultra-fast charging network. Regardless of scale, performance or core technology, the ultra-fast charging layout of the 800V platform is fully ahead of the industry. As of August 31st, the number of extremely charged stations has reached 348, ranking first in the whole industry, covering 90 cities, with more than 2,000 extremely charged parking spaces.

On the night of the conference, the world’s first extremely charged V3 charging pile was launched, with a single gun with a maximum power of 800kW, a maximum output voltage of 1000V and a maximum output current of 800A, and its core performance set an industry record. By the end of 2023, the V3 will be officially mass-produced, and will be put into use in the first quarter of next year. Extreme Krypton said that the layout of extreme charging is also accelerating. It is estimated that more than 450 extreme charging stations will be completed in 2023. In 2024, it is planned to maintain the speed of "one station a day" and realize the world’s first ultra-fast charging layout under the 800V system.

Starting from September 1st, ZEEKR OS 5.0 officially started pushing. At present, users of Krypton 001 can start OTA upgrade of OS 5.0. These include sentry mode, brand-new HMI3.0, richer cockpit entertainment, more diversified cockpit mode adjustment, and RSPA remote control parking straight in and straight out, door opening warning and other functions. In addition, the OS 5.0 push of Extreme Krypton X is expected to start in September.

In terms of intelligent driving, since the public beta of NZP high-speed autonomous navigation assistance was launched on July 1, the total mileage has exceeded 1.58 million kilometers and the total test time has exceeded 47,000 hours. On September 1st, NZP, an extremely krypton expressway, was officially launched. The first two cities, Shanghai and Hangzhou, were opened, and 17 cities will be opened before the end of the year. The NZP beta of 20 cities will be launched simultaneously before the end of the year.

Shenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving, and Volkswagen and Bosch jointly develop L2/L3 autonomous driving technology | July Smart Driving Hot Search

Shenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving, and Volkswagen and Bosch jointly develop L2/L3 autonomous driving technology | July Smart Driving Hot SearchShenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving, and Volkswagen and Bosch jointly develop L2/L3 autonomous driving technology | July Smart Driving Hot Search

01 Take a macro look

# Shenzhen takes the lead in legislating for autonomous driving

On July 5, the Regulations on the Management of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone passed the deliberation and came into force on August 1, 2022. This is the first domestic regulation regulating intelligent networked vehicle management, which consists of nine chapters and sixty-four articles, including general rules, road testing and demonstration applications, access and registration, use management, vehicle-road collaborative infrastructure, network security and data protection, traffic accidents and violation handling, legal responsibilities and supplementary provisions. The "Regulations" is the first official management document in China to divide important issues such as the rights and responsibilities of L3 and above autopilot in detail, and it is expected that Shenzhen will continue to issue more detailed normative documents in the future.

Comments:In the history of autonomous driving in China, it is a landmark worthy of recording.

# China has completed the first phase of intelligent networked automobile standard system construction.

On July 16th, the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee said that China has completed the construction of the first-stage intelligent networked automobile standard system, and by 2030, China will add more than 100 intelligent networked automobile standards. It is said that in the first phase of China’s intelligent networked automobile standard system, 39 related standards have been submitted for approval, and China has initially established an intelligent networked automobile standard system that can support driver assistance and low-level automatic driving. There are 19 international standards and regulations led and formulated by China.

Comments:It will provide support and guarantee for the development of intelligent networked automobile industry.

# "Research Achievements of Automotive Chip Standard System Construction" released

On July 20th, China Automotive Chip Industry Innovation Strategic Alliance released "Research Achievements of Automotive Chip Standard System Construction". At present, 15 automobile chip standards have been formulated and published, covering the general requirements, reliability, functional safety, system matching test, vehicle matching test and other fields of automobile control chips, communication chips and power semiconductors.

Comments:The Long March took the first step.

# The junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai will be the first to open the autopilot test road.

On July 28th, "Several Measures on Accelerating the Development of Digital Economy in the Yangtze River Delta Eco-green Integration Development Demonstration Zone" was issued, which pointed out that the junction of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang will work together to build a leading vehicle-road collaborative demonstration zone in China. It is reported that the demonstration area will enrich the open test road scenes of autonomous driving, and explore and promote the construction of open test road scenes in water town living room, Huandianshan Lake and National Intelligent Networked Automobile (Jiashan, Zhejiang) demonstration area.

Comments:Integrated development to create the growth pole of autonomous driving.

Take a look at business applications.

# Radish Run Opens the Pilot of Autopilot Commercialization in Wuhan

On July 5, Baidu Apollo announced that its self-driving travel service platform "Radish Run" started a commercial pilot in Wuhan Economic Development Zone to provide self-driving paid travel services to the public. According to the plan, the pilot service will cover 166 kilometers of roads within 30 square kilometers of the Economic Development Zone, and 63 recommended boarding points will be set up. The service time will last from 9: 00 am to 17: 00.

Comments:The scope of self-driving travel services has been further expanded.

# Beijing launches the first commercial pilot of unmanned travel in China.

On July 20th, Beijing officially opened the first domestic unmanned travel service commercialization pilot. Baidu and Xiaoma Zhixing became the first batch of licensed enterprises, and invested 30 main driving unmanned vehicles within 60 square kilometers of the core area of the Economic Development Zone to carry out normalized toll collection services.

Comments:This indicates that the domestic unmanned travel service has entered a new stage of commercialization pilot from demonstration operation.

# Feibu Technology Cheluyun Application Fully Landing in Nantong Port

On July 27th, with the approval of the coastline of the container terminal in Lvsi Qibu Port Area, the application scheme of smart port with integrated vehicle, road and cloud built by Feibu Technology for Nantong Port also passed the acceptance test recently and was officially delivered to customers. The solution includes products and services such as car-side driverless, roadside intelligent perception and cloud scheduling management.

Comments:The commercial application of the automated transport queue composed of multiple vehicles, such as automatic driving truck +IGV, has reached a new level.

Take a look at enterprise dynamics.

# Volkswagen and Bosch cooperate to develop L2/L3 autopilot technology.

On July 6th, Volkswagen and Bosch obtained permission from the German Cartel Office and began to cooperate in developing autonomous driving technology. The two sides will cooperate on L2 /L3 autonomous driving technology, and the new technology will be deployed on the vehicles of Volkswagen Group in 2023. In addition, the two sides will also develop L3-level automatic driving function based on expressway.

Comments:The combination of Bosch and Volkswagen will further enhance their competitiveness in the field of autonomous driving, and it will also promote their smooth electrification transformation.

# Mercedes-Benz and Tencent signed a memorandum of cooperation.

On July 11th, Daimler Greater China Investment Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of cooperation with Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. to carry out strategic cooperation in the field of high-level autonomous driving, and use cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence technologies to speed up the simulation, testing and application of Mercedes-Benz autonomous driving technology. According to reports, the cooperation will also establish a joint laboratory for autonomous driving to support the joint research and development of autonomous driving technology between Mercedes-Benz and NVIDIA in China.

Comments:Can a strong alliance occupy a place in the fierce competition in the field of autonomous driving?

# Amazon Cloud Technology expounds the automotive industry solution

On July 14th, Amazon Cloud Technology announced that it will define the digital scenes of the three major automobile industries around autonomous driving, car networking and software, and empower the digital transformation of the automobile industry. It will help car companies to build an end-to-end closed loop of autopilot data centered on the autopilot data lake, and use its infrastructure in 84 available areas in 26 regions around the world to allow car companies to build a car networking platform. It can also integrate Amazon Intelligent Personal Assistant Amazon Alexa to provide users with voice interaction in the car, and so on.

Comments:The temptation of the self-driving car industry is not small, and the leader in the cloud computing industry has also taken a share.

# BYD or self-developed smart driving chip

On July 15th, it was learned from a number of people familiar with the matter that BYD was planning to independently develop a special chip for intelligent driving. The project was led by BYD’s semiconductor team, and it has already sent a demand to the design company. At the same time, it is also recruiting a BSP(Board Support Package) technical team. If the progress is fast, it is expected that the film can be streamed at the end of the year.

Comments:Intelligence is a battleground for military strategists, and BYD’s layout comes naturally.

# Baidu Apollo RT6 released

On July 21st, Baidu released the sixth generation mass-produced unmanned vehicle-Apollo RT6. The new car has the full unmanned driving ability of complex urban roads, and the cost is 250,000 yuan. Its biggest feature lies in the forward research and development. Apollo RT6 is the first model based on Robotaxi forward design and development. According to the plan, Apollo RT6 will be the first to be put into use in radish fast running, and will be put into trial operation in small batches in the second half of 2023, operating in 65 cities in 2025 and covering 100 cities in 2030.

Comments:Positive research and development helps Baidu to make great strides in the field of autonomous driving.

# Iflytek: It has cooperated with more than 90% independent and joint venture car companies.

Recently, Iflytek said on the investor interaction platform that the company’s cooperation in automotive intelligent products has covered more than 90% of China’s mainstream independent brands and joint-venture brand car manufacturers, including BYD, Weilai, Ideality, Gaohe, Weimar, Zero Run and other new energy car manufacturers.

Comments:Iflytek’s circle of friends keeps expanding.

# Xiaoma Zhixing and Sany Heavy Truck set up a joint venture company.

On July 28th, Xiaoma Zhixing and Sany Heavy Truck announced that they would set up a joint venture company to develop, produce and sell L4 self-driving heavy truck products and jointly build a high-end self-driving heavy truck brand. The joint venture company plans to start small-scale mass production delivery in 2022. In 2024, it will further integrate Xiaoma Zhixing’s virtual driver capability, as well as Sany Heavy Truck’s drive-by-wire chassis and vehicle development capability, and mass-produce high-end self-driving heavy truck products. In a few years, the annual output is expected to exceed 10,000 vehicles.

Comments:The development of self-driving heavy trucks has reached a new level.

04 capital trends a stroke.

# Xinqing Technology completed nearly one billion yuan in Series A financing.

On July 19th, Xinqing Technology successfully completed nearly one billion yuan of Series A financing. The financing funds are planned to be used for the batch supply of existing products and the next stage of R&D and deployment of vehicle-mounted chips with high computing power. This round of financing was led by Sequoia Capital, and Neusoft Capital, Bosch’s Boyuan Capital and SMIC Juyuan participated in the investment. It is reported that this is the largest single financing in the field of automotive chip design in China in the first half of 2022.

Comments:Automotive chips are the best in the industry.

# Weilai Capital leads the unmanned sanitation company Yunchuang Zhixing Pre-A round.

On July 19th, Weilai Capital announced that it would lead the investment in the Pre-A round of financing of Yunchuangzhi, an unmanned sanitation company, which will be used for the research and development of the company’s core technology, the large-scale mass production and the wider commercial deployment. Founded in March 2021, Yunchuang Zhixing is an autonomous driving company focusing on the sanitation industry and is committed to creating an overall solution for unmanned sanitation operations.

Comments:Subdivide the track or take the lead in breaking the bottleneck of large-scale application in the industry.

# Yuntu Semiconductor completed hundreds of millions of A+ rounds of financing.

On July 29th, Yuntu Semiconductor announced the completion of several hundred million yuan A+ round financing. Xiaomi Investment and Lianxin Capital continued to increase, and new institutions such as Jinbang Capital, BAIC Investment, Core Kinetic Energy, Huitianfu and Yongxin Capital increased their investment. It is reported that this round of financing funds will be mainly used for the research and development of next-generation products and the mass production and sales of L and M series chips.

Comments:The strength of the seed player of the car gauge chip should not be underestimated.

05 talk about personnel changes

# Tucson Future Co-founder Huang Zezhen resigned

On July 5, according to media reports, Huang Zehua, the future co-founder and vice president of engineering of Tucson, left his post in October 2021 and will start a business in the field of trucks. According to Tianyan’s enterprise information, in April this year, Huang Zehua established a company called "Zero One Smart Card". According to industry insiders, the direction of Zero One Smart Card is to provide truck hardware for autonomous driving software companies and become the "Wei Xiaoli" in the domestic truck industry.

Comments:The smart truck industry needs new forces to stir the pool water.

# Chen Yilun, Chief Architect of Huawei Car BU, resigned.

On July 13th, according to media reports, Chen Yilunbo, CTO of Huawei’s autonomous driving system and chief scientist of Car BU, recently left his post to join Dr. Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua and Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute (AIR) as the chief expert in the direction of intelligent robots. Chen Yilun led the full-stack research and development of Huawei’s first-generation autopilot system from 0 to 1.

Comments:The result of Huawei’s organizational structure adjustment.

# Former UBS Group AG executive Hou Yanzhen became CFO of Heduo Technology.

On July 18th, Heduo Technology announced that Hou Yankun, the former Asian vice chairman and managing director of UBS Group AG Global Investment Banking Department, was appointed as the company’s chief financial officer, in charge of the company’s capital operation, finance and strategy-related work. According to the data, Hou Yankun has worked in many internationally renowned financial institutions such as Swiss Bank, Nomura International and Lehman Brothers, and has nearly 20 years of experience in securities research and investment and financing in the automotive and machinery industries. He has led a team to complete domestic and foreign capital market financing projects such as LI, Weilai Automobile, BYD, Geely, Volvo, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Junsheng Electronics.

Comments:With the participation of financial background executives, the operation of Heduo Technology Capital may be smoother.

# Lenovo Group intensively recruits automotive R&D talents.

Recently, Lenovo Group began to intensively recruit automotive R&D talents through official channels. Lenovo’s open positions include autopilot engineering director, in-vehicle infotainment system director, senior hardware/software manager, etc. In addition, LR VC Lab related positions have been opened. Earlier, Yang Yuanqing, chairman of Lenovo Group, said in an interview that Lenovo was determined not to build cars, but to put limited energy and resources on a clear track.

Comments:No cars, but layout.

Listen to international news.

# Volkswagen will support the "pay on demand" mode of autonomous driving.

On July 10th, Dirk Hilgenberg, CEO of Cariad, a software division of Volkswagen Group, said that Volkswagen will provide a pay-as-you-go mode in the autopilot function, which means that the Volkswagen autopilot assistance system will support the option of paying by mileage in the future. However, he did not disclose the charging standard.

Comments:Volkswagen uses autonomous driving to develop new profit points.

# GM and Ford apply for the deployment of self-driving cars without steering wheel

On July 21st, General Motors and Ford Motor Company applied to the American automobile safety regulatory agency for exemption, allowing the deployment of a certain number of self-driving cars without artificial control devices such as steering wheel and brake pedal. Both automakers hope to deploy as many as 2,500 cars for carpooling and distribution services every year, which is the maximum number allowed by law.

Comments:The form of self-driving cars is evolving to imagination.

#Cruise will launch a self-driving taxi service in Dubai

On July 24th, Cruise has tried to launch a self-driving taxi service in Dubai. According to the Dubai Road and Transportation Authority (RTA), Cruise has sent two Chevrolet Bolt electric cars equipped with autonomous driving systems to Dubai just a few weeks after it officially launched its commercial driverless business in San Francisco, and started to draw a map of the city, in order to prepare for the official launch of autonomous driving commercial services in the local area in 2023.

Comments:The agreement with Dubai marks Cruise’s major expansion plan.

Explore 07 cutting-edge technology

# Tesla will demonstrate Steam integration next month.

On July 16, Tesla CEO Musk said in response to a netizen’s question about Tesla games, "We have made progress in Steam integration and may give a demonstration next month." On February 23 this year, in response to a question from a Twitter user, Musk said that Tesla was studying transplanting Steam games (in batches) into the car.

Comments:In-car entertainment, a valuable gold mine, is being developed.

# Apple applied for a patent for professional mixed reality headphones.

On July 18th, Apple applied for a new patent: a patent for professional mixed reality headphones for self-driving cars without windows. Windows are originally unsafe, which will increase the cost. By providing a virtual view of the real environment or the simulated environment, the VR system can reduce or eliminate the need for windows for self-driving cars, thus allowing the windows of vehicles to be smaller, or directly canceling the windows, thus making self-driving cars safer, smaller and cheaper.

Comments:Virtual reality technology may change the structure of self-driving vehicles.

# Sony will develop new autopilot sensors

On July 19th, Sony Group announced that it will develop a new self-driving sensor, which will reduce the power consumption by 70% and increase the driving range of electric vehicles (EVs). The sensor will be manufactured by Sony Semiconductor Solutions and paired with new software developed by the startup Tier IV. The two companies hope to achieve L4 technology by 2030, allowing cars to drive automatically under certain conditions.

Comments:Sony black technology may make the driving range no longer anxious.

"Run" is the highest in double-network viewing, reshaping fashion concept and inheriting intangible culture.

Last Friday, "Run" ushered in an "unusual catwalk". At the beginning of the program, it started with the pajamas of its members, went to the catwalk that was fashionable and eye-catching after the female guests took the stage, and then went to the dressing session to convey the fashionable ideas in the workplace, environmental protection and consumption concept, so that the program was both interesting and positive. Netizens commented: "This catwalk is really funny, fashionable and meaningful!"

The ratings refresh the double-network champion.

The popularity of program topics continues to climb.

The audience rating of CSM59 is 2.96%, which not only won the audience rating champion of all variety shows in the weekend file, but also set a new high for this year’s "Run", ranking first in the national network with 1.29%, achieving the "double-network champion". The topic popularity of the program is on the rise, with a total of 8 hot searches in Weibo, 25 platforms covering the whole network, 61 hot searches in the whole network, authoritative data such as Cat’s Eye, Gu Duo, Yunhe, Yi En, etc. TOP1, "Run" topped the Weibo Variety Hour List, and the reading volume of # Run # main topic reached 29.8 billion, among which # Sha Yi picked clothes for Cheng Xiao # topped the Weibo Hot Search TOP1. With the popularity, ratings and topic of Qi Fei, the popularity and responsibility of this national variety show are once again reflected.

Reshaping fashion concept and inheriting intangible culture 

This program takes the fashion theme as the entry point, and at the same time conveys and reshapes the fashion concept. For example, Jerry Lee’s shape is covered with sticky notes, reflecting the true state of "workplace elites" and paying attention to the physical and mental health of young people; Ryan practices "rejecting fur" and pays attention to animal protection while being fashionable; Sha Yi’s clothing modeling pays attention to the theme of "health"; Guo Qilin’s "lazy cancer" style directly hits the pain points of contemporary young people; Angelababy’s clothing is based on "scale" and conveys a kind of "altruistic spirit". These clothing styles are not so much fashion catwalks as "walking labels", each of which reminds us to stay away from the negative and be close to the beautiful.

At the same time, the program also injects traditional culture into fashion themes, making traditional culture more youthful. In the catwalk session of this program, all the non-legacy handicrafts such as Yanchuan Budui Painting, Zhuxian Town Woodblock New Year Pictures and Guilin Zhuangjin Group Fan were unveiled, showing the beautiful folk wisdom and craftsman spirit to the audience. At the same time, Guo Qilin and Crystal, the winners in this program, also used these non-legacy handicrafts as props to shoot the covers of fashion magazines, so as to help Gaotian Ethnic School in Yangshuo County set up non-legacy courses and inherit non-legacy culture. "Run" has always exported mainstream value while conveying happiness, and won praise and praise from the audience and netizens.

The next issue will usher in the music special "Run". The members of the Running Men’s Team will compete with the flying guests Ronghao Li, Charlie and Silence Wang for the sales of gold records, and the top three flying chairs in the swimming pool will attack again, and the first famous brand tearing war is about to start this season. All the wonderful contents are at 21:10 on Friday, June 26th, Japan. Lock in "Run" by Zhejiang Satellite TV’s An Muxi, and let’s run for the better!