Oil price "7 times" car owners have no shortage of "fuel-saving wisdom"

   Wuyi News Network (reporter, Wu Jingyang) Affected by the rise in oil prices, the travel patterns of many car owners in our county have quietly changed, and they have come up with many fuel-saving tricks.

  Bus and electric vehicle travel

  "Xiao Li, why don’t you drive?" When he got off work at noon yesterday, Mr. Li, who was working in a public institution in the county seat, pushed a new electric car out of the door of the unit, and a colleague asked this. Faced with the doubts of his colleagues, Mr. Li said: "Now that the oil price is so high, I ride an electric car to get off work instead."

  Mr. Li lives in Xianxia’s house on South Wenquan Road, six stops away from his work. Two years ago, he bought a car for transportation, and with the rise in oil prices, he increasingly felt that it was difficult to maintain a car. After the oil price was raised again this time, he calculated an account: his car consumes about 10 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, and the monthly fuel bill is about 50 yuan more than before. "In this way, I have to spend about 600 yuan more a year, and now I basically don’t drive for short distances," he said. The reporter learned in the interview that, like Mr. Li, many car owners often choose buses, electric vehicles and other travel.

  Reduce the burden on the trunk

  Last weekend, Mr. Wang, who worked in a company in the county development zone, gave his car’s trunk a thorough cleaning. Children’s carts, all kinds of shoes, books… "Look, these things add up to dozens of kilograms. I heard that reducing the burden on the trunk can save fuel," Mr. Wang said.

  According to Mr. Wang, after the oil price rose this time, he looked up fuel-saving tips online. "I learned from the Internet that every 45kg reduction in vehicle weight can reduce vehicle fuel consumption by up to 2%." Mr. Wang said that reducing the burden on the trunk from time to time is a good way to save fuel. At the same time, he does not fill up at one time, but adds half or two-thirds of the fuel, so that the car can be light on the road. It is understood that many veteran drivers also save fuel by not easily overtaking at high speed and avoiding congested routes.

  Change from self-driving tour to group tour

  At noon yesterday, Ms. Zhang, who lives in Qixia Garden, used her lunch break to rush to the travel agency near her unit to inquire about the travel situation of the "May Day" long-term tour.

  "Originally, we were going to go on a self-driving tour, but everyone may have changed to a group tour considering the cost issue." According to Ms. Zhang, in order to go out and take care of each other, last week, she asked college classmates to go on a self-driving tour, but very few people responded. It turned out that the students felt that the price of oil had risen, and the cost of self-driving tours was too high. According to the staff of a travel agency in the urban area, with the rise in oil prices, the cost of self-driving tours has increased, and many citizens have switched to group tours with their families.