"Clean and honest Changsha" is jointly built globally, injecting "clean power" into the "strong provincial capital" strategy

Correspondent, Chen Quan, Ai Chunwang

"Originally, I just asked how to handle the’Teacher Qualification Certificate Supplement Form ‘on the way, but I didn’t expect that the matter would be done without any documents." Recently, the experience of Mr. Liu, a citizen, working in Changsha’s government service hall has changed his stereotype of "government entities are difficult to handle". Let power operate under the sun, and let the masses enhance their sense of gain in the streamlining of administration and decentralization. This is the original intention of Changsha’s efforts to promote the construction of a clean hall. At present, Changsha’s government service hall can realize 23 types of fresh electronic certificates such as "ID card", "household registration book" and "residence permit" without submission, and can directly apply for 6 types of high-frequency certification items online.

Since last year, Changsha has taken the construction of "clean units" as a breakthrough point, and has coordinated and promoted the clean construction of key units such as organs, enterprises, schools, hospitals, and villages (residents).Strong provincial capital"Strategic and comprehensive construction of a modern new Changsha provides a strong guarantee."

We will work together in the same direction, and the clean construction will be consistent to the end

Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Changsha has been promoting comprehensive and strict party governance with the persistence of always on the road. The municipal party committee clearly stated that "we must firmly assume the responsibility of the provincial capital of building a clean and honest Hunan, accelerate the construction of’clean and honest Changsha, ‘and continue to promote comprehensive and strict party governance in depth."

In October 2021, the Municipal Party Committee issued the implementation opinions on promoting the construction of a clean Changsha, drew the timetable and road map for the construction of a clean Changsha, and proposed that the construction of a clean Changsha unit should be taken as the breakthrough point, and the main responsibility and supervision responsibility should be made in the same direction to integrate the construction of a clean Changsha into all aspects of economic and social development. Anchor the goals and tasks, and a top-down clean construction action will be laid out.

The construction of corruption-free units is organically combined with the business work of various departments, industries and fields, and realizes the co-creation, co-construction and sharing of the whole society and the whole field. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision takes the opportunity to carry out the activity of "strengthening the provincial capital, being brave, taking the lead, and being an example". According to the requirements of "one unit, one characteristic", it guides and urges all municipal units to clarify the key points of creation, and refines the creation measures. A large number of clean-cut organs with distinct characteristics such as clean transportation, clean-cut medical insurance, and clean-cut environmental protection have begun to bear fruit.

The Municipal Market Supervision Bureau took the construction of "clean pharmacies" as the starting point to find weak links and risks of clean government, and standardize market supervision behavior. In particular, for the 17 units that violated discipline and law last year, targeted rectification measures were proposed to increase the intensity of promoting treatment and reform through cases.

The Municipal Public Construction Center promotes the construction of "clean projects" and implements a "dual control" system for project funds to prevent illegal affiliation and protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises and the payment of migrant workers’ wages.

Based on economic supervision, the Municipal Audit Bureau took the establishment of "clean audit" as a powerful breakthrough point, issued "ten measures" for the construction of clean audit institutions, promoted the effectiveness of the "first topic" of the party group meeting, and implemented the strategy of "strengthening the provincial capital" with high-quality audit supervision services.

The key to building a clean Changsha is to implement the main responsibility of the party organization. Party organizations at all levels insist on taking the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and include the construction of a clean Changsha in the important content of fulfilling the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party. The secretary of the party committee (party group) resolutely acts as the "construction captain".

Liuyang Municipal Party Committee issued the implementation plan for the construction of clean units, grading, classification, and sub-systems to promote the construction of clean units year by year, and implement inventory management and project promotion to ensure that the construction of clean Liuyang achieves practical results. Wangcheng District held a special meeting on strengthening political supervision and promoting the construction of clean Wangcheng, formulated and issued an implementation plan, refined 15 measures from the aspects of strengthening political supervision, deepening the governance of special projects, and improving system construction, and once again compacted the responsibility for clean construction. Yuhua District Party Committee has established a closed loop of responsibility of "knowing responsibilities, knowing responsibilities, fulfilling responsibilities, supervising responsibilities, and testing responsibilities and accountability" around clean construction, and promoted the implementation of clean Yuhua construction.

The relevant person in charge of the Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that the next step will also include the construction of clean Changsha in the focus of daily supervision, and promote the implementation of clean unit construction tasks without compromise.

Building a global clean and honest system

The global clean-up system must be promoted as a whole, and the city’s various industries and fields must take prompt action, especially the clean-up unit creation demonstration unit takes the initiative to carry out clean-up creation based on its own characteristics and unit characteristics, and takes the point to bring the surface and grasp the outline and the purpose to achieve all-round clean-up target services. "Strong provincial capital"Strategy implementation.

The municipal economic park is the "main battlefield" of economic construction. The Party Working Committee of the park takes clean construction as a breakthrough point and helps to strengthen the park"Strong provincial capital"Ningxiang Economic Development Zone promotes the forward movement of supervision in key areas, organizes a special talk on clean government for project construction, and both parties sign a commitment to clean government; Liuyang Economic Development Zone focuses on the construction of projects, innovatively sets up special windows for key projects, and promotes the "minimalist approval and excellent service" of engineering construction projects. Promote the construction of "five good" parks with an excellent business environment.

The breeze blows righteousness, and integrity enters the project. On the "red construction site" of the Xinglian Road Bridge Project and the West Auxiliary Road Project, the builders wearing hard hats and masks are full of energy, racing against time to catch up with the construction schedule and rush the progress. The Party Committee of Changsha Transportation Group deepened the brand creation of the "Party Building + Project", and used the Xinglian Road Great Passage and other projects as demonstration points for the construction of "clean projects". Strictly controlled the "progress pass" of the project, the "payment pass" of the work cost and the "review pass" of the design change, and built the project into a high-quality and clean project.

In the financial sector, Bank of Changsha strives to create a unique clean culture with the theme of "a cup of clean water""Strong provincial capital"And the rural revitalization strategy, focusing on the implementation of the "three highs and four new" strategic financial service situation special project inspection, and promoting the "I do practical things for the grassroots, I do practical things for customers, I do practical things for the masses" activities. Agricultural Bank of China Changsha Branch has established and improved a clean financial culture system with equal emphasis on ideology, system and education, and built a solid anti-corruption and anti-change ideological defense line and a clean financial culture foundation.

Medical treatment and education are closely related to the interests of the masses, and clean construction is also constantly advancing in depth to hospitals and schools. Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital closely integrates the construction of clean hospitals with the solution of the masses’ "expensive and difficult to see a doctor", and solidly carries out the "clean medical insurance" and "four unreasonable" special project rectification actions. In 2021, the average cost of gynecological hospitalization will be reduced by 9.58%. The city’s education system adheres to "home-school co-construction and five-Qing education", carries out regular supervision around the "construction of teachers’ morality and style", comprehensively promotes the construction of "clean schools", and guides students to buckle the "first button in life".

With the construction of clean and honest units being carried out in full swing in all units of the city, the concept and measures of clean and honest are gradually covering various industries, and the clean and honest culture with clean as beauty and clean as pride has gradually been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Enhance the quality and efficiency of supervision and deeply empower the "strong provincial capital"

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Changsha focus on the decisions and arrangements of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, keep an eye on the goals and tasks of "strengthening the provincial capital", identify the focus of political supervision, and further improve the comprehensive efficiency of supervision. The construction of clean government has become a powerful driving force and endogenous driving force for the implementation of the "strong provincial capital" strategy.

As an important bearing platform for the "strong provincial capital" strategy, Malanshan Video Merchandise Park fights against the "strong provincial capital" strategic task wall chart, and focuses on strengthening the industry and promoting development. The park’s Discipline Inspection Commission simultaneously lists the "three lists" of tasks, projects and responsibilities, draws the decomposed map of responsibilities, the implementation path map, and the achievement display map. Adhere to the one-month lecture, one-quarter evaluation, and one-year review, and do detailed supervision work to ensure that major decision-making and deployment are in place.

While being a good "supervisor", it actively solves problems for enterprises and makes every effort to optimize the business environment of the park. Since the beginning of this year, the Discipline Inspection Committee of Malanshan Video Merchandise Park has visited 32 key enterprises and projects under construction in the jurisdiction through door-to-door research, visits and discussions, and assigned 25 problems.

Supervision and regulation of the operation of small and micro power is an effective measure to safeguard people’s livelihood and the interests of the people. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Changsha promote the comprehensive extension of strict party governance to the grassroots level, continuously improve the supervision system, promote the standardized operation of small and micro power, and consolidate the solid foundation for the implementation of the "strong provincial capital" strategy.

"Things in the past are clear, things in the present are at ease, and things in the future will be settled." Xia Duopu Community in Ningxiang City has vigorously carried out the construction of "clean and honest village dwellings" through strict "management of power, money, and people" management measures, which has won the unanimous approval of community residents. It is reported that the Ningxiang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has pushed deep into the grassroots to find problems, promoted the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance with high-quality supervision, excavated and built a number of "clean and honest village dwellings" demonstration sites, and promoted the close and regular extension of supervision to the grassroots through system management, cultural integrity, and open promotion of integrity.

Liuyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision took the lead in launching the small and micro power "supervision one point pass" service platform in the province, and sorted out the list of 38 service items in 5 categories such as village affairs disclosure, "three capital" management, project management, Huimin Huinong, and people’s livelihood services. The specific matters such as village-level project construction, collective income distribution, homestead approval, and low-income guarantee were allocated to the platform to achieve one-click access to problem reflection, process traceability, and results inquiry, ensuring that small and micro power operates under the sun.

"Some window staff are not well-aware of service, their business is not refined, and they lack patience for handling the consultation matters of the enterprise masses." Recently, the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau carried out the supervision and inspection of the special project of the city’s "clean hall" construction, focusing on the formalist bureaucratic problems such as window staff shirking, rigid attitude, and lazy procrastination in administrative examination and approval and government services. The enterprise mass symposium was held 5 times to sort out and collect 72 problems, and urge all rectification to be in place.

Strengthening work style is an important breakthrough point for "strengthening the provincial capital" and a strong guarantee for officers to start their own businesses. Since the beginning of this year, the Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has combined with "strengthening the provincial capital"
Courage to take responsibility for the "Work Style Construction Year" action requirements, deepen the centralized rectification of formalism and bureaucracy, focus on rectification of "shouting slogans, pretending, discounting" "making superficial articles, making false claims to deal with" inaction, inaction "and other issues, and continue to improve the work style of cadres and purify the political ecology. From January to April this year, the city investigated and dealt with 58 cases of formalism and bureaucracy, including 26 cases of party discipline and government punishment.

"The implementation of the’strong provincial capital ‘strategy is effective, and it needs to be guaranteed by’strong supervision’." The relevant person in charge of the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that the next step will focus on the strategic goals and tasks of the "strong provincial capital", pay close attention to the promotion of key projects, the implementation of the empowerment policy of the provincial municipal committee, and the promotion of work indicators. Follow up supervision and precise supervision, press and compact the main responsibilities of all departments at all levels, seriously investigate and deal with problems such as insufficient style, ineffective promotion, and poor discipline, and create a better economic environment, social environment, and political environment for the service and guarantee of the "strong provincial capital" strategy.