On May Day, the video of A Xin’s live jumping subject III was shocked and exposed, showing his love and passion for music.

Original title: On May Day, the video of A Xin’s live jumping subject III was shocked and exposed, showing his love and passion for music.

Hey, friends, have you paid attention to the New Year’s concert on May Day recently? At the "Back to that Day" concert in Taichung, lead singer A Xin performed a stunning video of dance subject III, which was really shocking! The difficulty coefficient of this dance is very high, which is beyond the control of ordinary dancers. When A Xin dances this dance, we can really feel his love for music and passionate attitude. His dance steps are smooth and natural, and every movement is full of strength and rhythm, which makes people excited. This performance once again proves Mayday’s strength and good stage charm. Let’s look forward to their wonderful performance in the future!

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